<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 19.03.9 .GUID 9769fa4f-70c7-43ed-8d2b-a0018f7dc89f .AUTHOR khs1994@khs1994.com .COMPANYNAME khs1994-docker .COPYRIGHT khs1994@khs1994.com .TAGS docker lnmp .LICENSEURI https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp/blob/master/LICENSE .PROJECTURI https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS khs1994-docker/lnmp CLI .DESCRIPTION khs1994-docker/lnmp CLI .EXAMPLE PS C:\> lnmp-docker up .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .NOTES khs1994-docker/lnmp CLI #> $LNMP_CACHE="$HOME/.khs1994-docker-lnmp" if ($args[0] -eq "install"){ if(get-command git){ git clone -b 19.03 --depth=1 https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp.git $home/lnmp exit } write-warning "Please download and install git: Official: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases CN_Mirror: https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/git-for-windows/ " exit 1 } $outNull=$false if (${QUITE} -eq $true){ $outNull=$true } if ($args[0] -eq "services"){ $outNull=$true } Function printInfo(){ if($outNull){ return } Write-Host "`nINFO " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "$args`n"; } Function getEnvFile(){ $LNMP_ENV_FILE=".env" $LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1=".env.ps1" if($env:LNMP_ENV){ if (Test-Path("$PSScriptRoot/.env.${env:LNMP_ENV}")){ $LNMP_ENV_FILE=".env.${env:LNMP_ENV}" } if (Test-Path("$PSScriptRoot/.env.${env:LNMP_ENV}.ps1")){ $LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1=".env.${env:LNMP_ENV}.ps1" } } return $LNMP_ENV_FILE,$LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1 } $LNMP_ENV_FILE,$LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1=getEnvFile if($args[0] -eq "env-file"){ echo $LNMP_ENV_FILE,$LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1 exit } printInfo "Load env file [ $LNMP_ENV_FILE ] and [ $LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1 ]" . "$PSScriptRoot/.env.example.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot/cli/.env.ps1" if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1"){ . "$PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1" } # [environment]::SetEnvironmentvariable("DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM", "linux", "User"); # $ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" # Stop, Continue, Inquire, Ignore, Suspend, Break # $DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM="linux" $KUBERNETES_VERSION="1.16.5" $DOCKER_DESKTOP_VERSION=" (43066)" $source=$PWD Function _command($command){ get-command $command -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" return $? } Function printError(){ if($outNull){ return } Write-Host "`nError " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "$args`n"; } Function printInfo(){ if($outNull){ return } Write-Host "`nINFO " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "$args`n"; } Function printWarning(){ if($outNull){ return } Write-Host "`nWarning " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "$args`n"; } Function _cp_only_not_exists($src,$desc){ if (!(Test-Path $desc)){ Copy-Item $src $desc } } Function _cp_init_file(){ _cp_only_not_exists kubernetes/nfs-server/.env.example kubernetes/nfs-server/.env _cp_only_not_exists config/supervisord/supervisord.ini.example config/supervisord/supervisord.ini if (!(Test-Path secrets/minio/key.txt)){ Copy-Item secrets/minio/key.example.txt secrets/minio/key.txt Copy-Item secrets/minio/secret.example.txt secrets/minio/secret.txt } _cp_only_not_exists docker-lnmp.include.example.yml docker-lnmp.include.yml _cp_only_not_exists config/php/docker-php.ini.example config/php/docker-php.ini _cp_only_not_exists config/php/php.development.ini config/php/php.ini _cp_only_not_exists config/npm/.npmrc.example config/npm/.npmrc _cp_only_not_exists config/npm/.env.example config/npm/.env _cp_only_not_exists config/yarn/.yarnrc.example config/yarn/.yarnrc _cp_only_not_exists config/yarn/.env.example config/yarn/.env _cp_only_not_exists config/composer/.env.example config/composer/.env _cp_only_not_exists config/composer/.env.example.ps1 config/composer/.env.ps1 _cp_only_not_exists config/composer/config.example.json config/composer/config.json _cp_only_not_exists config/registry/config.example.yml config/registry/config.yml _cp_only_not_exists wsl2/.env.example.ps1 wsl2/.env.ps1 _cp_only_not_exists wsl2/config/coredns/corefile.example wsl2/config/coredns/corefile } Function wait_docker(){ while ($i -lt (300)) { $i +=1 get-process docker* get-service docker* docker info if ($? -eq 'True') { Write-Host "`nDocker peparation finished OK" break } Write-warning "Retrying in 30 seconds..." sleep 30 } } Function logs(){ if (! (Test-Path log\httpd)){ New-Item log\httpd -type directory | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\mongodb)){ New-Item log\mongodb -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\mongodb\mongo.log -type file | Out-Null } if (-not (Test-Path log\mysql)){ New-Item log\mysql -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\mysql\error.log -type file | Out-Null } if (-not (Test-Path log\mariadb)){ New-Item log\mariadb -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\mariadb\error.log -type file | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\nginx)){ New-Item log\nginx -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\nginx\access.log -type file | Out-Null New-Item log\nginx\error.log -type file | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\nginx-unit)){ New-Item log\nginx-unit -type directory | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\php)){ New-Item log\php -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\php\error.log -type file | Out-Null New-Item log\php\slow.log -type file | Out-Null New-Item log\php\php-fpm-error.log -type file | Out-Null New-Item log\php\php-fpm-access.log -type file | Out-Null New-Item log\php\xdebug-remote.log -type file | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\redis)){ New-Item log\redis -type directory | Out-Null New-Item log\redis\redis.log -type file | Out-Null } if (! (Test-Path log\supervisord)){ New-Item log\supervisord -type directory | Out-Null } if(! (Test-Path log\supervisord.log)){ New-Item log\supervisord.log | Out-Null } } Function check_docker_version(){ if(!(_command git)){ printError "Git not install" return } if(!(_command docker)){ printError "Docker not install" return } ${BRANCH}=(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if (!("${DOCKER_VERSION_YY}.${DOCKER_VERSION_MM}" -eq "${BRANCH}" )) { printWarning "Current branch ${BRANCH} incompatible with your docker version, please checkout ${DOCKER_VERSION_YY}.${DOCKER_VERSION_MM} branch by exec $ ./lnmp-docker checkout" } } Function init(){ logs # git submodule update --init --recursive printInfo 'Init is SUCCESS' #@custom __lnmp_custom_init } Function help_information(){ "Docker-LNMP CLI ${LNMP_DOCKER_VERSION} Official WebSite https://lnmp.khs1994.com Usage: ./docker-lnmp COMMAND Run Kubernetes on Tencent Cloud: k8s Run Kubernetes on Tencent Cloud Donate: zan Donate PCIT EE: pcit-up Up(Run) PCIT EE https://github.com/pcit-ce/pcit Commands: up Up LNMP (Support x86_64 arm32v7 arm64v8) down Stop and remove LNMP Docker containers, networks, images, and volumes backup Backup MySQL databases build Build or rebuild LNMP Self Build images (Only Support x86_64) build-config Validate and view the LNMP Self Build images Compose file build-up Create and start LNMP containers With Self Build images (Only Support x86_64) build-push Build and Pushes images to Docker Registory (Only Support x86_64) cleanup Cleanup log files config Validate and view the LNMP Compose file compose Install docker-compose [PATH] composer Exec composer command on Docker Container bug Generate Debug information, then copy it to GitHub Issues daemon-socket Expose Docker daemon on tcp:// without TLS env Edit .env/.env.ps1 file help Display this help message hosts Open hosts files pull Pull LNMP Docker Images restore Restore MySQL databases restart Restart LNMP services services List services update Upgrades LNMP upgrade Upgrades LNMP update-version Update LNMP soft to latest vesion lrew(package): init Init a new lrew package add Add new lrew package outdated Shows a list of installed lrew packages that have updates available lrew-backup Upload composer.json to GitHub Gist lrew-update Update lrew package PHP Tools: httpd-config Generate Apache2 vhost conf new New PHP Project and generate nginx conf and issue SSL certificate nginx-config Generate nginx vhost conf ssl-self Issue Self-signed SSL certificate Composer: satis Build Satis Kubernets: gcr.io Up local gcr.io registry server to start Docker Desktop Kubernetes Swarm mode: swarm-build Build Swarm image (nginx php7) swarm-config Validate and view the Production Swarm mode