
#region PlatyPS

## 1. Non-exported functions (subroutines) should avoid using
## PowerShell standard Verb-Noun naming convention.
## They should use camalCase or PascalCase instead.
## 2. SMALL subroutines, used only from ONE function
## should be placed inside the parent function body.
## They should use camalCase for the name.
## 3. LARGE subroutines and subroutines used from MORE THEN ONE function
## should be placed after the IMPLEMENTATION text block in the middle
## of this module.
## They should use PascalCase for the name.
## 4. Add comment "# yeild" on subroutine calls that write values to pipeline.
## It would help keep code maintainable and simplify ramp up for others.

Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable LocalizedData -FileName joshooaj.platyPS.Resources.psd1

## Script constants

$script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER = 'external help file'
$script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER = 'online version'
$script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER = 'applicable'

$script:UTF8_NO_BOM = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding -ArgumentList $False
# TODO: this is just a place-holder, we can do better
$script:DEFAULT_MAML_XML_OUTPUT_NAME = 'rename-me-help.xml'

$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME = "Module Name"
$script:MODULE_PAGE_GUID = "Module Guid"
$script:MODULE_PAGE_LOCALE = "Locale"
$script:MODULE_PAGE_FW_LINK = "Download Help Link"
$script:MODULE_PAGE_HELP_VERSION = "Help Version"
$script:MODULE_PAGE_ADDITIONAL_LOCALE = "Additional Locale"

$script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER = 'Online Version:'

function New-MarkdownHelp









        [string]$OnlineVersionUrl = '',




        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM,



        $Locale = "en-US",

        $HelpVersion = $LocalizedData.HelpVersion,

        $FwLink = $LocalizedData.FwLink,

        $ModuleName = "MamlModule",



        New-Item -Type Directory $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null

        function updateMamlObject

            # Here we define our misc template for new markdown to bootstrape easier

            # Example
            if ($MamlCommandObject.Examples.Count -eq 0)
                $MamlExampleObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlExample

                $MamlExampleObject.Title = $LocalizedData.ExampleTitle
                $MamlExampleObject.Code = @(
                    New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCodeBlock ($LocalizedData.ExampleCode, 'powershell')
                $MamlExampleObject.Remarks = $LocalizedData.ExampleRemark


            if ($AlphabeticParamsOrder)
                SortParamsAlphabetically $MamlCommandObject

        function processMamlObjectToFile

                # populate template
                updateMamlObject $mamlObject
                if (-not $OnlineVersionUrl)
                    # if it's not passed, we should get it from the existing help
                    $onlineLink = $mamlObject.Links | Select-Object -First 1
                    if ($onlineLink)
                        $online = $onlineLink.LinkUri
                        if ($onlineLink.LinkName -eq $script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER -or $onlineLink.LinkName -eq $onlineLink.LinkUri)
                            # if links follow standart MS convention or doesn't have name,
                            # remove it to avoid duplications
                            $mamlObject.Links.Remove($onlineLink) > $null
                    $online = $OnlineVersionUrl

                $commandName = $mamlObject.Name

                # create markdown
                if ($NoMetadata)
                    $newMetadata = $null
                    # get help file name
                    if ($MamlFile)
                        $helpFileName = Split-Path -Leaf $MamlFile
                        # Get-Command requires that script input be a path
                        if ($mamlObject.Name.EndsWith(".ps1"))
                            $getCommandName = Resolve-Path $Command
                        # For cmdlets, nothing needs to be done
                            $getCommandName = $commandName

                        $a = @{
                            Name = $getCommandName
                        if ($module) {
                            # for module case, scope it just to this module
                            $a['Module'] = $module

                        $helpFileName = GetHelpFileName (Get-Command @a)

                    Write-Verbose "Maml things module is: $($mamlObject.ModuleName)"

                    $newMetadata = ($Metadata + @{
                        $script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER = $helpFileName
                        $script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER = $online
                        $script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME = $mamlObject.ModuleName

                $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $mamlObject -metadata $newMetadata -NoMetadata:$NoMetadata

                MySetContent -path (Join-Path $OutputFolder "$") -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force

        if ($NoMetadata -and $Metadata)
            throw $LocalizedData.NoMetadataAndMetadata

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromCommand')
            $command | ForEach-Object {
                if (-not (Get-Command $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
                    throw $LocalizedData.CommandNotFound -f $_

                GetMamlObject -Session $Session -Cmdlet $_ -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow.IsPresent | processMamlObjectToFile
            if ($module)
                $iterator = $module
                $iterator = $MamlFile

            $iterator | ForEach-Object {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromModule')
                    if (-not (GetCommands -AsNames -module $_))
                        throw $LocalizedData.ModuleNotFound -f $_

                    GetMamlObject -Session $Session -Module $_ -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow.IsPresent | processMamlObjectToFile

                    $ModuleName = $_
                    $ModuleGuid = (Get-Module $ModuleName).Guid
                    $CmdletNames = GetCommands -AsNames -Module $ModuleName
                else # 'FromMaml'
                    if (-not (Test-Path $_))
                        throw $LocalizedData.FileNotFound -f $_

                    GetMamlObject -MamlFile $_ -ConvertNotesToList:$ConvertNotesToList -ConvertDoubleDashLists:$ConvertDoubleDashLists  -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow.IsPresent | processMamlObjectToFile

                    $CmdletNames += GetMamlObject -MamlFile $_ -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow.IsPresent | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}

                    if(-not $ModuleGuid)
                        $ModuleGuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
                    if($ModuleGuid.Count -gt 1)
                        Write-Warning -Message $LocalizedData.MoreThanOneGuid
                    # yeild
                    NewModuleLandingPage  -Path $OutputFolder `
                                        -ModulePagePath $ModulePagePath `
                                        -ModuleName $ModuleName `
                                        -ModuleGuid $ModuleGuid `
                                        -CmdletNames $CmdletNames `
                                        -Locale $Locale `
                                        -Version $HelpVersion `
                                        -FwLink $FwLink `
                                        -Encoding $Encoding `

function Get-MarkdownMetadata



        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromMarkdownString')
            return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser]::GetYamlMetadata($Markdown)
        else # FromFile)
            GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path -IncludeModulePage | ForEach-Object {
                $md = Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName
                [Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser]::GetYamlMetadata($md) # yeild

function Update-MarkdownHelp

        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM,


        $infoCallback = GetInfoCallback $LogPath -Append:$LogAppend
        $MarkdownFiles = @()

        $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path

        function log

            $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelp] $([datetime]::now) $message"
            if ($warning)
                Write-Warning $message


        if (-not $MarkdownFiles)
            log -warning ($LocalizedData.NoMarkdownFiles -f $Path)

        $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object {
            $file = $_

            $filePath = $file.FullName
            $oldModels = GetMamlModelImpl $filePath -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding

            if ($oldModels.Count -gt 1)
                log -warning ($LocalizedData.FileContainsMoreThanOneCommand -f $filePath)
                log -warning $LocalizedData.OneCommandPerFile

            $oldModel = $oldModels[0]

            $name = $oldModel.Name
            [Array]$loadedModulesBefore = $(Get-Module | Select-Object -Property Name)
            $command = Get-Command $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (-not $command)
                if ($Force) {
                    if (Test-Path $filePath) {
                        Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Confirm:$false
                        log -warning ($LocalizedData.CommandNotFoundFileRemoved -f $name, $filePath)
                } else {
                    log -warning ($LocalizedData.CommandNotFoundSkippingFile -f $name, $filePath)
            elseif (($null -ne $command.ModuleName) -and ($loadedModulesBefore.Name -notcontains $command.ModuleName))
                log -warning ($LocalizedData.ModuleImporteAutomaticaly -f $($command.ModuleName))

            # update the help file entry in the metadata
            $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata $filePath
            $metadata["external help file"] = GetHelpFileName $command
            $reflectionModel = GetMamlObject -Session $Session -Cmdlet $name -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow.IsPresent
            $metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME] = $reflectionModel.ModuleName

            $merger = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Transformer.MamlModelMerger -ArgumentList $infoCallback
            $newModel = $merger.Merge($reflectionModel, $oldModel, $UpdateInputOutput)

            if ($AlphabeticParamsOrder)
                SortParamsAlphabetically $newModel

            $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $newModel -metadata $metadata -PreserveFormatting
            MySetContent -path $file.FullName -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force # yield

function Merge-MarkdownHelp


        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM,



        [string]$MergeMarker = "!!! "

