function Get-OSInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gathers information about the operating system and displays it to the user. .DESCRIPTION Uses uname & os-release file to build a PSCustomObject that describes the operating system, .NOTES Author: Emil Larsson, 2023-03-30 .EXAMPLE Get-OSInfo Gets an object with operating system info on a linux system. #> [CmdletBinding()] param() # Verifies required binary Resolve-BinDep -Bins "stat", "awk", "uname" # Gather data $script:OSData = (Get-Content /etc/os-release) | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=NAME=|VERSION=|PRETTY_NAME=|HOME_URL=|SUPPORT_END=)[^,\n]+' -Raw $regex = '"([^"]*)"' $DistName = ([regex]::Match($OSData[0], $regex)).Value $DistNameData = $script:OSData | Where-Object {$_ -like "VERSION=*"} $DistVersion = ([regex]::Match($DistNameData, $regex)).Value if (Get-Command stat) { $InstallDate = stat / | awk '/Birth: /{print $2}' } else { $InstallDate = "Unknown" } # Build object $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ DistName = $DistName.Replace('"','') DistVersion = $DistVersion.Replace('"','') SupportURL = ($OSData | Where-Object {$_ -like "HOME_URL=*"}).TrimStart("HOME_URL=").Trim('"') OS = uname -o KernelRelease = uname -r OSInstallDate = $InstallDate } # Return object return $Object } |