Compose file swarm-push Push Swarm image (nginx php7) Container Tools: SERVICE-cli Execute a command in a running LNMP container ClusterKit: clusterkit-help Print ClusterKit help info Developer Tools: WSL2: dockerd Start Dockerd on WSL2 Read './docs/*.md' for more information about CLI commands. You can open issue in [ https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp/issues ] when you meet problems. You must Update .env file when update this project. Exec '$ lnmp-docker k8s' Run Kubernetes on Tencent Cloud Exec '$ lnmp-docker zan' donate " cd $source exit } Function clusterkit_help(){ " ClusterKit: clusterkit [-d] UP LNMP With Mysql Redis Memcached Cluster [Background] clusterkit-COMMAND Run docker-compsoe commands(config, pull, etc) swarm-clusterkit UP LNMP With Mysql Redis Memcached Cluster IN Swarm mode clusterkit-mysql-up Up MySQL Cluster clusterkit-mysql-down Stop MySQL Cluster clusterkit-mysql-exec Execute a command in a running MySQL Cluster node clusterkit-mysql-deploy Deploy MySQL Cluster in Swarm mode clusterkit-mysql-remove Remove MySQL Cluster in Swarm mode clusterkit-memcached-up Up memcached Cluster clusterkit-memcached-down Stop memcached Cluster clusterkit-memcached-exec Execute a command in a running memcached Cluster node clusterkit-memcached-deploy Deploy memcached Cluster in Swarm mode clusterkit-memcached-remove Remove memcached Cluster in Swarm mode clusterkit-redis-up Up Redis Cluster(By Ruby) clusterkit-redis-down Stop Redis Cluster(By Ruby) clusterkit-redis-exec Execute a command in a running Redis Cluster node(By Ruby) clusterkit-redis-deploy Deploy Redis Cluster in Swarm mode(By Ruby) clusterkit-redis-remove Remove Redis Cluster in Swarm mode(By Ruby) clusterkit-redis-replication-up Up Redis M-S (replication) clusterkit-redis-replication-down Stop Redis M-S (replication) clusterkit-redis-replication-exec Execute a command in a running Redis M-S (replication) node clusterkit-redis-replication-deploy Deploy Redis M-S (replication) in Swarm mode clusterkit-redis-replication-remove Remove Redis M-S (replication) in Swarm mode clusterkit-redis-sentinel-up Up Redis S clusterkit-redis-sentinel-down Stop Redis S clusterkit-redis-sentinel-exec Execute a command in a running Redis S node clusterkit-redis-sentinel-deploy Deploy Redis S in Swarm mode clusterkit-redis-sentinel-remove Remove Redis S in Swarm mode " exit } Function cleanup(){ Write-Host " " logs rm log\httpd -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\mongodb -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\mysql -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\mariadb -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\nginx -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\nginx-unit -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\php -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\redis -Recurse -Force | Out-Null rm log\supervisord | Out-Null rm log\supervisord.log | Out-Null logs printInfo "Cleanup logs files Success" } Function _update(){ if(!(_command git)){ printError "Git not install, not support update" return } if(! $(git remote get-url origin)){ printError "git remote origin not set, setting ..." # git remote add origin git@github.com:khs1994-docker/lnmp git remote add origin https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp } # git remote rm origin if($(git status).split("")[-1] -eq 'clean' -eq $False){ printError "Somefile changed, please commit or stash first" exit 1 } git fetch --depth=1 origin ${BRANCH}=(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) git reset --hard origin/${BRANCH} # git submodule update --init --recursive } Function _get_container_id($service){ $container_id = docker container ls ` --format "{{.ID}}" ` -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp ` -f label=com.docker.compose.service=$service -n 1 return $container_id } Function _bash_cli($service, $command){ $container_id = _get_container_id $service docker exec -it $container_id $command } Function clusterkit_bash_cli($env, $service, $command){ docker exec -it ` $( docker container ls ` --format "{{.ID}}" ` -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp ` -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp.app.env=$env ` -f label=com.docker.compose.service=$service -n 1 ) ` $command } Function satis(){ if(!(Test-Path ${APP_ROOT}/satis)){ cp -Recurse app/satis-demo ${APP_ROOT}/satis Write-Warning "Please modify ${APP_ROOT}/satis/satis.json" } docker run --rm -it ` --mount type=bind,src=${APP_ROOT}/satis,target=/build ` --mount type=volume,src=lnmp_composer_cache-data,target=/composer composer/satis } Function get_compose_options($compose_files,$isBuild=0){ Foreach ($compose_file in $compose_files) { $options += " -f $compose_file " } Foreach ($item in $LREW_INCLUDE) { $KEY="LREW_$($item -Replace ('-','_'))_VENDOR".ToUpper(); $content=$(cat $LNMP_ENV_FILE | Where-Object {$_ -like "${KEY}=lrew-dev"}) # dev if(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew-dev/$item){ $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT="$PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew-dev/$item" # set env if(!($content)){ "${KEY}=lrew-dev" >> $LNMP_ENV_FILE } }elseif(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew2/$item){ $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT="$PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew2/$item" # unset env if($content){ @(Get-Content $LNMP_ENV_FILE) -replace ` "${KEY}=lrew-dev",'' | Set-Content $LNMP_ENV_FILE } }elseif(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$item){ $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT="$PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$item" # unset env if($content){ @(Get-Content $LNMP_ENV_FILE) -replace ` "${KEY}=lrew-dev",'' | Set-Content $LNMP_ENV_FILE } }elseif(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/lrew/$item){ $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT="$PSScriptRoot/lrew/$item" }else{ continue } if($isBuild){ if(!(Test-Path "$LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.build.yml")){ $options +=" -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.yml " continue } $options +=" -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.yml -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.build.yml " continue } # end build if (!(Test-Path "$LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.override.yml")){ $options +=" -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.yml " continue } $options +=" -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.yml -f $LREW_INCLUDE_ROOT\docker-compose.override.yml " } $options += " --env-file $LNMP_ENV_FILE " $options += " -f docker-lnmp.include.yml " return $options.split(' ') } Function _lrew_add($packages=$null){ printInfo "LREW add $packages ..." if(!$packages){ printError "Please Input package name" exit 1 } if (!(Test-Path composer.json)){ composer init -q -n --stability dev } Foreach($package in $packages){ $ErrorActionPreference="continue" composer require "lrew/$package" --prefer-source } Foreach($package in $packages){ if(!(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$package)){ continue } cd $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$package if(Test-Path bin/post-install.ps1){ . ./bin/post-install.ps1 } } } Function _lrew_init($package=$null){ printInfo "LREW init $package ..." if(!$package){ printError "Please Input package name" exit 1 } if(Test-Path vendor/lrew-dev/$package){ printError "This package already exists" return } cp -r lrew/example vendor/lrew-dev/$package if(_command composer){ composer init -d "vendor/lrew-dev/$package" ` --name "lrew/$package" ` --homepage "https://docs.lnmp.khs1994.com/lrew.html" ` --license "MIT" ` -q } $items="docker-compose.yml","docker-compose.override.yml","docker-compose.build.yml" Foreach ($item in $items) { $file="vendor/lrew-dev/$package/$item" @(Get-Content $file) -replace ` 'LREW_EXAMPLE_VENDOR',"LREW_$( $package -Replace('-','_'))_VENDOR".ToUpper() | Set-Content $file @(Get-Content $file) -replace ` 'LNMP_EXAMPLE_',"LNMP_$( $package -Replace('-','_'))_".ToUpper() | Set-Content $file @(Get-Content $file) -replace ` 'example/',"${package}/" | Set-Content $file @(Get-Content $file) -replace ` '{{example}}',"${package}" | Set-Content $file } if (Test-Path "vendor/lrew-dev/$package/.env.example"){ cp -r "vendor/lrew-dev/$package/.env.example" "vendor/lrew-dev/$package/.env" } } Function _lrew_outdated($packages=$null){ printInfo "LREW check $packages update ..." if (!(Test-Path vendor/lrew)){ return } if(!$packages){ composer outdated "lrew/*" return } composer outdated $packages } Function _lrew_update($packages=$null){ printInfo "LREW update $packages ..." if (!(Test-Path vendor/lrew)){ return } if(!$packages){ composer update "lrew/*" return } composer update $packages Foreach($package in $packages){ if(!