        $MarkdownFiles = @()

        $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path

        function log

            $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelp] $([datetime]::now) $message"
            if ($warning)
                Write-Warning $message
                Write-Verbose $message

        if (-not $MarkdownFiles)
            log -warning ($LocalizedData.NoMarkdownFiles -f $Path)

        function getTags

            ($files | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf | Group-Object).Name

        # use parent folder names as tags
        $allTags = getTags $MarkdownFiles
        log "Using following tags for the merge: $tags"
        $fileGroups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object -Property Name
        log "Found $($fileGroups.Count) file groups"

        $fileGroups | ForEach-Object {
            $files = $_.Group
            $groupName = $_.Name

            $dict = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]'
            $files | ForEach-Object {
                $model = GetMamlModelImpl $_.FullName -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding
                # unwrap List of 1 element
                $model = $model[0]
                $tag = getTags $_
                log "Adding tag $tag and $model"
                $dict[$tag] = $model

            $tags = $dict.Keys
            if (($allTags | measure-object).Count -gt ($tags | measure-object).Count -or $ExplicitApplicableIfAll)
                $newMetadata = @{ $script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER = $tags -join ', ' }
                $newMetadata = @{}

            $merger = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Transformer.MamlMultiModelMerger -ArgumentList $null, (-not $ExplicitApplicableIfAll), $MergeMarker
            $newModel = $merger.Merge($dict)

            $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $newModel -metadata $newMetadata -PreserveFormatting
            $outputFilePath = Join-Path $OutputPath $groupName
            MySetContent -path $outputFilePath -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force # yeild

function Update-MarkdownHelpModule

        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM,

        $infoCallback = GetInfoCallback $LogPath -Append:$LogAppend
        $MarkdownFiles = @()


        function log

            $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelpModule] $([datetime]::now) $message"
            if ($warning)
                Write-Warning $message


        foreach ($modulePath in $Path)
            $module = $null
            $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $modulePath
            # this is pretty hacky and would lead to errors
            # the idea is to find module name from landing page when it's available
            if ($h.$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME)
                $module = $h.$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME | Select-Object -First 1
                log ($LocalizedData.ModuleNameFromPath -f $modulePath, $module)

            if (-not $module)
                Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.ModuleNameNotFoundFromPath -f $modulePath)

            # always append on this call
            log ("[Update-MarkdownHelpModule]" + (Get-Date).ToString())
            log ($LocalizedData.UpdateDocsForModule -f $module, $modulePath)
            $affectedFiles = Update-MarkdownHelp -Session $Session -Path $modulePath -LogPath $LogPath -LogAppend -Encoding $Encoding -AlphabeticParamsOrder:$AlphabeticParamsOrder -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -UpdateInputOutput:$UpdateInputOutput -Force:$Force -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow
            $affectedFiles # yeild

            $allCommands = GetCommands -AsNames -Module $Module
            if (-not $allCommands)
                throw $LocalizedData.ModuleOrCommandNotFound -f $Module

            $updatedCommands = $affectedFiles.BaseName
            $allCommands | ForEach-Object {
                if ( -not ($updatedCommands -contains $_) )
                    log ($LocalizedData.CreatingNewMarkdownForCommand -f $_)
                    $newFiles = New-MarkdownHelp -Command $_ -OutputFolder $modulePath -AlphabeticParamsOrder:$AlphabeticParamsOrder -Force:$Force -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow
                    $newFiles # yeild

                $MamlModel = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]
                $files = @()
                $MamlModel = GetMamlModelImpl $affectedFiles -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding
                NewModuleLandingPage  -RefreshModulePage -ModulePagePath $ModulePagePath -Path $modulePath -ModuleName $module -Module $MamlModel -Encoding $Encoding -Force

function New-MarkdownAboutHelp
        [string] $OutputFolder,
        [string] $AboutName

        if ($AboutName.StartsWith('about_')) { $AboutName = $AboutName.Substring('about_'.Length)}
        $templatePath =  Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "templates\"

        if(Test-Path $OutputFolder)
            $AboutContent = Get-Content $templatePath
            $AboutContent = $AboutContent.Replace("{{FileNameForHelpSystem}}",("about_" + $AboutName))
            $AboutContent = $AboutContent.Replace("{{TOPIC NAME}}",$AboutName)
            $NewAboutTopic = New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -Name "about_$($AboutName).md"
            Set-Content -Value $AboutContent -Path $NewAboutTopic -Encoding UTF8
            throw $LocalizedData.OutputFolderNotFound

function New-YamlHelp

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)]

        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8,


        $MarkdownFiles = @()

        if(-not (Test-Path $OutputFolder))
            New-Item -Type Directory $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null

        if(-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $OutputFolder))
            throw $LocalizedData.PathIsNotFolder -f $OutputFolder
        $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path
        $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.InputMarkdownFile -f '[New-YamlHelp]', $_)

        foreach($markdownFile in $MarkdownFiles)
            $mamlModels = GetMamlModelImpl $markdownFile.FullName -Encoding $Encoding
            foreach($mamlModel in $mamlModels)
                $markdownMetadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName

                ## We set the module here in the PowerShell since the Yaml block is not read by the parser
                $mamlModel.ModuleName = $markdownMetadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME]

                $yaml = [Markdown.MAML.Renderer.YamlRenderer]::MamlModelToString($mamlModel)
                $outputFilePath = Join-Path $OutputFolder ($mamlModel.Name + ".yml")
                Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.WritingYamlToPath -f $outputFilePath)
                MySetContent -Path $outputFilePath -Value $yaml -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force

function New-ExternalHelp



        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8,

        [ValidateRange(80, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [int] $MaxAboutWidth = 80,





        $MarkdownFiles = @()
        $AboutFiles = @()
        $IsOutputContainer = $true
        if ( $OutputPath.EndsWith('.xml') -and (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $OutputPath )) )
            $IsOutputContainer = $false
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.OutputPathAsFile -f '[New-ExternalHelp]', $OutputPath)
            New-Item -Type Directory $OutputPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.OutputPathAsDirectory -f '[New-ExternalHelp]', $OutputPath)

        if ( -not $ShowProgress -or $(Get-Variable -Name IsCoreClr -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) )
            Function Write-Progress() {}

        $files = GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path

        if ($files)
            $MarkdownFiles += FilterMdFileToExcludeModulePage -Path $files

            $AboutFiles += GetAboutTopicsFromPath -Path $Path -MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound $MarkdownFiles.FullName
            $AboutFiles += GetAboutTopicsFromPath -Path $Path

       # Tracks all warnings and errors
       $warningsAndErrors = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

       try {
         # write verbose output and filter out files based on applicable tag
         $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.InputMarkdownFile -f '[New-ExternalHelp]', $_)

         if ($ApplicableTag) {
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.FilteringForApplicableTag -f '[New-ExternalHelp]', $ApplicableTag)
            $MarkdownFiles = $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object {
               $applicableList = GetApplicableList -Path $_.FullName
               # this Compare-Object call is getting the intersection of two string[]
               if ((-not $applicableList) -or (Compare-Object $applicableList $ApplicableTag -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) {
                  # yeild
               else {
                  Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.SkippingMarkdownFile -f '[New-ExternalHelp]', $_)

         # group the files based on the output xml path metadata tag
         if ($IsOutputContainer) {
            $defaultPath = Join-Path $OutputPath $script:DEFAULT_MAML_XML_OUTPUT_NAME
            $groups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object {
               $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $_.FullName
               if ($h -and $h[$script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER]) {
                  Join-Path $OutputPath $h[$script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER]
               else {
                  $msgLine1 = $LocalizedData.CannotFindInMetadataFile -f $script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER, $_.FullName
                  $msgLine2 = $LocalizedData.PathWillBeUsed -f $defaultPath
                        Severity = "Warning"
                        Message  = "$msgLine1 $msgLine2"
                        FilePath = "$($_.FullName)"

                  Write-Warning -Message "[New-ExternalHelp] $msgLine1"
                  Write-Warning -Message "[New-ExternalHelp] $msgLine2"
         else {
            $groups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object { $OutputPath }

