.Parameter artifactUrl Url for application artifact to use .Parameter imageName Name of the image getting build. Default is myimage:latest. .Parameter baseImage BaseImage to use. Default is using Get-BestGenericImage to get the best generic image to use. .Parameter isolation Isolation mode for the image build process (default is process if baseImage OS matches host OS) .Parameter memory Memory allocated for building image. 8G is default. .Parameter myScripts This allows you to specify a number of scripts you want to copy to the c:\run\my folder in the container (override functionality) #> function New-NavImage { Param ( [string] $artifactUrl, [string] $imageName = "myimage:latest", [string] $baseImage = "", [ValidateSet('','process','hyperv')] [string] $isolation = "", [string] $memory = "", $myScripts = @() ) if ($memory -eq "") { $memory = "4G" } $myScripts | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [string]) { if ($_.StartsWith("https://", "OrdinalIgnoreCase") -or $_.StartsWith("http://", "OrdinalIgnoreCase")) { } elseif (!(Test-Path $_)) { throw "Script directory or file $_ does not exist" } } elseif ($_ -isnot [Hashtable]) { throw "Illegal value in myScripts" } } $os = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem) if ($os.OSType -ne 18 -or !$os.Version.StartsWith("10.0.")) { throw "Unknown Host Operating System" } $UBR = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name UBR).UBR $hostOsVersion = [System.Version]::Parse("$($os.Version).$UBR") $hostOs = "Unknown/Insider build" $bestGenericImageName = Get-BestGenericImageName -onlyMatchingBuilds if ($os.BuildNumber -eq 19041) { $hostOs = "2004" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 18363) { $hostOs = "1909" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 18362) { $hostOs = "1903" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 17763) { $hostOs = "ltsc2019" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 17134) { $hostOs = "1803" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 16299) { $hostOs = "1709" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 15063) { $hostOs = "1703" } elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq 14393) { $hostOs = "ltsc2016" } if ("$baseImage" -eq "") { $baseImage = $bestGenericImageName if ("$baseImage" -eq "") { throw "Unable to find matching generic image for your host OS. You must pull and specify baseImage manually." } } Write-Host "Pulling latest image $baseImage" DockerDo -command pull -imageName $baseImage | Out-Null $genericTag = [Version](Get-NavContainerGenericTag -containerOrImageName $baseImage) Write-Host "Generic Tag: $genericTag" if ($genericTag -lt [Version]"") { throw "Generic tag must be at least Cannot build image based on $genericTag" } $containerOsVersion = [Version](Get-NavContainerOsVersion -containerOrImageName $baseImage) if ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.14393.')) { $containerOs = "ltsc2016" if (!$useBestContainerOS -and $TimeZoneId -eq $null) { $timeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id } } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.15063.')) { $containerOs = "1703" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.16299.')) { $containerOs = "1709" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.17134.')) { $containerOs = "1803" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.17763.')) { $containerOs = "ltsc2019" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.18362.')) { $containerOs = "1903" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.18363.')) { $containerOs = "1909" } elseif ("$containerOsVersion".StartsWith('10.0.19041.')) { $containerOs = "2004" } else { $containerOs = "unknown" } Write-Host "Container OS Version: $containerOsVersion ($containerOs)" Write-Host "Host OS Version: $hostOsVersion ($hostOs)" if (($hostOsVersion.Major -lt $containerOsversion.Major) -or ($hostOsVersion.Major -eq $containerOsversion.Major -and $hostOsVersion.Minor -lt $containerOsversion.Minor) -or ($hostOsVersion.Major -eq $containerOsversion.Major -and $hostOsVersion.Minor -eq $containerOsversion.Minor -and $hostOsVersion.Build -lt $containerOsversion.Build)) { throw "The container operating system is newer than the host operating system, cannot use image" } if ($hostOsVersion -eq $containerOsVersion) { if ($isolation -eq "") { $isolation = "process" } } else { if ($isolation -eq "") { $isolation = "hyperv" } elseif ($isolation -eq "process") { Write-Host "WARNING: Host OS and Base Image Container OS doesn't match and process isolation is specified. If you encounter issues, please try hyperv instead." } } $downloadsPath = "c:\bcartifacts.cache" if (!