function Get-ComputerHardwareReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Gathers basic systems information for a given computer. .DESCRIPTION Gathers Basic computer information (Make/Model/ShipDate/RAM/CPU/Warranty) and reports it back NOTE: Model/ShipDate/Warranty information is only available if it is a DELL system and you have a Dell API key that you pass in. .EXAMPLE Get-DellServerHardwareReport -computer myserver-01 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)] [Object] $computer = (Read-Host which computer to check?), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [System.Object] $APIKey = $DellAPIKey ) if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $sysenc = (gwmi -Class win32_systemenclosure -ComputerName $computer) if ($sysenc.count -gt 1) {$sysenc = $sysenc[0]} #We only care to keep one service tag. Some Dell machines report 2 SerialNumbers for some reason $svctag = $sysenc.SerialNumber if ($sysenc.Manufacturer -like "*dell*") { $dellWarrantyInfo = Get-DellWarranty -AssetTag $svctag -APIKey $APIKey $shipDate = $dellWarrantyInfo[0].StartDate $model = $dellWarrantyInfo[0].ProductId } $cpu = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName $computer #region MEMORY # REF $memoryslot = Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray -ComputerName $computer $memory = Get-WMIObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -ComputerName $computer $memorymeasure = Get-WMIObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -ComputerName $computer | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum #endregion MEMORY Write-Host ("Computer Information for ").PadRight(30) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host $computer.ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host ("Model ").PadRight(30) -NoNewline if ($sysenc.Manufacturer -like "*dell*") {Write-Host $model -ForegroundColor Green} ELSE {Write-Host 'Not Dell Equipment. Unable to Check.'} Write-Host ("Service Tag: ").PadRight(30) -NoNewline Write-Host $svctag -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host ("Ship Date: ").PadRight(30) -NoNewline if ($sysenc.Manufacturer -like "*dell*") {Write-Host $shipDate.ToShortDateString() -ForegroundColor Green} ELSE {Write-Host 'Not Dell Equipment. Unable to Check.'} # Format and Print MEMORY Write-Host "" Write-Host "Memory Information: ".PadRight(32) -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Total memory slot available: ".PadRight(32) -NoNewLine; Write-Host $memoryslot.MemoryDevices -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Maximum Capacity allowed: ".PadRight(32) -NoNewLine ; Write-Host $($memoryslot.MaxCapacity/1024/1024) -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline; Write-Host "Gb" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Total memory sticks installed: ".PadRight(32) -NoNewLine; Write-Host $memorymeasure.count -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Total RAM installed: ".PadRight(32) -NoNewLine ; Write-Host $($memorymeasure.sum/1024/1024/1024) -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline; Write-Host "Gb" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" # Format and Print CPU Write-Host "CPU Information: ".PadRight(32) -ForegroundColor Cyan foreach ($c in $cpu) { Write-Host "$($c.SocketDesignation)".PadRight(10) -NoNewline Write-Host "$($c.Name)".PadRight(50) } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Overall Warranty Status:" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($sysenc.Manufacturer -like "*dell*") { $dellWarrantyInfo | select ServiceLevelCode,ServiceLevelDescription,@{E={$_.EndDate.ToShortDateString()};L="EndDate"} | sort EndDate,ServiceLevelCode -Descending | ft -AutoSize } ELSE {Write-Host 'No Information. Detected system is not Dell and we can not check warranty state automatically.'} } ELSE {Write-Output "Computer $computer appears to be offline. No work has been performed."} } |