function test-MPNHelperAzModule { $azModuleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "AZ" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If (-not[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($azModuleInstalled)) { $AzManagementPartnerModuleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -name "AZ.managementPartner" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AzManagementPartnerModuleInstalled)) { try { install-module -name "AZ.managementPartner" -Scope CurrentUser -Force return $true } catch { return $false } } else { return $true } } else { Write-Error -Message "No Az module installed, please install AZ module using install-module -name AZ -scope CurrentUser" } } function test-MPNHelperAzConnexion { try { $void= get-AzContext return $true } catch { Write-Error -Message "No connection to an Azure contextn Please open a connection before trying to set a MPN ID" } } <# .SYNOPSIS retreive the Microsoft Partner ID on the local workstation from the registry Path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MPNID key name MPNID return 0 if no key is found .NOTES To be able to set MPN ID on any Azure subscription you need to use set-MPNHelperLocalID first Author: Olivier Miossec Module: MPN-Helper @omiossec_med #> function get-MPNHelperLocalID { try { return (Get-ItemProperty -path "HKCU:\software\MPNID" -name MPNID).MPNID } catch { Write-Error -Message "No MPNID registry key fonnd please use set-MPNHelperLocalID before" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Save the Microsoft Partner ID on the local workstation in the registry Path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MPNID key name MPNID .PARAMETER MPNID Integer, the MPN ID you want to add to each Azure Tenant from this computer .NOTES To be able to set MPN ID on any Azure subscription you need to use this cmdlet first Author: Olivier Miossec Module: MPN-Helper @omiossec_med #> function set-MPNHelperLocalID { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [Int] $MPNID ) try { $void = New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software -Name MPNID -Force $void = New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\software\MPNID" -Name "MPNID" -Value $MPNID -PropertyType "String" -Force } catch { Write-Error -Message " Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName) $($_.Exception.Message)" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retreive the Microsoft Partner info from current Azure connection and compare it to the ID stored locally Az Context must return a connection object and the localpartnerID must be set .OUTPUT pscustomobject MPNID, the MPN ID on the current Azure Connection ParnterName, The partnair name on the current Azure Connection TenantID, The partnair Tenant ID on the current Azure Connection State, The state (actived or disabled) on the current Azure Connection LocalPartnerRegistered, $true if the MPN ID is alligned with the MPNID in the current connection and $false in any other case .NOTES To be able to set MPN ID on any Azure subscription you need to use set-MPNHelperLocalID first Author: Olivier Miossec Module: MPN-Helper @omiossec_med #> function get-MPNHelperID { $LocalMPNID = get-MPNHelperLocalID $LocalPartnerEnabled = $false if ((test-MPNHelperAzModule) -AND (test-MPNHelperAzConnexion)) { try { $PartnerInfo = Get-AzManagementPartner if ($LocalMPNID -eq $PartnerInfo.PartnerId) { $LocalPartnerRegistered = $true } return [pscustomobject]@{ MPNID = $PartnerInfo.PartnerId ParnterName = $PartnerInfo.PartnerName TenantID = $PartnerInfo.TenantId State = $PartnerInfo.State LocalPartnerRegistered = $LocalPartnerRegistered } } catch [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ManagementPartner.GetManagementPartner] { return $null } catch { Write-Error -Message " Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName) $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Set the Microsoft Partner ID in the current Azure connection and compare it to the ID stored locally .OUTPUT pscustomobject .NOTES To be able to set MPN ID on any Azure subscription you need to use set-MPNHelperLocalID first Author: Olivier Miossec Module: MPN-Helper @omiossec_med #> function set-MPNHelperID { $PartnerInfo = get-MPNHelperID $LocalMPNID = get-MPNHelperLocalID if ($null -eq $PartnerInfo){ try { new-AzManagementPartner -PartnerId $LocalMPNID } catch { Write-Error -Message " Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName) $($_.Exception.Message)" } } else { try { update-AzManagementPartner -PartnerId $LocalMPNID } catch { Write-Error -Message " Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName) $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } |