.Synopsis Test whether a NAV/BC Container exists .Description Returns $true if a NAV/BC Container with the specified name exists .Parameter containerName Name of the container which you want to check for existence .Parameter doNotIncludeStoppedContainers Specify this parameter if you only want to test running containers .Example if (Test-NavContainer -containerName devcontainer) { dosomething } #> function Test-NavContainer { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $containerName, [switch] $doNotIncludeStoppedContainers ) Process { $name = Get-NavContainerName $containerName if ($name) { $containerName = $name } $id = "" $a = "-a" if ($doNotIncludeStoppedContainers) { $a = "" } docker ps $a -q --no-trunc | ForEach-Object { $name = Get-NavContainerName -containerId $_ if ($name -eq $containerName) { $id = $_ } } if ($id) { $inspect = docker inspect $id | ConvertFrom-Json ($inspect.Config.Labels.psobject.Properties.Match('maintainer').Count -ne 0 -and $inspect.Config.Labels.maintainer -eq "Dynamics SMB") } else { $false } } } Set-Alias -Name Test-BCContainer -Value Test-NavContainer Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-NavContainer -Alias Test-BCContainer |