         # generate the xml content
         $r = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Renderer.MamlRenderer'

         foreach ($group in $groups) {
            $maml = GetMamlModelImpl ($group.Group | ForEach-Object {$_.FullName}) -Encoding $Encoding -ApplicableTag $ApplicableTag
            $xml = $r.MamlModelToString($maml)

            $outPath = $group.Name # group name
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.WritingExternalHelpToPath -f $outPath)
            MySetContent -Path $outPath -Value $xml -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force

         # handle about topics
         if ($AboutFiles.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($About in $AboutFiles) {
               $r = New-Object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Renderer.TextRenderer' -ArgumentList($MaxAboutWidth)
               $Content = Get-Content -Raw $About.FullName
               $p = NewMarkdownParser
               $model = $p.ParseString($Content)
               $value = $r.AboutMarkDownToString($model)

               $outPath = Join-Path $OutputPath ([io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($About.FullName) + ".help.txt")
               if (!(Split-Path -Leaf $outPath).ToUpper().StartsWith("ABOUT_", $true, $null)) {
                  $outPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $outPath) ("about_" + (Split-Path -Leaf $outPath))
               MySetContent -Path $outPath -Value $value -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force
       catch {
          # Log error and rethrow
               Severity = "Error"
               Message  = "$_.Exception.Message"
               FilePath = ""

       finally {
         if ($ErrorLogFile) {
            ConvertTo-Json $warningsAndErrors | Out-File $ErrorLogFile

function Get-HelpPreview


        foreach ($MamlFilePath in $Path)
            if (-not (Test-path -Type Leaf $MamlFilePath))
                Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.FileNotFoundSkipping -f $MamlFilePath)

            # this is Resolve-Path that resolves mounted drives (i.e. good for tests)
            $MamlFilePath = (Get-ChildItem $MamlFilePath).FullName

            # Read the malm file
            $xml = [xml](Get-Content $MamlFilePath -Raw -ea SilentlyContinue)
            if (-not $xml)
                # already error-out on the convertion, no need to repeat ourselves

            # we need a copy of maml file to bypass powershell cache,
            # in case we reuse the same filename few times.
            $MamlCopyPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
                if ($ConvertDoubleDashLists)
                    $p = $xml.GetElementsByTagName('maml:para') | ForEach-Object {
                        # Convert "-- "-lists into "- "-lists
                        # to make them markdown compatible
                        # as described in
                        $newInnerXml = $_.get_InnerXml() -replace "(`n|^)-- ", '$1- '

                if ($ConvertNotesToList)
                    # Add inline bullet-list, as described in
                    $xml.helpItems.command.alertSet.alert |
                        ForEach-Object {
                            # make first <para> a list item
                            # add indentations to other <para> to make them continuation of list item
                            $_.ChildNodes | Select-Object -First 1 |
                            ForEach-Object {
                                $newInnerXml = '* ' + $_.get_InnerXml()

                            $_.ChildNodes | Select-Object -Skip 1 |
                            ForEach-Object {
                                # this character is not a valid space.
                                # We have to use some odd character here, becasue help engine strips out
                                # all legetimate whitespaces.
                                # Note: powershell doesn't render it properly, it will appear as a non-writable char.
                                $newInnerXml = ([string][char]0xc2a0) * 2 + $_.get_InnerXml()

                # in PS v5 help engine is not happy, when first non-empty link (== Online version link) is not a valid URI
                # User encounter this problem too oftern to ignore it, hence this workaround in platyPS:
                # always add a dummy link with a valid URI into xml and then remove the first link from the help object.
                # for more context see
                $xml.helpItems.command.relatedLinks | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_)
                        $_.InnerXml = '<maml:navigationLink xmlns:maml=""><maml:linkText>PLATYPS_DUMMY_LINK</maml:linkText><maml:uri></maml:uri></maml:navigationLink>' + $_.InnerXml


                foreach ($command in $
                    #PlatyPS will have trouble parsing a command with space around the name.
                    $command = $command.Trim()
                    $thisDefinition = @"

.ExternalHelp $MamlCopyPath
filter $command

    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'PlatyPS hijacked your command $command.'
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'We are sorry for that. It means, there is a bug in our Get-HelpPreview logic.'
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'Please report this issue'
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'Restart PowerShell to fix the problem.'

# filter is rare enough to distinguish with other commands
`$innerHelp = Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Help $command -Full -Category filter

Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Export-ModuleMember -Function @()

                    $m = New-Module ( [scriptblock]::Create( "$thisDefinition" ))
                    $help = & $m { $innerHelp }
                    # this is the second part of the workaround for
                    # see comments above for context
                    $help.relatedLinks | ForEach-Object {
                        if ($_)
                            $_.navigationLink = $_.navigationLink | Select-Object -Skip 1
                    $help # yeild
                Remove-Item $MamlCopyPath

function New-ExternalHelpCab
                if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Container)
                    Throw $LocalizedData.PathIsNotFolder -f $_
        [string] $CabFilesFolder,
                if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf)
                    Throw $LocalizedData.PathIsNotFile -f $_
        [string] $LandingPagePath,
        [string] $OutputFolder,

        [switch] $IncrementHelpVersion
        New-Item -Type Directory $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null
        #Testing for MakeCab.exe
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestCommandExists -f 'MakeCab.exe')
        $MakeCab = Get-Command MakeCab
        if(-not $MakeCab)
            throw $LocalizedData.CommandNotFound -f 'MakeCab.exe'
        #Testing for files in source directory
        if((Get-ChildItem -Path $CabFilesFolder).Count -le 0)
            throw $LocalizedData.FilesNotFoundInFolder -f $CabFilesFolder
        #Testing for valid help file types
        $ValidHelpFileTypes = '.xml', '.txt'
        $HelpFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $CabFilesFolder -File
        $ValidHelpFiles = $HelpFiles | Where-Object { $_.Extension -in $ValidHelpFileTypes }
        $InvalidHelpFiles = $HelpFiles | Where-Object { $_.Extension -notin $ValidHelpFileTypes }
        if(-not $ValidHelpFiles)
            throw $LocalizedData.NoValidHelpFiles
            $InvalidHelpFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.FileNotValidHelpFileType -f $_.FullName) }

    ###Get Yaml Metadata here
    $Metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $LandingPagePath

    $ModuleName = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME]
    $Guid = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_GUID]
    $Locale = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_LOCALE]
    $FwLink = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_FW_LINK]
    $OldHelpVersion = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_HELP_VERSION]
    $AdditionalLocale = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_ADDITIONAL_LOCALE]

        $HelpVersion = IncrementHelpVersion -HelpVersionString $OldHelpVersion
        $MdContent = Get-Content -raw $LandingPagePath
        $MdContent = $MdContent.Replace($OldHelpVersion,$HelpVersion)
        Set-Content -path $LandingPagePath -value $MdContent
        $HelpVersion = $OldHelpVersion

    #Create HelpInfo File

        #Testing the destination directories, creating if none exists.
        if(-not (Test-Path $OutputFolder))
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.FolderNotFoundCreating -f $OutputFolder)
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputFolder | Out-Null

        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.CabFileInfo -f $ModuleName, $Guid, $Locale)

        #Building the cabinet file name.
        $cabName = ("{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $ModuleName,$Guid,$Locale)
        $zipName = ("{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $ModuleName,$Guid,$Locale)
        $zipPath = (Join-Path $OutputFolder $zipName)

        #Setting Cab Directives, make a cab is turned on, compression is turned on
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.CreatingCabFileDirectives)
        $DirectiveFile = "dir.dff"
        New-Item -ItemType File -Name $DirectiveFile -Force | Out-Null
        Add-Content $DirectiveFile ".Set Cabinet=on"
        Add-Content $DirectiveFile ".Set Compress=on"
        Add-Content $DirectiveFile ".Set MaxDiskSize=CDROM"

        #Creates an entry in the cab directive file for each file in the source directory (uses FullName to get fuly qualified file path and name)
        foreach($file in $ValidHelpFiles)
            Add-Content $DirectiveFile ("'" + ($file).FullName +"'" )
            Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $zipPath -Path $file.FullName -Update

        #Making Cab
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.CreatingCabFile)
        MakeCab.exe /f $DirectiveFile | Out-Null

        #Naming CabFile
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.MovingCabFile -f $OutputFolder)
        Copy-Item "disk1/" (Join-Path $OutputFolder $cabName)

