function Get-DisplayInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gathers display and graphics information from a Linux system. .DESCRIPTION Collects and returns display information including: - Monitor refresh rate (via xrandr) - Display aspect ratio (via xrandr) - Number of connected monitors (via xrandr) - Graphics card information (via lspci) For multiple monitors, the primary display's refresh rate and resolution are reported. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject with the following properties: - RefreshRate: Primary display refresh rate (Hz) - AspectRatio: Primary display resolution - NumberOfMonitors: Count of connected displays - GPU: Graphics card model information .EXAMPLE Get-DisplayInfo Returns display configuration and graphics hardware information. .NOTES Author: Emil Larsson Requires: xrandr, lspci, grep #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param() # Verify required binaries are available if (-not (Resolve-BinDep -Bins "xrandr", "lspci", "grep")) { return } try { # Initialize default values $CurrentResolution = "Unknown" $RefreshRate = "Unknown" $Monitors = 0 $DisplayData = "Unknown" # Get xrandr output $XrandrOutput = xrandr if ($XrandrOutput) { # Get current resolution from the primary/first connected display $ResolutionMatch = $XrandrOutput | Select-String -Pattern 'connected primary (\d+x\d+)' if (-not $ResolutionMatch) { # Try alternative pattern if no primary monitor is specified $ResolutionMatch = $XrandrOutput | Select-String -Pattern 'current (\d+ x \d+)' } if ($ResolutionMatch) { $CurrentResolution = $ResolutionMatch.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value } # Get refresh rate from the primary/first connected display $RefreshMatch = $XrandrOutput | Select-String -Pattern '\d+\.\d+\*' if ($RefreshMatch) { $RefreshRate = $RefreshMatch.Matches[0].Value.TrimEnd('*') } # Get monitor count $MonitorOutput = xrandr --listmonitors if ($MonitorOutput) { $Monitors = ($MonitorOutput[0] -replace '[^0-9]') Write-Verbose "Detected $Monitors monitor(s)" } } # Get GPU information $GPUOutput = lspci | grep -i vga if ($GPUOutput) { $DisplayData = ($GPUOutput -split ":" | Select-Object -Last 1).Trim() } } catch { Write-Warning "Error gathering display information: $_" return } [PSCustomObject]@{ RefreshRate = $RefreshRate AspectRatio = $CurrentResolution NumberOfMonitors = [int]$Monitors GPU = $DisplayData } } |