Param( [string] $hostsFile = "c:\driversetc\hosts", [string] $theHostname = "", [string] $theIpAddress = "" ) function UpdateHostsFile { Param( [string] $hostsFile, [string] $theHostname, [string] $theIpAddress ) new-item -Path $hostsFile -ItemType File -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null $file = $null try { while (!($file)) { try { $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($hostsFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::Read) } catch [SYstem.IO.IOException] { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } $content = New-Object System.Byte[] ($file.Length) $file.Read($content, 0, $file.Length) | Out-Null [System.Collections.ArrayList]$hosts = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($content)).Replace("`r`n","`n").Split("`n") if ($theHostname) { $theHostname = $theHostname.ToLowerInvariant() $ln = 0 while ($ln -lt $hosts.Count) { $line = $hosts[$ln] $idx = $line.IndexOf("#") if ($idx -eq 0) { $ln++ } else { if ($idx -gt 0) { $line = $line.Substring(0,$idx) } $hidx = ("$line ".Replace("`t"," ")).ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf(" $theHostname ") if ($hidx -ge 0 -or $line -eq "") { $hosts.RemoveAt($ln) | Out-Null } else { $existsLater = $false # Check wether the same hostname exists later $line = $line.Replace("`t"," ").Trim().ToLowerInvariant() $idx = $line.LastIndexOf(' ') if ($idx -ge 0) { $thisHostName = $line.SubString($idx + 1) $chkln = $ln+1 while ($chkln -lt $hosts.Count) { $line = $hosts[$chkln] $idx = $line.IndexOf("#") if ($idx -ge 0) { $line = $line.Substring(0,$idx) } if (("$line ".Replace("`t"," ")).ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf(" $thisHostname ") -ge 0) { $existsLater = $true } $chkln++ } } if ($existsLater) { $hosts.RemoveAt($ln) | Out-Null } else { $ln++ } } } } if ("$theIpAddress" -ne "") { $hosts.Add("$theIpAddress $theHostname") | Out-Null } $content = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($($hosts -join [Environment]::NewLine)+[Environment]::NewLine) $file.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null $file.Write($content, 0, $content.Length) $file.SetLength($content.Length) $file.Flush() } $hosts } finally { if ($file) { $file.Dispose() } } } if ($theHostname) { if ($theIpAddress) { Write-Host "Setting $theHostname to $theIpAddress in host hosts file" } else { Write-Host "Removing $theHostname from host hosts file" } $hosts = UpdateHostsFile -hostsFile $hostsFile -theHostname $theHostname -theIpAddress $theIpAddress } else { $myhostsFile = "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" new-item -Path $myhostsFile -ItemType File -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null $hosts = UpdateHostsFile -hostsFile $hostsFile $sethost = $true $hosts | Where-Object { $_.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith('.internal') -and $_.Split(" ").Count -eq 2 } | % { $aHostname = $_.Split(" ")[1] $anIp = $_.Split(" ")[0] Write-Host "Setting $aHostname to $anIp in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file)" UpdateHostsFile -hostsFile $myhostsFile -theHostname $aHostname -theIpAddress $anIp | Out-Null if ($aHostname -eq "host.containerhelper.internal") { $sethost = $false } } if ($sethost) { $gateway = (ipconfig | where-object { $_ –match "Default Gateway" } | foreach-object{ $_.Split(":")[1] } | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" } ) if ($gateway -and ($gateway -is [string])) { Write-Host "Setting host.containerhelper.internal to $($gateway.Trim()) in container hosts file" UpdateHostsFile -hostsFile $myhostsFile -theHostname "host.containerhelper.internal" -theIpAddress $gateway.Trim() | Out-Null } } } |