        #Remove ExtraFiles created by the cabbing process
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.RemovingExtraCabFileContents)
        Remove-Item "setup.inf" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item "setup.rpt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item $DirectiveFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item -Path "disk1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        #Create the HelpInfo Xml
        MakeHelpInfoXml -ModuleName $ModuleName -GUID $Guid -HelpCulture $Locale -HelpVersion $HelpVersion -URI $FwLink -OutputFolder $OutputFolder

            $allLocales = $AdditionalLocale -split ','

            foreach($loc in $allLocales)
                #Create the HelpInfo Xml for each locale
                $locVersion = $Metadata["$loc Version"]

                    Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.VersionNotFoundForLocale -f $loc)
                    MakeHelpInfoXml -ModuleName $ModuleName -GUID $Guid -HelpCulture $loc -HelpVersion $locVersion -URI $FwLink -OutputFolder $OutputFolder


#region Implementation
# IIIIIIIIII lllllll tttt tttt iiii
# I::::::::I l:::::l ttt:::t ttt:::t i::::i
# I::::::::I l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t iiii
# II::::::II l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t
# I::::I mmmmmmm mmmmmmm ppppp ppppppppp l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmm mmmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn ttttttt:::::ttttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaa ttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn
# I::::I mm:::::::m m:::::::mm p::::ppp:::::::::p l::::l ee::::::::::::ee mm:::::::m m:::::::mm ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t a::::::::::::a t:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn
# I::::I m::::::::::mm::::::::::mp:::::::::::::::::p l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::eem::::::::::mm::::::::::m e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t aaaaaaaaa:::::at:::::::::::::::::t i::::i o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn
# I::::I m::::::::::::::::::::::mpp::::::ppppp::::::p l::::l e::::::e e:::::em::::::::::::::::::::::me::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt a::::atttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n
# I::::I m:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::em:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::me:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n t:::::t aaaaaaa:::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t aa::::::::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n t:::::t a::::aaaa::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p::::::p l::::l e:::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t tttttta::::a a:::::a t:::::t tttttt i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# II::::::IIm::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::ppppp:::::::pl::::::le::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::::e n::::n n::::n t::::::tttt:::::ta::::a a:::::a t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::::p l::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::m e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::n tt::::::::::::::ta:::::aaaa::::::a tt::::::::::::::ti::::::io:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::pp l::::::l ee:::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::m ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n tt:::::::::::tt a::::::::::aa:::a tt:::::::::::tti::::::i oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n
# IIIIIIIIIImmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm p::::::pppppppp llllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnn ttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaa aaaa ttttttttttt iiiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn
# p:::::p
# p:::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# ppppppppp

# parse out the list "applicable" tags from yaml header
function GetApplicableList

    $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $Path
    if ($h -and $h[$script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER]) {
        return $h[$script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER].Split(',').Trim()

function SortParamsAlphabetically

    # sort parameters alphabetically with minor exceptions
    $confirm = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Confirm' }
    $whatif = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'WhatIf' }
    $includeTotalCount = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'IncludeTotalCount' }
    $skip = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Skip' }
    $first = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'First' }

    if ($confirm)
        $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($confirm) > $null

    if ($whatif)
        $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($whatif) > $null

    if ($includeTotalCount)
        $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($includeTotalCount) > $null

    if ($skip)
        $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($skip) > $null

    if ($first)
        $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($first) > $null

    $sortedParams = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Sort-Object -Property Name

    $sortedParams | ForEach-Object {

    if ($confirm)

    if ($whatif)

    if ($includeTotalCount)

    if ($skip)

    if ($first)

# If LogPath not provided, use -Verbose output for logs
function GetInfoCallback

    if ($LogPath)
        if (-not (Test-Path $LogPath -PathType Leaf))
            $containerFolder = Split-Path $LogPath
            if ($containerFolder)
                # this if is for $LogPath -eq foo.log case
                New-Item -Type Directory $containerFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null

            if (-not $Append)
                # wipe the file, so it can be reused
                Set-Content -Path $LogPath -value '' -Encoding UTF8

        $infoCallback = {
            Add-Content -Path $LogPath -value $message -Encoding UTF8
        $infoCallback = {
            Write-Verbose $message
    return $infoCallback

function GetWarningCallback
    $warningCallback = {
        Write-Warning $message

    return $warningCallback

function GetAboutTopicsFromPath

    function ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText

        $MdContent = Get-Content -raw $AboutFilePath
        $MdParser = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser' `
                                -ArgumentList { param([int]$current, [int]$all)
                                Write-Progress -Activity $LocalizedData.ParsingMarkdown -status $LocalizedData.Progress -percentcomplete ($current/$all*100)}
        $MdObject = $MdParser.ParseString($MdContent)

        if($MdObject.Children[1].text.length -gt 5)
            if($MdObject.Children[1].text.substring(0,5).ToUpper() -eq "ABOUT")
                return $true

        return $false

    $AboutMarkDownFiles = @()

    if ($Path) {
        $Path | ForEach-Object {
            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_)
                    $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_
            elseif (Test-Path -PathType Container $_)
                    $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter '*.md' | Where-Object {($_.FullName -notin $MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound) -and (ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText($_.FullName))}
                    $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter '*.md' | Where-Object {ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText($_.FullName)}
                Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.AboutFileNotFound -f $_)

    return $AboutMarkDownFiles

function FilterMdFileToExcludeModulePage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $MarkdownFiles = @()

    if ($Path) {
        $Path | ForEach-Object {
            if (Test-Path $_.FullName) {
                $md = Get-Content -Raw -Path $_.FullName
                $yml = [Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser]::GetYamlMetadata($md)
                $isModulePage = $null -ne $yml.'Module Guid'

                if (-not $isModulePage) {
                    $MarkdownFiles += $_
            else {
                Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.PathNotFound -f $_.FullName)

    return $MarkdownFiles

function GetMarkdownFilesFromPath


    if ($IncludeModulePage)
        $filter = '*.md'
        $filter = '*-*.md'

    $aboutFilePrefixPattern = 'about_*'

    $MarkdownFiles = @()
    if ($Path) {
        $Path | ForEach-Object {
            if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_)
                if ((Split-Path -Leaf $_) -notlike $aboutFilePrefixPattern)
                    $MarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_
            elseif (Test-Path -PathType Container $_)
                $MarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter $filter | Where-Object {$_.BaseName -notlike $aboutFilePrefixPattern}
                Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.PathNotFound -f $_)

    return $MarkdownFiles

function GetParserMode

    if ($PreserveFormatting)
        return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.ParserMode]::FormattingPreserve
        return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.ParserMode]::Full

function GetMamlModelImpl

    if ($ForAnotherMarkdown -and $ApplicableTag) {
        throw $LocalizedData.ForAnotherMarkdownAndApplicableTag

    # we need to pass it into .NET IEnumerable<MamlCommand> API
    $res = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]'

    $markdownFiles | ForEach-Object {
        $mdText = MyGetContent $_ -Encoding $Encoding
        $schema = GetSchemaVersion $mdText
        $p = NewMarkdownParser
        $t = NewModelTransformer -schema $schema $ApplicableTag

        $parseMode = GetParserMode -PreserveFormatting:$ForAnotherMarkdown
        $model = $p.ParseString($mdText, $parseMode, $_)
        Write-Progress -Activity $LocalizedData.ParsingMarkdown -Completed
        $maml = $t.NodeModelToMamlModel($model)