(Test-Path $downloadsPath)) { New-Item $downloadsPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $buildFolder = "c:\$('$TMP$')-$($imageName -replace '[:/]', '-')" if (Test-Path $buildFolder) { Remove-Item $buildFolder -Force -Recurse } New-Item $buildFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null try { $myFolder = Join-Path $buildFolder "my" new-Item -Path $myFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null $myScripts | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [string]) { if ($_.StartsWith("https://", "OrdinalIgnoreCase") -or $_.StartsWith("http://", "OrdinalIgnoreCase")) { $uri = [System.Uri]::new($_) $filename = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($uri.Segments[$uri.Segments.Count-1]) $destinationFile = Join-Path $myFolder $filename Download-File -sourceUrl $_ -destinationFile $destinationFile if ($destinationFile.EndsWith(".zip", "OrdinalIgnoreCase")) { Write-Host "Extracting .zip file" Expand-Archive -Path $destinationFile -DestinationPath $myFolder Remove-Item -Path $destinationFile -Force } } elseif (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) { Copy-Item -Path "$_\*" -Destination $myFolder -Recurse -Force } else { if ($_.EndsWith(".zip", "OrdinalIgnoreCase")) { Expand-Archive -Path $_ -DestinationPath $myFolder } else { Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $myFolder -Force } } } else { $hashtable = $_ $hashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $myFolder $_) -Value $hashtable[$_] } } } $artifactPaths = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform $appArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[0] $platformArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[1] $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json $isBcSandbox = "N" if ($ -eq "isBcSandbox") { if ($appManifest.isBcSandbox) { $IsBcSandbox = "Y" } } $database = $appManifest.database $databasePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $database $licenseFile = "" if ($ -eq "licenseFile") { $licenseFile = $appManifest.licenseFile if ($licenseFile) { $licenseFilePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $licenseFile } } $nav = "" if ($ -eq "Nav") { $nav = $appManifest.Nav } $cu = "" if ($ -eq "Cu") { $cu = $appManifest.Cu } $navDvdPath = Join-Path $buildFolder "NAVDVD" New-Item $navDvdPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Copying Platform Artifacts" Get-ChildItem -Path $platformArtifactPath | % { if ($_.PSIsContainer) { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $navDvdPath -Recurse } else { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $navDvdPath } } $dbPath = Join-Path $navDvdPath "SQLDemoDatabase\CommonAppData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\ver\Database" New-Item $dbPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Copy Database" Copy-Item -path $databasePath -Destination $dbPath -Force if ($licenseFile) { Write-Host "Copy Licensefile" Copy-Item -path $licenseFilePath -Destination $dbPath -Force } "Installers", "ConfigurationPackages", "TestToolKit", "UpgradeToolKit", "Extensions", "Applications","Applications.*" | % { $appSubFolder = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $_ if (Test-Path "$appSubFolder" -PathType Container) { $destFolder = Join-Path $navDvdPath $_ if (Test-Path $destFolder) { Remove-Item -path $destFolder -Recurse -Force } Write-Host "Copy $_" Copy-Item -Path "$appSubFolder" -Destination $navDvdPath -Recurse } } docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | % { if ($_ -eq $imageName) { docker rmi $imageName -f } } Write-Host $buildFolder @" FROM $baseimage ENV DatabaseServer=localhost DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS DatabaseName=CRONUS IsBcSandbox=$isBcSandbox artifactUrl=$artifactUrl COPY my /run/ COPY NAVDVD /NAVDVD/ RUN \Run\start.ps1 -installOnly LABEL legal="" \ created="$([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))" \ nav="$nav" \ cu="$cu" \ country="$($appManifest.Country)" \ version="$($appmanifest.Version)" \ platform="$($appManifest.Platform)" "@ | Set-Content (Join-Path $buildFolder "DOCKERFILE") docker build --isolation=$isolation --memory $memory --tag $imageName $buildFolder } finally { Remove-Item $buildFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Set-Alias -Name New-BCImage -Value New-NavImage Export-ModuleMember -Function New-NavImage -Alias New-BCImage |