function Get-USBInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets information about USB devices connected to the system. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves basic information about USB devices from lsusb command. Each device is returned as a PowerShell object with standardized properties. Use -Full to include detailed troubleshooting data. .PARAMETER Full If specified, includes detailed troubleshooting data from lsusb -v -d for each device. .PARAMETER Id Specifies a specific device ID to return. The ID is the sequential number shown in the basic listing (1,2,3...). .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject[]] USBDevice objects containing: * Id - Sequential device number (1,2,3...) * Bus - USB bus number * Device - Device number on bus * VendorID - Vendor ID (hex) * ProductID - Product ID (hex) * DeviceID - Combined VendorID:ProductID format * Description - Device description When -Full is specified, adds: * TroubleshootingData - Raw output from lsusb -v -d .EXAMPLE Get-USBInfo Lists all USB devices with basic information. .EXAMPLE Get-USBInfo -Id 1 Gets information for a specific USB device. .EXAMPLE Get-USBInfo -Full Lists all USB devices including detailed troubleshooting data. .EXAMPLE Get-USBInfo -Id 1 -Full Gets detailed information for a specific USB device. .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-USBInfo $devices | Where-Object VendorID -eq '0951' Gets all USB devices and filters for a specific vendor. .NOTES Requires lsusb command to be available on the system. The DeviceID property can be used directly with 'lsusb -v -d'. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage="Include detailed troubleshooting data")] [switch]$Full, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Get information for a specific device by ID")] [int]$Id ) # Verify required binary if (-not (Resolve-BinDep -Bins "lsusb")) { return } try { Write-Verbose "Retrieving USB device information" $lsUsbOutput = lsusb 2>$null $counter = 1 $devices = foreach ($line in $lsUsbOutput) { if ($line -match '^Bus (\d{3}) Device (\d{3}): ID ([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})\s*(.*)$') { $vendorId = $matches[3] $productId = $matches[4] $deviceId = "$vendorId`:$productId" $device = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'LinuxInfo.USBDevice' Id = $counter++ Bus = $matches[1] Device = $matches[2] VendorID = $vendorId ProductID = $productId DeviceID = $deviceId Description = $matches[5].Trim() } if ($Full) { Write-Verbose "Getting detailed information for device $deviceId" $troubleshootingData = $(lsusb -v -d $deviceId 2>$null) $device | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TroubleshootingData' -NotePropertyValue ($troubleshootingData -join "`n") } $device } } # Filter by Id if specified if ($Id) { $devices = $devices | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } if (-not $devices) { Write-Error "No USB device found with ID: $Id" return } } return $devices } catch { Write-Error "Failed to retrieve USB information: $_" } } |