        # flatten
        $maml | ForEach-Object {
            if (-not $ForAnotherMarkdown)
                # we are preparing model to be transformed in MAML, need to embeed online version url
                SetOnlineVersionUrlLink -MamlCommandObject $_ -OnlineVersionUrl (GetOnlineVersion $mdText)


    return @(,$res)

function NewMarkdownParser
    $warningCallback = GetWarningCallback
    $progressCallback = {
        param([int]$current, [int]$all)
        Write-Progress -Activity $LocalizedData.ParsingMarkdown -status $LocalizedData.Progress -percentcomplete ($current/$all*100)
    return new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser' -ArgumentList ($progressCallback, $warningCallback)

function NewModelTransformer
        [ValidateSet('1.0.0', '2.0.0')]

    if ($schema -eq '1.0.0')
        throw $LocalizedData.PlatyPS100SchemaDeprecated
    elseif ($schema -eq '2.0.0')
        $infoCallback = {
            Write-Verbose $message
        $warningCallback = GetWarningCallback
        return new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Transformer.ModelTransformerVersion2' -ArgumentList ($infoCallback, $warningCallback, $ApplicableTag)

function GetSchemaVersion

    $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -markdown $markdown
    if ($metadata)
        $schema = $metadata[$script:SCHEMA_VERSION_YAML_HEADER]

    if (-not $schema)
        # either there is no metadata, or schema version is not specified.
        # assume 2.0.0
        $schema = '2.0.0'

    return $schema

function GetOnlineVersion

    $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -markdown $markdown
    $onlineVersionUrl = $null
    if ($metadata)
        $onlineVersionUrl = $metadata[$script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER]

    return $onlineVersionUrl

function SetOnlineVersionUrlLink

        [string]$OnlineVersionUrl = $null

    # Online Version URL
    $currentFirstLink = $MamlCommandObject.Links | Select-Object -First 1

    if ($OnlineVersionUrl -and ((-not $currentFirstLink) -or ($currentFirstLink.LinkUri -ne $OnlineVersionUrl))) {
        $mamlLink = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlLink
        $mamlLink.LinkName = $script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER
        $mamlLink.LinkUri = $OnlineVersionUrl

        # Insert link at the beginning
        $MamlCommandObject.Links.Insert(0, $mamlLink)

function MakeHelpInfoXml


    $HelpInfoFileNme = $ModuleName + "_" + $GUID + "_HelpInfo.xml"
    $OutputFullPath = Join-Path $OutputFolder $HelpInfoFileNme

    if(Test-Path $OutputFullPath -PathType Leaf)
        [xml] $HelpInfoContent = Get-Content $OutputFullPath

    #Create the base XML object for the Helpinfo.xml file.
    $xml = new-object xml

    $ns = ""
    $declaration = $xml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0","utf-8",$null)

    $rootNode = $xml.CreateElement("HelpInfo",$ns)

    $HelpContentUriNode = $xml.CreateElement("HelpContentURI",$ns)
    $HelpContentUriNode.InnerText = $URI

    $HelpSupportedCulturesNode = $xml.CreateElement("SupportedUICultures",$ns)

    #If no previous help file
    if(-not $HelpInfoContent)
        $HelpUICultureNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICulture",$ns)

        $HelpUICultureNameNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureName",$ns)
        $HelpUICultureNameNode.InnerText = $HelpCulture

        $HelpUICultureVersionNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureVersion",$ns)
        $HelpUICultureVersionNode.InnerText = $HelpVersion

        [xml] $HelpInfoContent = $xml

        #Get old culture info
        $ExistingCultures = @{}
        foreach($Culture in $HelpInfoContent.HelpInfo.SupportedUICultures.UICulture)
            $ExistingCultures.Add($Culture.UICultureName, $Culture.UICultureVersion)

        #If culture exists update version, if not, add culture and version
        if(-not ($HelpCulture -in $ExistingCultures.Keys))
            $ExistingCultures[$HelpCulture] = $HelpVersion

        $cultureNames = @()
        $cultureNames += $ExistingCultures.GetEnumerator()

        #write out cultures to XML
        for($i=0;$i -lt $ExistingCultures.Count; $i++)
            $HelpUICultureNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICulture",$ns)

            $HelpUICultureNameNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureName",$ns)
            $HelpUICultureNameNode.InnerText = $cultureNames[$i].Name

            $HelpUICultureVersionNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureVersion",$ns)
            $HelpUICultureVersionNode.InnerText = $cultureNames[$i].Value


        [xml] $HelpInfoContent = $xml

    #Commit Help
        if(!(Test-Path $OutputFullPath))
        New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -ItemType File -Name $HelpInfoFileNme


    $HelpInfoContent.Save((Get-ChildItem $OutputFullPath).FullName)


function GetHelpFileName

    if ($CommandInfo)
        if ($CommandInfo.HelpFile)
            if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($CommandInfo.HelpFile))
                return (Split-Path -Leaf $CommandInfo.HelpFile)
                return $CommandInfo.HelpFile
        # only run module evaluations if the input command isn't a script
        if ($CommandInfo.CommandType -ne "ExternalScript")
            # overwise, lets guess it
            $module = @($CommandInfo.Module) + ($CommandInfo.Module.NestedModules) |
                Where-Object {$_.ModuleType -ne 'Manifest'} |
                Where-Object {$_.ExportedCommands.Keys -contains $CommandInfo.Name}

            $nestedModules = @(
                ($CommandInfo.Module.NestedModules) |
                Where-Object { $_.ModuleType -ne 'Manifest' } |
                Where-Object { $_.ExportedCommands.Keys -contains $CommandInfo.Name } |
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path

            if (-not $module)
                Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.ModuleNotFoundFromCommand -f '[GetHelpFileName]', $CommandInfo.Name)

            if ($module.Count -gt 1)
                Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.MultipleModulesFoundFromCommand -f '[GetHelpFileName]', $CommandInfo.Name)
                $module = $module | Select-Object -First 1

            if (Test-Path $module.Path -Type Leaf)
                # for regular modules, we can deduct the filename from the module path file
                $moduleItem = Get-Item -Path $module.Path

                $isModuleItemNestedModule =
                    $null -ne ($nestedModules | Where-Object { $_ -eq $module.Path }) -and
                    $CommandInfo.ModuleName -ne $module.Name

                if ($moduleItem.Extension -eq '.psm1' -and -not $isModuleItemNestedModule) {
                    $fileName = $moduleItem.BaseName
                } else {
                    $fileName = $moduleItem.Name
                # if it's something like Dynamic module,
                # we guess the desired help file name based on the module name
                $fileName = $module.Name

        return "$fileName-help.xml"

function MySetContent

    if (Test-Path $Path)
        if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
            Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.CannotWriteFileDirectoryExists -f $Path)

        if ((MyGetContent -Path $Path -Encoding $Encoding) -eq $value)
            Write-Verbose "Not writing to $Path, because content is not changing."
            return (Get-ChildItem $Path)

        if (-not $Force)
            Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.CannotWriteFileWithoutForce -f $Path)
        $dir = Split-Path $Path
        if ($dir)
            New-Item -Type Directory $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null

    Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.WritingWithEncoding -f $Path, $Encoding.EncodingName)
    # just to create a file
    Set-Content -Path $Path -Value ''
    $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem $Path).FullName
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($resolvedPath, $value, $Encoding)
    return (Get-ChildItem $Path)

function MyGetContent

    if (-not(Test-Path $Path))
        throw $LocalizedData.FileNotFound
        if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
            throw $LocalizedData.PathIsNotFile

    Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ReadingWithEncoding -f $Path, $Encoding.EncodingName)
    $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem $Path).FullName
    return [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($resolvedPath, $Encoding)

function NewModuleLandingPage
        [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM,

        if ($ModulePagePath) {
            $LandingPagePath = $ModulePagePath
        } else {
            $LandingPageName = $ModuleName + ".md"
            $LandingPagePath = Join-Path $Path $LandingPageName

        $Description = $LocalizedData.Description

            if(Test-Path $LandingPagePath)
                $OldLandingPageContent = Get-Content -Raw $LandingPagePath
                $OldMetaData = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Markdown $OldLandingPageContent
                $ModuleGuid = $OldMetaData["Module Guid"]
                $FwLink = $OldMetaData["Download Help Link"]
                $Version = $OldMetaData["Help Version"]
                $Locale = $OldMetaData["Locale"]

                $p = NewMarkdownParser
                $model = $p.ParseString($OldLandingPageContent)
                $index = $model.Children.IndexOf(($model.Children | Where-Object {$_.Text -eq "Description"}))
                $i = 1
                $stillParagraph = $true
                $Description = ""
                while($stillParagraph -eq $true)
                    $Description += $model.Children[$index + $i].spans.text

                    if($model.Children[$i].NodeType -eq "Heading")
                        $stillParagraph = $false
                $ModuleGuid = $LocalizedData.ModuleGuid
                $FwLink = $LocalizedData.FwLink
                $Version = $LocalizedData.Version
                $Locale = $LocalizedData.Locale
                $Description = $LocalizedData.Description

