function Convert-USBDataToObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts raw USB device data into structured PowerShell objects. .DESCRIPTION Parses raw USB device information (typically from lsusb output) and converts it into structured PowerShell objects. The function processes device headers, descriptors, and their properties, converting numeric values into appropriate types and organizing the data hierarchically. .PARAMETER Data The raw USB device data string to parse. This is typically the output from lsusb or similar commands. The data should contain device headers and descriptor information in a structured format. .EXAMPLE $usbData = Get-Content -Path "./usb-output.txt" -Raw $usbData | Convert-USBDataToObject Converts the contents of a file containing USB device information into structured objects. .EXAMPLE # Get detailed information for a specific USB device and convert it to an object $usbDevice = Convert-USBDataToObject -Data (Get-USBInfo -id 1 -full) # Display all descriptor types $usbDevice.Descriptors.Keys # Examine specific descriptor properties $usbDevice.Descriptors.Device.Properties $usbDevice.Descriptors.Configuration.Properties This example shows how to: 1. Get detailed USB information for device ID 1 2. Convert it to a structured object 3. View available descriptor types 4. Access specific descriptor properties .EXAMPLE # Get and analyze all USB devices with their descriptors Get-USBInfo -full | Convert-USBDataToObject | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Device: $($_.Manufacturer)" -ForegroundColor Yellow foreach ($descriptor in $_.Descriptors.Keys) { Write-Host "`nDescriptor: $descriptor" -ForegroundColor Cyan $_.Descriptors[$descriptor].Properties | Format-Table -AutoSize } } This example demonstrates how to: 1. Get information for all USB devices 2. Convert them to objects 3. Format and display each device's descriptors in a readable way .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] Objects containing structured USB device information with the following properties: - Bus: Integer representing the USB bus number - Device: Integer representing the device number - VendorId: String containing the vendor ID in hexadecimal - ProductId: String containing the product ID in hexadecimal - Manufacturer: String containing the manufacturer/device description - Descriptors: Hashtable of descriptor objects containing device properties #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("Content")] [string]$Data ) begin { # Define regex patterns with named capture groups $deviceHeaderPattern = @' (?x) # Enable comment mode ^Bus\s+(?<bus>\d+)\s+ # Bus number Device\s+(?<dev>\d+): # Device number \s*ID\s+ # ID label (?<vendorId>[\da-f]{4}): # Vendor ID (4 hex digits) (?<productId>[\da-f]{4}) # Product ID (4 hex digits) \s+ (?<manufacturer>[^\r\n]+) # Manufacturer/description '@ $descriptorPattern = '^(?<type>\w+)\s+Descriptor:$' $propertyPattern = '^\s+(?<key>\w+)\s+(?<value>.+)$' } process { # Split input into lines $lines = $Data -split '\r?\n' # Track current parsing state $currentDevice = $null $currentDescriptor = $null foreach ($line in $lines) { # Skip empty lines if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { continue } Write-Verbose "Processing line: $line" switch -Regex ($line) { $deviceHeaderPattern { Write-Verbose "Found device header" # Create new device object $currentDevice = [PSCustomObject]@{ Bus = [int]$matches.bus Device = [int]$ VendorId = $matches.vendorId ProductId = $matches.productId Manufacturer = $matches.manufacturer Descriptors = @{} } $currentDescriptor = $null continue } $descriptorPattern { Write-Verbose "Found descriptor: $($matches.type)" # Create new descriptor section $descriptorType = $matches.type $currentDevice.Descriptors[$descriptorType] = [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = $descriptorType Properties = @{} } $currentDescriptor = $currentDevice.Descriptors[$descriptorType] continue } $propertyPattern { if ($currentDescriptor) { Write-Verbose "Found property: $($matches.key)" $key = $matches.key $value = $matches.value.Trim() # Handle special cases like hex values if ($value -match '^0x[\da-f]+$') { $value = [Convert]::ToInt32($value.Substring(2), 16) } elseif ($value -match '^\d+$') { $value = [int]$value } $currentDescriptor.Properties[$key] = $value } continue } default { # Handle continuation lines or additional information if ($currentDescriptor -and $line.StartsWith(' ')) { Write-Verbose "Found continuation line" if (-not $currentDescriptor.Properties.ContainsKey('Notes')) { $currentDescriptor.Properties['Notes'] = @() } $currentDescriptor.Properties['Notes'] += $line.Trim() } } } } # Output the device object if ($currentDevice) { $currentDevice } } } |