(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$package)){ continue } cd $PSScriptRoot/vendor/lrew/$package if(Test-Path bin/post-install.ps1){ . ./bin/post-install.ps1 } } } Function _lrew_backup(){ } Function _wsl_check(){ wsl -d $DistributionName echo "" if(!$?){ printError "wsl [ $DistributionName ] not found, please check [ $LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1 ] file `$DistributionName value" exit 1 } } Function _wsl2_docker_init(){ wsl -u root -- chmod -R 777 log $env:COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 wsl -u root -- ls /c/Users | out-null if(!$?){ printError "WSL2 must mount C to /c" exit 1 } } function _pcit_cp(){ # 判断 app/.pcit 是否存在 rm -r -force ${APP_ROOT}/.pcit # git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pcit-ce/pcit ${APP_ROOT}/.pcit docker pull pcit/pcit:frontend docker run -it --rm -v ${APP_ROOT}/.pcit/public:/var/www/pcit/public pcit/pcit:frontend } # main # .env .env.ps1 if (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/.env){ printInfo '.env file existing' }else{ Write-Warning '.env file NOT existing, maybe first run' cp $PSScriptRoot/.env.example $PSScriptRoot/.env } if (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/.env.ps1){ printInfo ".env.ps1 file existing" }else{ Write-Warning ".env.ps1 file NOT existing, maybe first run" cp $PSScriptRoot/.env.example.ps1 $PSScriptRoot/.env.ps1 } # APP_ROOT $APP_ROOT_CONTENT = (cat $PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE | select-string ^APP_ROOT=) if($APP_ROOT_CONTENT){ $APP_ROOT = $APP_ROOT_CONTENT.Line.split('=')[-1] }else{ $APP_ROOT = './app' } # APP_ENV $APP_ENV_CONTENT = (cat $PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE | select-string ^APP_ENV=) if($APP_ENV_CONTENT){ $APP_ENV = $APP_ENV_CONTENT.Line.split('=')[-1] }else{ $APP_ENV = 'development' } # cd LNMP_ROOT if (!(Test-Path cli/khs1994-robot.enc )){ # 在项目目录外 if ($env:LNMP_PATH.Length -eq 0){ # 没有设置系统环境变量,则退出 throw "Please set system environment LNMP_PATH, more information please see bin/README.md" }else{ # 设置了系统环境变量 printInfo "Use LNMP CLI in $PWD" # cd $env:LNMP_PATH cd $PSScriptRoot cd $APP_ROOT $APP_ROOT=$PWD cd $PSScriptRoot } }else { printInfo "Use LNMP CLI in LNMP Root $pwd" cd $APP_ROOT $APP_ROOT=$PWD cd $source } printInfo "APP_ROOT is $APP_ROOT" # LNMP_SERVICES $LNMP_SERVICES_CONTENT=(cat $PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE | select-string ^LNMP_SERVICES=) if($LNMP_SERVICES_CONTENT){ $LNMP_SERVICES=$LNMP_SERVICES_CONTENT.Line.Split('=')[-1].Trim('"').split(' ') }else{ $LNMP_SERVICES='nginx','mysql','php7','redis','phpmyadmin' } # LREW_INCLUDE $LREW_INCLUDE_CONTENT=(cat $PSScriptRoot/$LNMP_ENV_FILE | select-string ^LREW_INCLUDE=) if($LREW_INCLUDE_CONTENT){ $LREW_INCLUDE=$LREW_INCLUDE_CONTENT.Line.Split('=')[-1].Trim('"').split(' ') }else{ $LREW_INCLUDE='pcit' } printInfo "load lnmp service [ $LNMP_SERVICES ] from [ default $LREW_INCLUDE ]" if (!(Test-Path lnmp-docker-custom-script.ps1)){ Copy-Item lnmp-docker-custom-script.example.ps1 lnmp-docker-custom-script.ps1 } printInfo "Exec custom script" . ./lnmp-docker-custom-script.ps1 $isWSL2=$false if((_command docker) -and ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT" -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq $null) -and (Test-Path $HOME\.docker\config.json)){ $docker_current_context=(ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (get-content $HOME\.docker\config.json -Raw)).currentContext if ($docker_current_context -eq "wsl2"){ printInfo "Docker Engine run in WSL2 (start by $ service docker start)" $LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS="-H ${LNMP_WSL2_DOCKER_HOST}" _wsl2_docker_init $isWSL2=$true }else{ # $LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS="-H npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine" } } # context is wsl2, exec slow if(_command docker){ if(!$isWSL2){ $DOCKER_VERSION=$($(docker --version).split(' ')[2]).trim(',') }else{ $DOCKER_VERSION=$($(docker -c default --version).split(' ')[2]).trim(',') } } $DOCKER_VERSION_YY=([System.Version]$DOCKER_VERSION).Major $DOCKER_VERSION_MM="0" + ([System.Version]$DOCKER_VERSION).Minor _cp_init_file logs check_docker_version if(_command docker-compose){ printInfo $(docker-compose --version) } if ($args.Count -eq 0){ help_information }else{ $command, $other = $args } switch -regex ($command){ init { _lrew_init $other } add { _lrew_add $other } outdated { _lrew_outdated $other } lrew-backup { _lrew_backup } lrew-update { _lrew_update $other } httpd-config { clear _wsl_check wsl -d $DistributionName ./lnmp-docker httpd-config $other } backup { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} exec mysql /backup/backup.sh $other #@custom __lnmp_custom_backup $other } restore { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} exec mysql /backup/restore.sh $other #@custom __lnmp_custom_restore $other } build { if ($command -eq "build"){ $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.build.yml" ` 1 & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options build $other --parallel} } } build-config { logs $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.build.yml" ` 1 & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options config $other} } build-up { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.build.yml" ` 1 & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options up -d $other} } build-push { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.build.yml" ` 1 & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options build $other --parallel} & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options push $other} } cleanup { cleanup #@custom __lnmp_custom_cleanup } config { logs $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options config $other} } checkout { git fetch origin "${DOCKER_VERSION_YY}.${DOCKER_VERSION_MM}":"${DOCKER_VERSION_YY}.${DOCKER_VERSION_MM}" git checkout "${DOCKER_VERSION_YY}.${DOCKER_VERSION_MM}" _update } services { ${LNMP_SERVICES} } "^up$" { init if($other){ $services = $other }else{ $services = ${LNMP_SERVICES} } $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options up -d $services} #@custom __lnmp_custom_up $services } pull { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml",` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options pull ${LNMP_SERVICES}} #@custom __lnmp_custom_pull } down { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml",` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options down --remove-orphans} #@custom __lnmp_custom_down } env { if($other){ notepad.exe $other exit } notepad.exe $LNMP_ENV_FILE notepad.exe $LNMP_ENV_FILE_PS1 } new { clear _wsl_check wsl -d $DistributionName ./lnmp-docker new $other } nginx-config { clear _wsl_check wsl -d $DistributionName ./lnmp-docker nginx-config $other } swarm-config { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f docker-production.yml config } swarm-build { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f docker-production.yml build $other --parallel } swarm-push { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f docker-production.yml push $other } restart { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options restart $other} #@custom __lnmp_custom_restart $other } ssl-self { docker run --init -it --rm ` --mount type=bind,src=$pwd/config/nginx/ssl-self,target=/ssl khs1994/tls $other printInfo ` 'Import ./config/nginx/ssl-self/root-ca.crt to Browsers,then set hosts in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts' } satis { satis } mongodb-cli { if ($other){ _bash_cli mongodb $other exit } _bash_cli mongodb bash } mysql-cli { if ($other){ _bash_cli mysql $other exit } _bash_cli mysql bash } mariadb-cli { if ($other){ _bash_cli mariadb $other exit } _bash_cli mariadb bash } nginx-unit-cli { if ($other){ _bash_cli nginx-unit $other exit } _bash_cli nginx-unit bash } php7-cli { if ($other){ _bash_cli php7 $other exit } _bash_cli php7 bash } "-cli$" { $service=($command).split("-cli") if ($other){ _bash_cli $service $other exit } _bash_cli $service sh } clusterkit { $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.override.yml", ` "cluster/docker-cluster.mysql.yml", ` "cluster/docker-cluster.redis.