        $Content = "---`r`nModule Name: $ModuleName`r`nModule Guid: $ModuleGuid`r`nDownload Help Link: $FwLink`r`n"
        $Content += "Help Version: $Version`r`nLocale: $Locale`r`n"
        $Content += "---`r`n`r`n"
        $Content += "# $ModuleName Module`r`n## Description`r`n"
        $Content += "$Description`r`n`r`n## $ModuleName Cmdlets`r`n"

            $Module | ForEach-Object {
                $command = $_
                if(-not $command.Synopsis)
                    $Content += "### [" + $command.Name + "](" + $command.Name + ".md)`r`n" + $LocalizedData.Description + "`r`n`r`n"
                    $Content += "### [" + $command.Name + "](" + $command.Name + ".md)`r`n" + $command.Synopsis + "`r`n`r`n"
            $CmdletNames | ForEach-Object {
                $Content += "### [" + $_ + "](" + $_ + ".md)`r`n" + $LocalizedData.Description + "`r`n`r`n"

        MySetContent -Path $LandingPagePath -value $Content -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force # yeild


function ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown




        $parseMode = GetParserMode -PreserveFormatting:$PreserveFormatting
        $r = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Renderer.MarkdownV2Renderer -ArgumentList $parseMode
        $count = 0

        if (($count++) -eq 0 -and (-not $NoMetadata))
            return $r.MamlModelToString($mamlCommand, $metadata)
            return $r.MamlModelToString($mamlCommand, $true) # skip version header

function GetCommands
        # return names, instead of objects
        # use Session for remoting support

    process {
        # Get-Module doesn't know about Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, so we don't use (Get-Module).ExportedCommands

        # We use: & (dummy module) {...} syntax to workaround
        # the case `GetMamlObject -Module joshooaj.platyPS`
        # because in this case, we are in the module context and Get-Command returns all commands,
        # not only exported ones.
        $commands = & (New-Module {}) ([scriptblock]::Create("Get-Command -Module '$Module'")) |
            Where-Object {$_.CommandType -ne 'Alias'}  # we don't want aliases in the markdown output for a module

        if ($AsNames)
            if ($Session) {
                $commands.Name | ForEach-Object {
                    # yeild
                    MyGetCommand -Cmdlet $_ -Session $Session
            } else {

    Get a compact string representation from TypeInfo or TypeInfo-like object

    The typeObjectHash api is provided for the remoting support.
    We use two different parameter sets ensure the tupe of -TypeObject

function GetTypeString
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='typeObject')]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='typeObjectHash')]

    if ($TypeObject) {
        $TypeObjectHash = $TypeObject

    # special case for nullable value types
    if ($TypeObjectHash.Name -eq 'Nullable`1')
        return $TypeObjectHash.GenericTypeArguments.Name

    if ($TypeObjectHash.IsGenericType)
        # keep information about generic parameters
        return $TypeObjectHash.ToString()

    return $TypeObjectHash.Name

    You cannot just write 0..($n-1) because if $n == 0 you are screwed.
    Hence this helper.

function GetRange
    if ($n -lt 0) {
        throw $LocalizedData.RangeIsLessThanZero -f $n
    if ($n -eq 0) {
    0..($n - 1)

    This function proxies Get-Command call.

    In case of the Remote module, we need to jump thru some hoops
    to get the actual Command object with proper fields.
    Remoting doesn't properly serialize command objects, so we need to be creative
    while extracting all the required metadata from the remote session
    See for historical context.

function MyGetCommand
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Cmdlet")]
        [string] $Cmdlet,
    # if there is no remoting, just proxy to Get-Command
    if (-not $Session) {
        return Get-Command $Cmdlet

    # Here is the structure that we use in ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel
    # we fill it up from the remote with some workarounds
    # $Command.CommandType
    # $Command.Name
    # $Command.ModuleName
    # $Command.DefaultParameterSet
    # $Command.CmdletBinding
    # $ParameterSet in $Command.ParameterSets
    # $ParameterSet.Name
    # $ParameterSet.IsDefault
    # $Parameter in $ParameterSet.Parameters
    # $Parameter.Name
    # $Parameter.IsMandatory
    # $Parameter.Aliases
    # $Parameter.HelpMessage
    # $Parameter.Type
    # $Parameter.ParameterType
    # $Parameter.ParameterType.Name
    # $Parameter.ParameterType.GenericTypeArguments.Name
    # $Parameter.ParameterType.IsGenericType
    # $Parameter.ParameterType.ToString() - we get that for free from expand

    # expand first layer of properties
    function expand([string]$property) {
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
            Get-Command $using:Cmdlet |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property

    # expand second layer of properties on the selected item
    function expand2([string]$property1, [int]$num, [string]$property2) {
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
            Get-Command $using:Cmdlet |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property1 |
            Select-Object -Index $using:num -Wait |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property2

    # expand second and 3rd layer of properties on the selected item
    function expand3(
        ) {
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
            Get-Command $using:Cmdlet |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property1 |
            Select-Object -Index $using:num -Wait |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property2 |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty $using:property3

    function local([string]$property) {
        Get-Command $Cmdlet | select-object -ExpandProperty $property

    # helper function to fill up the parameters metadata
    function getParams([int]$num) {
        # this call we need to fill-up ParameterSets.Parameters.ParameterType with metadata
        $parameterType = expand3 'ParameterSets' $num 'Parameters' 'ParameterType'
        # this call we need to fill-up ParameterSets.Parameters with metadata
        $parameters = expand2 'ParameterSets' $num 'Parameters'
        if ($parameters.Length -ne $parameterType.Length) {
            Write-Error -Message ($LocalizedData.MetadataDoesNotMatchLength -f $Cmdlet)

        foreach ($i in (GetRange $parameters.Length)) {
            $typeObjectHash = New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -Property @{
                Name = $parameterType[$i].Name
                IsGenericType = $parameterType[$i].IsGenericType
                # almost .ParameterType.GenericTypeArguments.Name
                # TODO: doesn't it worth another round-trip to make it more accurate
                # and query for the Name?
                GenericTypeArguments = @{ Name = $parameterType[$i].GenericTypeArguments }
            Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -InputObject $parameters[$i] -Name 'ParameterTypeName' -Value (GetTypeString -TypeObjectHash $typeObjectHash)
        return $parameters

    # we cannot use the nested properties from this $remote command.
    # ps remoting doesn't serialize all of them properly.
    # but we can use the top-level onces
    $remote = Invoke-Command -Session $Session { Get-Command $using:Cmdlet }

    $psets = expand 'ParameterSets'
    $psetsArray = @()
    foreach ($i in (GetRange ($psets | measure-object).Count)) {
        $parameters = getParams $i
        $psetsArray += @(New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -Property @{
            Name = $psets[$i].Name
            IsDefault = $psets[$i].IsDefault
            Parameters = $parameters

    $commandHash = @{
        Name = $Cmdlet
        CommandType = $remote.CommandType
        DefaultParameterSet = $remote.DefaultParameterSet
        CmdletBinding = $remote.CmdletBinding
        # for office we cannot get the module name from the remote, grab the local one instead
        ModuleName = local 'ModuleName'
        ParameterSets = $psetsArray

    return New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -Property $commandHash

    This function prepares help and command object (possibly do mock)
    and passes it to ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel, then return results

function GetMamlObject
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Cmdlet")]
        [string] $Cmdlet,
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Module")]
        [string] $Module,
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Maml")]
        [string] $MamlFile,
        [switch] $ConvertNotesToList,
        [switch] $ConvertDoubleDashLists,
        [switch] $UseFullTypeName,

    function CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis

        return (Get-Command $help.Name -Syntax) -eq ($help.Synopsis)

        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.Processing -f $Cmdlet)
        $Help = Get-Help $Cmdlet
        $Command = MyGetCommand -Session $Session -Cmdlet $Cmdlet
        return ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UsePlaceholderForSynopsis:(CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis $Help) -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow
    elseif ($Module)
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.Processing -f $Module)

        # GetCommands is slow over remoting, piping here is important for good UX
        GetCommands $Module -Session $Session | ForEach-Object {
            $Command = $_
            Write-Verbose -Message ("`t" + ($LocalizedData.Processing -f $Command.Name))
            $Help = Get-Help $Command.Name
            # yield
            ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UsePlaceholderForSynopsis:(CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis $Help)  -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow
    else # Maml
        $HelpCollection = Get-HelpPreview -Path $MamlFile -ConvertNotesToList:$ConvertNotesToList -ConvertDoubleDashLists:$ConvertDoubleDashLists

