Function Test-jnRedditImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests a URL to determine of there is an image .DESCRIPTION Tests a URL to determine of there is an image .PARAMETER URL The URL to test .EXAMPLE Test-jnRedditImage -url $url # Returns true if the specified url contains an image .EXAMPLE $someArray | Test-jnRedditImage # Queries the piped URL... # Returns true if an image... # Returns false if not... .FUNCTIONALITY .LINK http:// .LINK https:// #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "What is the URL you would like to query?" )] [string]$URL ) begin{ $imageExts = ".jpg", ".png", ".gif" } process{ # hit will change to true so we can quit the loop early if required $hit = $false forEach ($ext in $imageExts){ if ($hit -eq $false){ if ($URL.subString($URL.length - 4) -contains $ext){ #if the extension matches one from the array above, will return true $hit = $true } else { #if the extension doesn't match one from the array above, will return false $hit = $false } } } # end foreach extension #return the result $hit } # end process } # end function |