function Get-BatteryInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets battery information on Linux systems using upower. .DESCRIPTION Uses the upower binary to gather detailed battery data on Linux systems. Returns information including battery state, capacity, voltage, and estimated time remaining. Requires the upower binary to be installed. .INPUTS None. This function does not accept pipeline input. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject with the following properties: - Model: Battery model information - State: Current battery state (charging/discharging) - IsRechargeable: Whether the battery is rechargeable - WarningLevel: Current warning level - Percentage: Current charge percentage - Capacity: Battery capacity percentage - Technology: Battery technology type - TimeToEmpty: Estimated time until battery depletion (if discharging) - Energy: Current energy level - EnergyFull: Maximum energy when fully charged - EnergyRate: Current energy consumption rate - Voltage: Current voltage - ChargeCycles: Number of charge cycles .EXAMPLE Get-BatteryInfo Returns battery information for the system's primary battery. .NOTES Author: Emil Larsson Version: 2.0 Requires: upower #> [CmdletBinding()] param() # Platform check if (-not $IsLinux) { Write-Error 'This function is only supported on Linux systems.' -ErrorAction Stop } # Verify required binary if (-not (Resolve-BinDep -Bins "upower")) { return } try { # Find battery device $Battery = upower -e | Where-Object { $_ -match "BAT[0-9]" } if (-not $Battery) { Write-Warning 'No battery detected. This system may not have a battery or upower cannot detect it.' return } # Define regex pattern for data extraction $regex = '(?i)\b(model|rechargeable|state|warning-level|energy(-full(-design)?|-rate)?|voltage|charge-cycles|time to empty|percentage|capacity|technology)\b' # Get and filter battery data $FilteredData = upower -i $Battery | Select-String $regex -Raw | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() -replace '\s+', ' ' -replace ': ', ':' } # Convert data to hashtable $batteryData = @{} foreach ($line in $FilteredData) { $key, $value = $line -split ':', 2 $batteryData[$key] = $value.Trim() } # Build and return object with consistent property types [PSCustomObject]@{ Model = $batteryData['model'] State = $batteryData['state'] IsRechargeable = [bool]($batteryData['rechargeable'] -eq 'yes') WarningLevel = $batteryData['warning-level'] Percentage = ($batteryData['percentage'] -match '[\d\.]+%') ? [decimal]($batteryData['percentage'] -replace '%') : $null Capacity = ($batteryData['capacity'] -match '[\d\.]+%') ? [decimal]($batteryData['capacity'] -replace '%') : $null Technology = $batteryData['technology'] TimeToEmpty = $batteryData['time to empty'] Energy = ($batteryData['energy'] -match '[\d\.]+\s*Wh') ? [decimal]($batteryData['energy'] -replace ' Wh') : $null EnergyFull = ($batteryData['energy-full'] -match '[\d\.]+\s*Wh') ? [decimal]($batteryData['energy-full'] -replace ' Wh') : $null EnergyRate = ($batteryData['energy-rate'] -match '[\d\.]+\s*W') ? [decimal]($batteryData['energy-rate'] -replace ' W') : $null Voltage = ($batteryData['voltage'] -match '[\d\.]+\s*V') ? [decimal]($batteryData['voltage'] -replace ' V') : $null ChargeCycles = ($batteryData['charge-cycles'] -match '^\d+$') ? [int]$batteryData['charge-cycles'] : $null } } catch { Write-Error "Failed to get battery information: $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } |