
function Import-MBSUsers {
    The cmdlet imports users from CSV file to MBS via API 2.0
    The cmdlet imports users from CSV file to MBS via API 2.0
    Mandatory parameter. Specify MSB API login name. You can generate new one in General settings
    .PARAMETER APIpassword
    Mandatory parameter. Specify MSB API password. You can generate new one in General settings
    .PARAMETER LogFilePath
    Optional parameter. Specify log file path. The script uses \api.log by default.
    .PARAMETER UserFile
    Optional parameter. Specify user csv file path. The script uses \Users.csv by default.
        .\Import-Users.ps1 -APIlogin VFBB634wKpHQ -APIpassword ggH9ng6ertrB445BPDQQwU3
        .\Import-Users.ps1 -APIlogin VFBB634wKpHQ -APIpassword ggH9ng6ertrB445BPDQQwU3 -UserFile Users.csv -LogFilePath Mylog.txt
        Author: Alex Volkov

        [string]$LogFilePath = "api.log",
        [string]$UserFile = "Users.csv")

    $versionMinimum = [Version]'3.0'

    if ($versionMinimum -le $PSVersionTable.PSVersion)
        Write-HostAndLog -Message "*********** The script has started ****************" -FilePath $LogFilePath
        if (Test-Path $UserFile){
            $UrlUsers = (Get-MBSApiUrl).Users
            $UrlProviderLogin = (Get-MBSApiUrl).ProviderLogin
            $BodyProviderLogin = @{
                UserName = $APIlogin 
                Password = $APIpassword
            $Login = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $UrlProviderLogin -Body $BodyProviderLogin 
            $headers = @{
                'Authorization' = "Bearer " + $Login.access_token
                'Accept' = "application/json"
            Write-HostAndLog -Message ($headers|ConvertTo-Json) -FilePath $LogFilePath -showMessage $false
            $UsersCSV = Import-Csv -Path $UserFile
            $UsersCSV | ForEach-Object{
                Write-Progress -Activity "Adding users to MBS" -Id 1 -PercentComplete (($i/$UsersCSV.Length)*100) -CurrentOperation $_.Email
                Write-HostAndLog -Message ("Adding user "+$_.Email) -FilePath $LogFilePath
                $NotificationEmailsArray = $_.'NotificationEmails' -split ';'
                $UsersPost = @{
                    Email = $_.'Email'.Trim()
                    FirstName =  $_.'FirstName'
                    LastName =  $_.'LastName'
                    NotificationEmails = @($NotificationEmailsArray)
                    Company =  $_.'Company'.Trim()
                    Enabled =  $_.'Enabled'
                    Password =  $_.'Password'
                    SendEmailInstruction =  $_.'SendEmailInstruction'
                Write-HostAndLog -Message ($UsersPost|ConvertTo-Json) -FilePath $LogFilePath -showMessage $false
                $UsersResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $UrlUsers -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ($UsersPost|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType 'application/json'
                Write-HostAndLog -Message ("Response: "+$UsersResponse) -FilePath $LogFilePath
            Write-HostAndLog -Message "Cannot find file $UserFile" -FilePath $LogFilePath
        Write-HostAndLog -Message "*********** The script has finished ****************" -FilePath $LogFilePath
        "This script requires PowerShell $versionMinimum. Update PowerSheel"