Add-Type -AssemblyName presentationCore function playAudio { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$AudioPath ) $mediaPlayer = New-Object $ $PSScriptRoot $AudioPath)) $mediaPlayer.Play() } function runTimer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [double[]]$Intervals ) $stopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $len = $Intervals.Count $i = 0 do { $timer = [System.TimeSpan]::FromMinutes($Intervals[$i]) $b = [system.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(1) $timer = $timer+$b $stopWatch.Start() while (1) { $remaining = $timer - $stopWatch.Elapsed if ($remaining.TotalSeconds -le 1) { break } $s = "{0:d2}h:{1:d2}m:{2:d2}s" -f $remaining.hours, $remaining.minutes, $remaining.seconds $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $s write-host -NoNewline "`r$s" Start-Sleep -s 1 } $i++ $a = "interval.mp3" if ($i -eq $len) { $a = "set.mp3" } playAudio -AudioPath $a $stopWatch.Reset() }while ($i -lt $len) } <# .SYNOPSIS timer -- a pomodoro/interval timer based on for windows powershell .DESCRIPTION timer is implemented as a function, run this script in your pofile.ps1 file to have it available always. Make sure the bell mp3 files are available in same path as script. - