
# Module manifest for module 'mySQLite'


    RootModule             = 'mySQLite.psm1'
    ModuleVersion          = '0.14.0'
    CompatiblePSEditions   = @("Desktop","Core")
    GUID                   = '49ac2120-f30e-4244-ac8b-4d18fa9ae9aa'
    Author                 = 'Jeff Hicks'
    CompanyName            = 'JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.'
    Copyright              = '(c) 2019-2024 JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.'
    Description            = 'A set of PowerShell commands for working with SQLite database files. This is a simple alternative to installing any version of SQL Server on your desktop. Note that this module will only work on x64 versions Windows and Linux platforms.'
    PowerShellVersion      = '5.1'
    DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.6'
    ProcessorArchitecture  = 'AMD64'
    FormatsToProcess       = @(
    FunctionsToExport      = @(
    CmdletsToExport        = @()
    AliasesToExport        = @(
    PrivateData            = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags       = @('sqlite', 'database','linux')
            LicenseUri = ''
            ProjectUri = ''
            # IconUri = ''
            ReleaseNotes = @"
## v0.14.0 - 2024-08-22 09:48:22
### Changed
- Updated `Import-MySqliteDB` to use an existing database. The new parameter is called `UseExisting` with an alias of `Append`. _This may be a breaking change_.
- Updated functions with additional verbose output to capture PowerShell version and culture.
- Help updates
- Updated ``
### Fixed
- Modified helper functions to store DateTime values as `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss` which should better handle culture-related problems. [Issue #23]( _This may be a breaking change_.

