function New-JWT { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, HelpMessage='The private key to sign the JWT. This also includes the secret for HS algorithms.' )] [string]$PrivateKey, [Parameter( HelpMessage='Setting the encryption algorithm.' )] [Algorithm]$Algorithm = [Algorithm]::new(), [Parameter( Mandatory, HelpMessage='Provide the payload for the JWT' )] [Hashtable]$Payload, [Parameter( HelpMessage='Use this switch if you want to check for the standard JWT payload input.' )] [switch]$VerifyPayload ) begin { } process { $header = [jwtHeader]::new() $header.Algorithm = $Algorithm $claimSet = [jwtClaimSet]::new() if ($VerifyPayload) { $verification = $claimSet.VerifyPayload($Payload) Write-Output -InputObject $verification } $signature = [jwtSignature]::new($PrivateKey, "$($header.Create()).$($claimSet.Create($Payload))", $Algorithm) } end { Write-Output -InputObject ($signature.Create()) } } |