function Get-LocalUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Get local users .DESCRIPTION Get local user accounts .PARAMETER Identity Optional. Name of user to return. Default is to return all users. .EXAMPLE Get-LocalUser .EXAMPLE Get-LocalUser -Identity "frank.zappa" .LINK #> param ( [parameter()][string]$Identity ) try { $results = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $users = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { cat /etc/passwd } $computer = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { hostname } foreach ($user in $users) { $udata = $user.Split(":") $uname = $udata[0] $gdata = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { groups $uname } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($gdata)) { $groups = $gdata.Split(":")[1].Trim().Split(' ') } else { $groups = $null } $row = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $udata[0] Password = if ($udata[1] -eq 'x') { '********'} else { $udata[1] } ID = $udata[2] GroupID = $udata[3] Groups = $($groups) Comment = $udata[4] Home = $udata[5] Shell = $udata[6] Computer = $computer } $null = $results.Add($row) } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Identity)) { $results | Where-Object {($_.Name -eq $Identity)} } else { $results | Sort-Object ID,Name } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |