Function Save-jnRedditImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads an image .DESCRIPTION Downloads an image to a specified location .PARAMETER URL The source URL to download .PARAMETER Destination The destination to save the file. (a directory) .EXAMPLE Test-jnRedditImage -url $url -destination .\pictures\ # Returns true if the image was saved .FUNCTIONALITY .LINK http:// .LINK https:// #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $False, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "What is the URL you would like to query?" )] [string]$URL, [parameter( Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "What is the destination you'd like to save the file?" )] [string]$Destination, [parameter( Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Overwrite files and create missing directories." )] [bool]$Force ) begin { } process { # image check if ($url | Test-jnRedditImage) { $imgName = $URL.Split('/'[-1]) $imgName = $imgName[$imgName.Count -1] Write-Verbose "Found an image: $imgName" # verify the directory exists try { if (get-item -Path $Destination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Verbose "Found Directory at $destination" $destination = $destination + $imgName write-verbose "Destination is now: $destination" } else { Write-verbose "Directory doesn't exist" if ($Force){ try { Write-Verbose "Attempting to create: $destination" New-item -Path $Destination -Force -ItemType Directory } catch { throw "Unable to create destination directory, do you have permission?" } } else { throw "Destination directory doesn't exist." } } } catch { throw $_ } # download the image and save it try { Write-Verbose "Downloading image `n From: $url `n To: $destination" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $Destination -ErrorVariable webRequestError } catch { Throw $_ } } # end if valid image else { #it's probably not an image Throw "Invalid image format" } } # end process end { #output the result if ($webRequestError){ throw "There was an error with the web request." } else { Write-Verbose "Everything seems good, returning true." $true } } } # end function |