$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".") . "$here\$sut" function Get-ScriptBlockAst { param( [string] $Path ) New-Variable Tokens New-Variable ParseErrors $Ast = [Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$ParseErrors) $Ast } Describe "nScriptAnalyzerRules" { Context "DescriptionFiledMissing" { $ExpectedResult = @{Message = 'Description not defined in module manifest, required for publishing'; RuleName = 'nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField'; Severity = 'Error'} $result = nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField -ScriptBlockAst (Get-ScriptBlockAst -Path "$here\TestData\1.psd1") It 'Test result object returned for DescriptionFiledMissing' { $result -ne $null | should be $true } $ExpectedResult.Keys | % { It "DescriptionFiledMissing : Testing if $($_) is $($ExpectedResult[$_])" { $result.$_ | Should be $ExpectedResult[$_] } } } Context "AuthorFiledMissing" { $ExpectedResult = @{Message = 'Author not defined in module manifest, required for publishing'; RuleName = 'nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField'; Severity = 'Error'} $result = nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField -ScriptBlockAst (Get-ScriptBlockAst -Path "$here\TestData\2.psd1") It 'Test result object returned for AuthorFiledMissing' { $result -ne $null | should be $true } $ExpectedResult.Keys | % { It "AuthorFiledMissing : Testing if $($_) is $($ExpectedResult[$_])" { $result.$_ | Should be $ExpectedResult[$_] } } } Context "TestInvalidPsd1" { $ExpectedResult = @{Message = 'Specified file is not a module manifest'; RuleName = 'nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField'; Severity = 'Information'} $result = nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField -ScriptBlockAst (Get-ScriptBlockAst -Path "$here\TestData\3.psd1") It 'Test result object returned for TestInvalidPsd1' { $result -ne $null | should be $true } $ExpectedResult.Keys | % { It "TestInvalidPsd1 : Testing if $($_) is $($ExpectedResult[$_])" { $result.$_ | Should be $ExpectedResult[$_] } } } } |