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options up $other} } clusterkit-mysql-up { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.mysql.yml up $other } clusterkit-mysql-down { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.mysql.yml down $other } clusterkit-mysql-exec { $service,$cmd=$other if ($cmd.Count -eq 0){ '$ ./lnmp-docker.ps1 clusterkit-mysql-exec {master|node-N} {COMMAND}' cd $source exit 1 } clusterkit_bash_cli clusterkit_mysql mysql_$service $cmd } clusterkit-memcached-up { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.memcached.yml up $other } clusterkit-memcached-down { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.memcached.yml down $other } clusterkit-memcached-exec { $service,$cmd=$other if ($cmd.Count -eq 0){ '$ ./lnmp-docker.ps1 clusterkit-memcached-exec {N} {COMMAND}' cd $source exit 1 } clusterkit_bash_cli clusterkit_memcached memcached-$service $cmd } clusterkit-redis-up { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.yml up $other } clusterkit-redis-down { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.yml down $other } clusterkit-redis-exec { $service,$cmd=$other if ($cmd.Count -eq 0){ '$ ./lnmp-docker.ps1 clusterkit-redis-exec {master-N|slave-N} {COMMAND}' cd $source exit 1 } clusterkit_bash_cli clusterkit_redis redis_$service $cmd } clusterkit-redis-replication-up { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.replication.yml up $other } clusterkit-redis-replication-down { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.replication.yml down $other } clusterkit-redis-replication-exec { $service,$cmd=$other if ($cmd.Count -eq 0){ '$ ./lnmp-docker.ps1 clusterkit-redis-replication-exec {master|slave-N} {COMMAND}' cd $source exit 1 } clusterkit_bash_cli clusterkit_redis_replication redis_m_s_$service $cmd } clusterkit-redis-sentinel-up { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.sentinel.yml up $other } clusterkit-redis-sentinel-down { docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f cluster/docker-cluster.redis.sentinel.yml down $other } clusterkit-redis-sentinel-exec { $service,$cmd=$other if ($cmd.Count -eq 0){ '$ ./lnmp-docker.ps1 clusterkit-redis-sentinel-exec {master-N|slave-N|sentinel-N} {COMMAND}' cd $source exit 1 } clusterkit_bash_cli clusterkit_redis_sentinel redis_sentinel_$service $cmd } {$_ -in "update","upgrade"} { _update } {$_ -in "-h","--help","help"} { help_information } clusterkit-help { clusterkit_help } update-version { clear _wsl_check wsl -d $DistributionName ./lnmp-docker update-version } bug { $os_info=$($psversiontable.BuildVersion) if ($os_info.length -eq 0){ $os_info=$($psversiontable.os) } $docker_version=$(docker --version) $compose_version=$(docker-compose --version) $git_commit=$(git log -1 --pretty=%H) Write-Output "<details> %0A <summary>OS Environment Info</summary> %0A%0A <code>OS: $os_info</code> %0A%0A <code>Docker: $docker_version</code> %0A%0A <code>Docker Compose: $compose_version</code> %0A%0A <code>LNMP COMMIT: https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp/commit/$git_commit</code> %0A%0A </details> %0A%0A <details> %0A%0A <summary>Console output</summary> %0A%0A <!--Don't Edit it--> %0A <!--Do not manually edit the above, pleae paste the terminal output to the following--> %0A%0A <pre> %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A </pre> %0A%0A </details> %0A%0A <h2>My Issue is</h2> %0A <!--Describe your problem here--> %0A%0A XXX %0A%0A XXX %0A%0A <!--Be sure to click < Preview > Tab before submitting questions--> " | Out-File bug.md -encoding utf8 # Start-Process -FilePath https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp/issues Start-Process -FilePath https://github.com/khs1994-docker/lnmp/issues/new?body=$(cat bug.md) } k8s { clear printInfo "please try kubernetes on website" Start-Process -FilePath "https://cloud.tencent.com/redirect.php?redirect=10058&cps_key=3a5255852d5db99dcd5da4c72f05df61" } zan { clear printInfo "Thank You" Start-Process -FilePath http://zan.khs1994.com } donate { clear printInfo "Thank You" Start-Process -FilePath http://zan.khs1994.com } fund { clear printInfo "Thank You" Start-Process -FilePath http://zan.khs1994.com } pcit-cp { _pcit_cp } pcit-up { _pcit_cp # if (!(Test-Path ${APP_ROOT}/pcit/public/.env.produnction)){ # cp ${APP_ROOT}/pcit/public/.env.example ${APP_ROOT}/pcit/public/.env.production # } if (!(Test-Path pcit/.env.development)){ cp pcit/.env.example pcit/.env.development } # 判断 nginx 配置文件是否存在 if(!(Test-Path pcit/conf/pcit.conf)){ cp pcit/conf/pcit.config pcit/conf/pcit.conf } $a=Select-String 'demo.ci.khs1994.com' pcit/conf/pcit.conf if ($a.Length -ne 0){ throw "PCIT nginx conf error, please see pcit/README.md" } if(!(Test-Path pcit/ssl/ci.crt)){ throw "PCIT Website SSL key not found, please see pcit/README.md" } if(!(Test-Path pcit/key/private.key)){ throw "PCIT GitHub App private key not found, please see pcit/README.md" } if(!