
using module .\kClass.psm1

Produces an object of Kubernetes API Groups and Resources.
Produces an object of Kubernetes API Groups and Resources via proxied connection.
Combines the output of (kubectl api-resources) and (kubectl api-versions).
See Notes and Examples.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
pscustombobject SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.API.Info
1. PowerShell 7 Required because a ternary operator is used. Using a version lower than 7 will error akin to:
        PreferredVersion = ( $prv -eq $gvv ? $true : $false )
        Unexpected token '?' in expression or statement.
2. For the command to work properly
    Ensure that the API has been proxied, akin to: kubectl proxy --port 8888 &
    Run the command, returning the information into a variable: $myVar = Get-K8sAPIInfo
3. The DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "GroupName","GroupVersion","ResourceKind","ResourceName"
    To see all properties, issue either:
        $myVar | Format-List -Property *
        $myVar | Select-Object -Property *
Before this Advanced Function will work, a proxy to the API must be configured.
Note any free port above 1024 can be used; if using a port different than 8888, substitute accordingly in both references below.
    kubectl proxy --port 8888 &
Once the proxy is established:
    $myVar = Get-K8sAPIInfo -Uri http://localhost:8888
Display the Default Property Set of all Groups / Resources:
Display all Properties of all Groups / Resources:
    $myVar | Format-List -Property *
Display all Preferred Version Groups / Resources:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property PreferredVersion -eq $true
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property PreferredVersion -eq $true | fl *
Display all Groups / Resources within the apps group:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property GroupName -eq apps
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property GroupName -eq apps | fl *
Display all Groups / Resources matching the ResourceKind Role:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property ResourceKind -match role
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property ResourceKind -match role | fl *

Function Get-K8sAPIInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Uri

        if ( ([uri] $uri).IsAbsoluteUri -eq $false )
            Write-Output "Terminating. Non-valid URL detected. Submitted URL: $uri"

        $mainurl = ($($Uri.AbsoluteUri)+$([K8sAPI]::uria))

        $apis = [K8sAPI]::GetApiInfo($mainurl)

        foreach ($api in $apis.groups)
            $prv = $api.preferredVersion.groupVersion
            $grvs = $api.versions
            foreach ($grv in $grvs)
                $url = $($mainurl)+$($grv.groupVersion)
                $resi = [K8sAPI]::GetResourceInfo($url)
                foreach ($res in $resi)
                    $lo = [K8sAPI]::MakeObj($api.name , $grv , $res , $prv)

        $TypeData = @{
            TypeName = 'SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.API.Info'
            DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "GroupName","GroupVersion","ResourceKind","ResourceName"
        Update-TypeData @TypeData -Force