$script:DSCModuleName = 'xSQLServer' $script:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xSQLServerNetwork' #region HEADER # Unit Test Template Version: 1.2.0 $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion HEADER function Invoke-TestSetup { } function Invoke-TestCleanup { Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment } # Begin Testing try { Invoke-TestSetup InModuleScope $script:DSCResourceName { $mockInstanceName = 'TEST' $mockTcpProtocolName = 'Tcp' $mockNamedPipesProtocolName = 'NP' $script:WasMethodAlterCalled = $false $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer = { return New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'ServerInstances' { return @{ $mockInstanceName = New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'ServerProtocols' { return @{ $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IsEnabled' -Value $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'IPAddresses' { return @{ 'IPAll' = New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'IPAddressProperties' { return @{ 'TcpDynamicPorts' = New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Value' -Value $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts -PassThru -Force 'TcpPort' = New-Object -TypeName Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Value' -Value $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort -PassThru -Force } } -PassThru -Force } } -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'Alter' { <# It is not possible to verify that the correct value was set here for TcpDynamicPorts and TcpPort with the current implementation. If `$this.IPAddresses['IPAll'].IPAddressProperties['TcpDynamicPorts'].Value` would be called it would just return the same value over an over again, not the value that was set in the function Set-TargetResource. To be able to do this check for TcpDynamicPorts and TcpPort, then the class must be mocked in SMO.cs. #> if ($this.IsEnabled -ne $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled) { throw ('Mock method Alter() was called with an unexpected value for IsEnabled. Expected ''{0}'', but was ''{1}''' -f $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled, $this.IsEnabled) } # This can be used to verify so that alter method was actually called. $script:WasMethodAlterCalled = $true } -PassThru -Force } } -PassThru -Force } } -PassThru -Force } $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer_ParameterFilter = { $TypeName -eq 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer' } $mockFunction_RegisterSqlWmiManagement = { return [System.AppDomain]::CreateDomain('DummyTestApplicationDomain') } $mockDefaultParameters = @{ InstanceName = $mockInstanceName ProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName } Describe "MSFT_xSQLServerNetwork\Get-TargetResource" -Tag 'Get'{ BeforeEach { $testParameters = $mockDefaultParameters.Clone() Mock -CommandName Register-SqlWmiManagement ` -MockWith $mockFunction_RegisterSqlWmiManagement ` -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-Object ` -MockWith $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer ` -ParameterFilter $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer_ParameterFilter -Verifiable } Context 'When Get-TargetResource is called' { BeforeEach { $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '0' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '4509' } It 'Should return the correct values' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters $result.IsEnabled | Should Be $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled $result.TcpDynamicPorts | Should Be $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts $result.TcpPort | Should Be $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Register-SqlWmiManagement -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-Object -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer_ParameterFilter } It 'Should return the same values as passed as parameters' { $result = Get-TargetResource @testParameters $result.InstanceName | Should Be $testParameters.InstanceName $result.ProtocolName | Should Be $testParameters.ProtocolName } } Assert-VerifiableMock } Describe "MSFT_xSQLServerNetwork\Test-TargetResource" -Tag 'Test'{ BeforeEach { $testParameters = $mockDefaultParameters.Clone() Mock -CommandName Register-SqlWmiManagement ` -MockWith $mockFunction_RegisterSqlWmiManagement ` -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-Object ` -MockWith $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer ` -ParameterFilter $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer_ParameterFilter -Verifiable } Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' { BeforeEach { $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '4509' } <# This test does not work until support for more than one protocol is added. See issue #14. #> <# Context 'When Protocol is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $true TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4509' } $testParameters.ProtocolName = $mockNamedPipesProtocolName } It 'Should return $false' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $false } } #> Context 'When IsEnabled is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $false TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4509' } } It 'Should return $false' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $false } } Context 'When current state is using static tcp port' { Context 'When TcpDynamicPorts is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpDynamicPorts = '0' IsEnabled = $false } } It 'Should return $false' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $false } } Context 'When TcpPort is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpPort = '1433' IsEnabled = $true } } It 'Should return $false' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $false } } } Context 'When current state is using dynamic tcp port' { BeforeEach { $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '0' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '' } Context 'When TcpPort is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpPort = '1433' IsEnabled = $true } } It 'Should return $false' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $false } } } Context 'When both TcpDynamicPorts and TcpPort is being set' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpDynamicPorts = '0' TcpPort = '1433' IsEnabled = $false } } It 'Should throw the correct error message' { { Test-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Throw 'Unable to set both tcp dynamic port and tcp static port. Only one can be set.' } } } Context 'When the system is in the desired state' { BeforeEach { $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '0' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '1433' } Context 'When TcpPort is in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpPort = '1433' IsEnabled = $true } } It 'Should return $true' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $true } } Context 'When TcpDynamicPorts is in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpDynamicPorts = '0' IsEnabled = $true } } It 'Should return $true' { $result = Test-TargetResource @testParameters $result | Should Be $true } } } Assert-VerifiableMock } Describe "MSFT_xSQLServerNetwork\Set-TargetResource" -Tag 'Set'{ BeforeEach { $testParameters = $mockDefaultParameters.Clone() Mock -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Verifiable Mock -CommandName Register-SqlWmiManagement ` -MockWith $mockFunction_RegisterSqlWmiManagement ` -Verifiable Mock -CommandName New-Object ` -MockWith $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer ` -ParameterFilter $mockFunction_NewObject_ManagedComputer_ParameterFilter -Verifiable # This is used to evaluate if mocked Alter() method was called. $script:WasMethodAlterCalled = $false } Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' { BeforeEach { # This is the values the mock will return $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '4509' <# This is the values we expect to be set when Alter() method is called. These values will set here to same as the values the mock will return, but before each test the these will be set to the correct value that is expected to be returned for that particular test. #> $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled = $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled } Context 'When IsEnabled is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $false TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4509' RestartService = $true } $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled = $false } It 'Should call Set-TargetResource without throwing and should call Alter()' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Not -Throw $script:WasMethodAlterCalled | Should -Be $true Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } Context 'When current state is using static tcp port' { Context 'When TcpDynamicPorts is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $true TcpDynamicPorts = '0' } } It 'Should call Set-TargetResource without throwing and should call Alter()' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Not -Throw $script:WasMethodAlterCalled | Should -Be $true Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It } } Context 'When TcpPort is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $true TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4508' } } It 'Should call Set-TargetResource without throwing and should call Alter()' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Not -Throw $script:WasMethodAlterCalled | Should -Be $true Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It } } } Context 'When current state is using dynamic tcp port ' { BeforeEach { # This is the values the mock will return $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '0' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '' <# This is the values we expect to be set when Alter() method is called. These values will set here to same as the values the mock will return, but before each test the these will be set to the correct value that is expected to be returned for that particular test. #> $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled = $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled } Context 'When TcpPort is not in desired state' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $true TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4508' } } It 'Should call Set-TargetResource without throwing and should call Alter()' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Not -Throw $script:WasMethodAlterCalled | Should -Be $true Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It } } } Context 'When both TcpDynamicPorts and TcpPort is being set' { BeforeEach { $testParameters += @{ TcpDynamicPorts = '0' TcpPort = '1433' IsEnabled = $false } } It 'Should throw the correct error message' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Throw 'Unable to set both tcp dynamic port and tcp static port. Only one can be set.' } } } Context 'When the system is in the desired state' { BeforeEach { # This is the values the mock will return $mockDynamicValue_TcpProtocolName = $mockTcpProtocolName $mockDynamicValue_IsEnabled = $true $mockDynamicValue_TcpDynamicPorts = '' $mockDynamicValue_TcpPort = '4509' <# We do not expect Alter() method to be called. So we set this to $null so if it is, then it will throw an error. #> $mockExpectedValue_IsEnabled = $null $testParameters += @{ IsEnabled = $true TcpDynamicPorts = '' TcpPort = '4509' } } It 'Should call Set-TargetResource without throwing and should not call Alter()' { { Set-TargetResource @testParameters } | Should -Not -Throw $script:WasMethodAlterCalled | Should -Be $false Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Restart-SqlService -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It } } Assert-VerifiableMock } } } finally { Invoke-TestCleanup } |