        #Provides Name, CommandType, and Empty Module name from MAML generated module in the $command object.
        #Otherwise loads the results from Get-Command <Cmdlet> into the $command object

        $HelpCollection | ForEach-Object {

            $Help = $_

            $Command = [PsObject] @{
                Name = $Help.Name
                CommandType = $Help.Category
                HelpFile = (Split-Path $MamlFile -Leaf)

            # yield
            ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UseHelpForParametersMetadata  -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName -ExcludeDontShow:$ExcludeDontShow

function AddLineBreaksForParagraphs
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        $paragraphs = @()

        $text = $text.Trim()
        $paragraphs += $text

        $paragraphs -join "`r`n`r`n"

function DescriptionToPara
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        # on some old maml modules description uses Tag to store *-bullet-points
        # one example of it is Exchange
        $description.Tag + "" + $description.Text

function IncrementHelpVersion
        if($HelpVersionString -eq $LocalizedData.HelpVersion)
            return ""
        $lastDigitPosition = $HelpVersionString.LastIndexOf(".") + 1
        $frontDigits = $HelpVersionString.Substring(0,$lastDigitPosition)
        $frontDigits += ([int] $HelpVersionString.Substring($lastDigitPosition)) + 1
        return $frontDigits

    This function converts help and command object (possibly mocked) into a Maml Model

function ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel

    function isCommonParameterName
        param([string]$parameterName, [switch]$Workflow)

        if (@(
        ) -contains $parameterName) {
            return $true

        if ($Workflow)
            return @(
            ) -contains $parameterName

        return $false

    function getPipelineValue($Parameter)
        if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipeline)
            if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)
                return 'True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)'
                return 'True (ByValue)'
            if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)
                return 'True (ByPropertyName)'
                return 'False'

    function normalizeFirstLatter

        if ($value -and $value.Length -gt 0)
            return $value.Substring(0,1).ToUpperInvariant() + $value.substring(1)

        return $value


    $MamlCommandObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand

    #region Command Object Values Processing

    $IsWorkflow = $Command.CommandType -eq 'Workflow'

    #Get Name
    $MamlCommandObject.Name = $Command.Name

    $MamlCommandObject.ModuleName = $Command.ModuleName

    #region Data not provided by the command object

    #Get Description
    #Not provided by the command object.
    $MamlCommandObject.Description = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ($LocalizedData.Description)


    #Get Syntax
    #region Get the Syntax Parameter Set objects

    function FillUpParameterFromHelp

        $HelpEntry = $Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ParameterObject.Name}

        $ParameterObject.DefaultValue = $HelpEntry.defaultValue | normalizeFirstLatter
        $ParameterObject.VariableLength = $HelpEntry.variableLength -eq 'True'
        $ParameterObject.Position = $HelpEntry.position | normalizeFirstLatter
        if ($HelpEntry.description)
            if ($HelpEntry.description.text)
                $ParameterObject.Description = $HelpEntry.description |
                    DescriptionToPara |
                # this case happens, when there is HelpMessage in 'Parameter' attribute,
                # but there is no maml or comment-based help.
                # then help engine put string outside of 'text' property
                # In this case there is no DescriptionToPara call needed
                $ParameterObject.Description = $HelpEntry.description | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs

        $syntaxParam = $Help.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter |  Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Parameter.Name} | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($syntaxParam)
            # otherwise we could potentialy get it from Reflection but not doing it for now
            foreach ($parameterValue in $syntaxParam.parameterValueGroup.parameterValue)

    function FillUpSyntaxFromCommand
        foreach($ParameterSet in $Command.ParameterSets)
            $SyntaxObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlSyntax

            $SyntaxObject.ParameterSetName = $ParameterSet.Name
            $SyntaxObject.IsDefault = $ParameterSet.IsDefault

            foreach($Parameter in $ParameterSet.Parameters)
                # ignore CommonParameters
                if (isCommonParameterName $Parameter.Name -Workflow:$IsWorkflow)
                    # but don't ignore them, if they have explicit help entries
                    if ($Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Parameter.Name})

                $hasDontShow = $false
                $hasSupportsWildsCards = $false

                foreach ($Attribute in $Parameter.Attributes)
                    if ($ExcludeDontShow)
                        if ($Attribute.TypeId.ToString() -eq 'System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute' -and $Attribute.DontShow)
                            $hasDontShow = $true

                    if ($Attribute.TypeId.ToString() -eq 'System.Management.Automation.SupportsWildcardsAttribute')
                        $hasSupportsWildsCards = $true

                if ($hasDontShow)

                $ParameterObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlParameter
                $ParameterObject.Name = $Parameter.Name
                $ParameterObject.Required = $Parameter.IsMandatory
                $ParameterObject.PipelineInput = getPipelineValue $Parameter
                $ParameterObject.Globbing = $hasSupportsWildsCards
                # the ParameterType could be just a string in case of remoting
                # or a TypeInfo object, in the regular case
                if ($Session) {
                    # in case of remoting we already pre-calcuated the Type string
                    $ParameterObject.Type = $Parameter.ParameterTypeName
                } else {
                    $ParameterObject.Type = GetTypeString -TypeObject $Parameter.ParameterType
                # ToString() works in both cases
                $ParameterObject.FullType = $Parameter.ParameterType.ToString()

                $ParameterObject.ValueRequired = -not ($Parameter.Type -eq "SwitchParameter") # thisDefinition is a heuristic

                foreach($Alias in $Parameter.Aliases)
                    $ParameterObject.Aliases += $Alias

                $ParameterObject.Description = if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Parameter.HelpMessage))
                    # additional new-lines are needed for Update-MarkdownHelp scenario.
                    switch ($Parameter.Name)
                        # we have well-known parameters and can generate a reasonable description for them
                        'Confirm' { $LocalizedData.Confirm + "`r`n`r`n" }
                        'WhatIf' { $LocalizedData.WhatIf + "`r`n`r`n" }
                        'IncludeTotalCount' { $LocalizedData.IncludeTotalCount + "`r`n`r`n" }
                        'Skip' { $LocalizedData.Skip + "`r`n`r`n" }
                        'First' { $LocalizedData.First + "`r`n`r`n" }
                        default { ($LocalizedData.ParameterDescription -f $Parameter.Name) + "`r`n`r`n" }

                FillUpParameterFromHelp $ParameterObject



    function FillUpSyntaxFromHelp
        function GuessTheType

            if (-not $type)
                # weired, but that's how it works
                return 'SwitchParameter'

            return $type

        $ParamSetCount = 0
        foreach($ParameterSet in $Help.syntax.syntaxItem)
            $SyntaxObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlSyntax

            $SyntaxObject.ParameterSetName = $script:SET_NAME_PLACEHOLDER + "_" + $ParamSetCount

            foreach($Parameter in $ParameterSet.Parameter)
                $ParameterObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlParameter

                $ParameterObject.Type = GuessTheType $Parameter.parameterValue

                $ParameterObject.Name = $Parameter.Name
                $ParameterObject.Required = $Parameter.required -eq 'true'
                $ParameterObject.PipelineInput = $Parameter.pipelineInput | normalizeFirstLatter

                $ParameterObject.ValueRequired = -not ($ParameterObject.Type -eq "SwitchParameter") # thisDefinition is a heuristic

                if ($parameter.Aliases -ne 'None')
                    $ParameterObject.Aliases = $parameter.Aliases

                FillUpParameterFromHelp $ParameterObject



    if ($UseHelpForParametersMetadata)


    #####GET THE HELP-Object Content and add it to the MAML Object#####
    #region Help-Object processing

    #Get Synopsis
    if ($UsePlaceholderForSynopsis)
        # Help object ALWAYS contains SYNOPSIS.
        # If it's not available, it's auto-generated.
        # We don't want to include auto-generated SYNOPSIS (see
        $MamlCommandObject.Synopsis = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ($LocalizedData.Synopsis)
        $MamlCommandObject.Synopsis = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody (
            # $Help.Synopsis only contains the first paragraph
            $Help.details.description |
            DescriptionToPara |

    #Get Description
    if($Help.description -ne $null)
        $MamlCommandObject.Description =  New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody (
            $Help.description |
            DescriptionToPara |

