.SYNOPSIS Get data from a JSON config file .PARAMETER Name Name of the config data to get. Wildcards are supports, see WithName .PARAMETER AsSecureString Return the encrypted data as a SecureString .PARAMETER Decrypt Return encrypted data in clear text .PARAMETER NoWarnIfNotFound Don't kick out a Warning message if not found .PARAMETER Path Path to the config file .PARAMETER WithName If set, will emit object with name/value instead of just value, useful when using wildcards .EXAMPLE Get-ConfigData Key .OUTPUTS Object from config file, or $null #> function Get-ConfigData { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string],[PSCustomObject])] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name, [switch] $AsSecureString, [switch] $Decrypt, [switch] $NoWarnIfNotFound, [string] $Path, [switch] $WithName ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $Path = Get-ConfigDataPath $Path if ( -not (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Path $Path not found" } $object = Get-Content $path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $members = Get-Member -InputObject $object | Where-Object Name -like $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name foreach( $member in $members ) { $value = $object.$member if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 -and -not $IsWindows ) { $decryptedtString = $false # Core 2.0 doesn't support encrypt/decrypt if ( $AsSecureString ) { Write-Warning "AsSecureString not supported in PS Core" return "" } } $value = ConvertFrom-Json $value $isSecureString = [bool](Get-Member -InputObject $value -Name "Secure-String" -MemberType NoteProperty ) $isEncryptedObject = [bool](Get-Member -InputObject $value -Name "Encrypted-Object" -MemberType NoteProperty ) Write-Verbose "isSecureString = $isSecureString isEncryptedObject = $isEncryptedObject" if ( $isSecureString -or $isEncryptedObject) { if ( $isEncryptedObject ) { $value = $value."Encrypted-Object" } else { $value = $value."Secure-String" } Write-Verbose "Value is $value" $secureString = $value | ConvertTo-SecureString if ( $Decrypt ) { $decryptedtString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString)) if ( $isEncryptedObject ) { $value = ConvertFrom-Json $decryptedtString } else { $value = $decryptedtString } } else { $value = $secureString } } if ( $WithName ) { [PSCustomObject] @{Name=$member;Value=$value} } else { $value } } if ( !$members -and !$NoWarnIfNotFound ) { Write-Warning "Didn't find value named $name in $path" } } New-Alias -Name gcd -Value Get-ConfigData |