(Test-Path pcit/key/public.key)){ docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,src=$PWD/pcit/key,target=/app pcit/pcit ` openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key } cp pcit/ssl/ci.crt config/nginx/ssl/ci.crt cp pcit/conf/pcit.conf config/nginx/pcit.conf # 启动 $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml", ` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options up -d ${LNMP_SERVICES} pcit} } daemon-socket { docker run -d --restart=always ` -p 2376:2375 ` --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock ` -e PORT=2375 ` --health-cmd="wget -O /proc/self/fd/2" ` shipyard/docker-proxy } wait-docker { wait_docker } gcr.io { printInfo "Check gcr.io host config" $GCR_IO_HOST=(ping gcr.io -n 1).split(" ")[9] $GCR_IO_HOST_EN=(ping gcr.io -n 1).split(" ")[11].trim(":") if(!(($GCR_IO_HOST -eq "") -or ($GCR_IO_HOST_EN -eq ""))){ printWarning "Please set host on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc gcr.io k8s.gcr.io " explorer.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc exit } printInfo "gcr.io host config correct" if ('logs' -eq $args[1]){ docker logs $(docker container ls -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp.gcr.io -q) -f exit } docker container rm -f ` $(docker container ls -a -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp.gcr.io -q) | out-null printInfo "This local server support Docker Desktop EDGE v${DOCKER_DESKTOP_VERSION} with Kubernetes ${KUBERNETES_VERSION}" if ('down' -eq $args[1]){ Write-Warning "Stop gcr.io local server success" exit } mkdir -Force $LNMP_CACHE/registry | out-null docker run -it -d ` -p 443:443 ` -p 80:80 ` --mount type=bind,src=$pwd/config/registry/config.gcr.io.yml,target=/etc/docker/registry/config.yml ` --mount type=bind,src=$pwd/config/registry,target=/etc/docker/registry/ssl ` --mount type=bind,src=$LNMP_CACHE/registry,target=/var/lib/registry ` --label com.khs1994.lnmp.gcr.io ` registry if ('--no-pull' -eq $args[1]){ printInfo "Up gcr.io Server Success" exit } $images="kube-controller-manager:v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}", ` "kube-apiserver:v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}", ` "kube-scheduler:v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}", ` "kube-proxy:v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}", ` "etcd:3.3.15-0", ` "coredns:1.6.2", ` "pause:3.1" sleep 10 foreach ($image in $images){ printInfo "Handle ${image}" docker pull gcr.io/google_containers/$image docker tag gcr.io/google_containers/$image k8s.gcr.io/$image # docker push k8s.gcr.io/$image docker rmi gcr.io/google_containers/$image } docker container rm -f ` $(docker container ls -a -f label=com.khs1994.lnmp.gcr.io -q) | out-null } composer { if((Test-Path $source/.devcontainer) -And (Test-Path $source/docker-workspace.yml)){ printInfo "Exec composer command in [ vscode remote ] or [ PhpStorm ] project folder" cd $source docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} -f docker-workspace.yml run --rm composer $args exit } $WORKING_DIR,$COMPOSER_COMMAND=$other if(!$WORKING_DIR){ "Some ARGs require Usage: ./lnmp-docker composer PATH_IN_CONTAINER COMPOSER_COMMAND Example: ./lnmp-docker composer /app/demo install " exit 1 } $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml",` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" & {docker-compose ${LNMP_COMPOSE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS} $options run -w $WORKING_DIR --rm composer $COMPOSER_COMMAND} } hosts { Start-Process -FilePath "notepad.exe" ` -ArgumentList "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" ` -Verb RunAs } dockerd { & $PSScriptRoot/wsl2/bin/dockerd-wsl2.ps1 $other } "compose$" { $DIST="C:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop\version-bin\docker-compose.exe" if($other){ $DIST=$other if($other.count -gt 1){ $DIST=$other[0] } } printInfo "Download docker-compose $LNMP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION to $DIST ..." start-process "curl.exe" -ArgumentList "-L","https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${LNMP_DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe","-o","$DIST" -Verb Runas -wait -WindowStyle Hidden } default { #@custom __lnmp_custom_command $args printInfo ` "maybe you input command is notdefined, TRY EXEC docker-compose command" $options=get_compose_options "docker-lnmp.yml",` "docker-lnmp.override.yml" $command,$other = $args & {docker-compose $options $command $other} } } cd $source |