    #Add to Notes
    #From the Help AlertSet data
        $MamlCommandObject.Notes =  New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody (
            $help.alertSet.alert |
            DescriptionToPara |

    # Not provided by the command object. Using the Command Type to create a note declaring it's type.
    # We can add this placeholder

    #Add to relatedLinks
       foreach($link in $Help.relatedLinks.navigationLink)
            $mamlLink = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlLink
            $mamlLink.LinkName = $link.linkText
            $mamlLink.LinkUri = $link.uri

    #Add Examples
    foreach($Example in $Help.examples.example)
        $MamlExampleObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlExample

        $MamlExampleObject.Introduction = $Example.introduction
        $MamlExampleObject.Title = $Example.title
        $MamlExampleObject.Code = @(
            New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCodeBlock ($Example.code, '')

        $RemarkText = $Example.remarks |
            DescriptionToPara |

        $MamlExampleObject.Remarks = $RemarkText

    #Get Inputs
    #Reccomend adding a Parameter Name and Parameter Set Name to each input object.
    #region Inputs
    $Inputs = @()

    $Help.inputTypes.inputType | ForEach-Object {
        $InputDescription = $_.description
        $inputtypes = $
        if ($_.description -eq $null -and $ -ne $null)
            $inputtypes = $"`n", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

        $inputtypes | ForEach-Object {
            $InputObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlInputOutput
            $InputObject.TypeName = $_
            $InputObject.Description = $InputDescription |
                DescriptionToPara |
            $Inputs += $InputObject

    foreach($Input in $Inputs) {$MamlCommandObject.Inputs.Add($Input)}


    #Get Outputs
    #No Output Type description is provided from the command object.
    #region Outputs
    $Outputs = @()

    $Help.returnValues.returnValue | ForEach-Object {
        $OuputDescription = $_.description
        $Outputtypes = $
        if ($_.description -eq $null -and $ -ne $null)
            $Outputtypes = $"`n", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

        $Outputtypes | ForEach-Object {
            $OutputObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlInputOutput
            $OutputObject.TypeName = $_
            $OutputObject.Description = $OuputDescription |
                DescriptionToPara |
            $Outputs += $OutputObject

    foreach($Output in $Outputs) {$MamlCommandObject.Outputs.Add($Output)}

    #####Adding Parameters Section from Syntax block#####
    #region Parameter Unique Selection from Parameter Sets
    #This will only work when the Parameters member has a public set as well as a get.

    function Get-ParameterByName

        $defaultSyntax = $MamlCommandObject.Syntax | Where-Object { $Command.DefaultParameterSet -eq $_.ParameterSetName }
        # default syntax should have a priority
        $syntaxes = @($defaultSyntax) + $MamlCommandObject.Syntax

        foreach ($s in $syntaxes)
            $param = $s.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
            if ($param)
                return $param

    function Get-ParameterNamesOrder()
        # we want to keep original order for existing help
        # if something changed:
        # - remove it from it's position
        # - add to the end

        $helpNames = $Help.parameters.parameter.Name
        if (-not $helpNames) { $helpNames = @() }

        # sort-object unique does case-insensiteve unification
        $realNames = $MamlCommandObject.Syntax.Parameters.Name | Sort-object -Unique
        if (-not $realNames) { $realNames = @() }

        $realNamesList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
        $realNamesList.AddRange( ( [string[]] $realNames) )

        foreach ($name in $helpNames)
            if ($realNamesList.Remove($name))
                # yeild
            # Otherwise it didn't exist

        foreach ($name in $realNamesList)
            # yeild


    foreach($ParameterName in (Get-ParameterNamesOrder))
        $Parameter = Get-ParameterByName $ParameterName
        if ($Parameter)
            if ($UseFullTypeName)
                $Parameter = $Parameter.Clone()
                $Parameter.Type = $Parameter.FullType
            Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.ParameterNotFound -f '[Markdown generation]', $ParameterName, $Command.Name)

    # Handle CommonParameters, default for MamlCommand is SupportCommonParameters = $true
    if ($Command.CmdletBinding -eq $false)
        # Remove CommonParameters by exception
        $MamlCommandObject.SupportCommonParameters = $false

    # Handle CommonWorkflowParameters
    $MamlCommandObject.IsWorkflow = $IsWorkflow


    return $MamlCommandObject

function validateWorkingProvider
    if((Get-Location).Drive.Provider.Name -ne 'FileSystem')
        Write-Verbose -Message $LocalizedData.SettingFileSystemProvider
        $AvailableFileSystemDrives = Get-PSDrive | Where-Object {$_.Provider.Name -eq "FileSystem"} | Select-Object Root
        if($AvailableFileSystemDrives.Count -gt 0)
           Set-Location $AvailableFileSystemDrives[0].Root
             throw $LocalizedData.FailedSettingFileSystemProvider

#region Parameter Auto Completers

# bbbbbbbb
# T:::::::::::::::::::::T b::::::b CCC::::::::::::C l:::::l ttt:::t i::::i
# T:::::::::::::::::::::T b::::::b CC:::::::::::::::C l:::::l t:::::t iiii
# T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T b:::::b C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C l:::::l t:::::t
# TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaaa b:::::bbbbbbbbb C:::::C CCCCCC ooooooooooo mmmmmmm mmmmmmm ppppp ppppppppp l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee ttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn
# T:::::T a::::::::::::a b::::::::::::::bb C:::::C oo:::::::::::oo mm:::::::m m:::::::mm p::::ppp:::::::::p l::::l ee::::::::::::ee t:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn
# T:::::T aaaaaaaaa:::::a b::::::::::::::::b C:::::C o:::::::::::::::om::::::::::mm::::::::::mp:::::::::::::::::p l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::eet:::::::::::::::::t i::::i o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn
# T:::::T a::::a b:::::bbbbb:::::::b --------------- C:::::C o:::::ooooo:::::om::::::::::::::::::::::mpp::::::ppppp::::::p l::::l e::::::e e:::::etttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n
# T:::::T aaaaaaa:::::a b:::::b b::::::b -:::::::::::::- C:::::C o::::o o::::om:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::e t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n
# T:::::T aa::::::::::::a b:::::b b:::::b --------------- C:::::C o::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# T:::::T a::::aaaa::::::a b:::::b b:::::b C:::::C o::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# T:::::T a::::a a:::::a b:::::b b:::::b C:::::C CCCCCCo::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p::::::p l::::l e:::::::e t:::::t tttttt i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# TT:::::::TT a::::a a:::::a b:::::bbbbbb::::::b C:::::CCCCCCCC::::Co:::::ooooo:::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::ppppp:::::::pl::::::le::::::::e t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n
# T:::::::::T a:::::aaaa::::::a b::::::::::::::::b CC:::::::::::::::Co:::::::::::::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::::p l::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee tt::::::::::::::ti::::::io:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n
# T:::::::::T a::::::::::aa:::ab:::::::::::::::b CCC::::::::::::C oo:::::::::::oo m::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::pp l::::::l ee:::::::::::::e tt:::::::::::tti::::::i oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n
# TTTTTTTTTTT aaaaaaaaaa aaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb CCCCCCCCCCCCC ooooooooooo mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm p::::::pppppppp llllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttt iiiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn
# p:::::p
# p:::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# ppppppppp

# Register-ArgumentCompleter can be provided thru TabExpansionPlusPlus or with V5 inbox module.
# We don't care much which one it is, but the inbox one doesn't have -Description parameter
if (Get-Command -Name Register-ArgumentCompleter -Module TabExpansionPlusPlus -ErrorAction Ignore) {
    Function ModuleNameCompleter {
        Param (

        Get-Module -Name "$wordToComplete*" |
            ForEach-Object {
                New-CompletionResult -CompletionText $_.Name -ToolTip $_.Description

    Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-MarkdownHelp -ParameterName Module -ScriptBlock $Function:ModuleNameCompleter -Description 'This argument completer handles the -Module parameter of the New-MarkdownHelp Command.'
elseif (Get-Command -Name Register-ArgumentCompleter -ErrorAction Ignore) {
    Function ModuleNameCompleter {
        Param (

        Get-Module -Name "$wordToComplete*" |
            ForEach-Object {

    Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-MarkdownHelp -ParameterName Module -ScriptBlock $Function:ModuleNameCompleter

#endregion Parameter Auto Completers