Function Get-jnRedditPost { <# .SYNOPSIS Get posts from Reddit .DESCRIPTION Get posts from Reddit .PARAMETER Name Subreddit name .PARAMETER Sort Sorting method: Hot New Rising Controversial Top .PARAMETER Uri Uri to query, queries by default .PARAMETER MaxResults Maximum number of items to return. Defaults to 25 .PARAMETER ResponseFormat Response format: JSON Object .PARAMETER Filter Response format: TextPost ImagePost Any .EXAMPLE Get-jnRedditPost sysadmin # Gets posts from in JSON format .EXAMPLE Get-jnRedditPost -Subreddit sysadmin -Sort New -MaxResults 5 # Get Redit posts... # From /r/sysadmin... # Sorted by new posts... # Maximum of five items... .EXAMPLE $subreddits = "sysadmin", "devops"; $subreddits | Get-jnRedditPost -Sort New -MaxResults 20 # Iterates each of the subreddits in the array... # Sorted by new posts... # Maximum items returns is 20... .EXAMPLE Get-jnRedditPost -Name SomeUserName -QueryType User -MaxResults 4 -Verbose # Finds posts authored by the specified name # Returns only four items... # Outputs verbose information... .FUNCTIONALITY .LINK http:// .LINK https:// #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "What is the subreddit or user you would like to query?" )] [ValidateCount(1,22)] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet('Top', 'New')] [string]$Sort = 'Top', [string]$Uri = '', # 25 is the default recommended by Reddit, max is 100. [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int]$MaxResults = 25 ) # this holds our Post instances before returning the object $postsReturn = @() # we don't want weird uppercase letters in our URLs $Sort = $Sort.ToLower() ForEach($itm in $Name){ $subRedditUri = $Uri + '/r/' + $itm + "/$Sort.json?limit=$maxResults" Try{ Write-Verbose -Message "Querying Reddit with Uri: $subRedditUri" $jsonResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $subRedditUri -Method GET Write-Verbose -Message "HTTP Response: $($jsonResponse.StatusCode)" if ($jsonResponse.StatusCode -eq 200){ try { Write-verbose "converting the resulting JSON to a PowerShell Object" $objResponse = $jsonResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $objPosts = $ Write-verbose -message "Iterating posts" $count = 0 Foreach ($post in $objPosts) { $count++ Write-Verbose -Message "Post: $count" # temporary storage for the converted object $currentPost = $ Write-verbose -Message "Found a post: $currentPost" # a new instance of our Post class $postClass = New-Object Post $postClass.subreddit = $currentPost.Subreddit $postClass.url = $currentPost.url $ = $ $ = $ $postClass.content = $currentPost.content $postClass.title = $currentPost.title $postClass.thumbnail = $currentPost.thumbnail $postClass.permalink = $currentPost.permalink $postClass.createdUTC = $currentPost.created_utc $postClass.numComments = $currentPost.num_comments # image check if (!($currentPost.url | Test-jnRedditImage)) { # not an image $postClass.isImage = $false } elseif ($currentPost.url | Test-jnRedditImage) { #is an image $postClass.isImage = $True } else { #it's probably not an image $postClass.isImage = $false } # store the result in an array for output $postsReturn += $postClass } # end foreach post } catch { # can't convert the json to an object or the data is invalid Throw $_ } } else { # http error throw "HTTP error. Status: `n$($jsonResponse.StatusCode + "`n" + $jsonResponse.StatusDescription)" } } Catch { # error invoking the web request, probably an invalid url or the server is unreachable Throw $_ } } # end foreach #write the output as an object Write-Output $postsReturn } # end function |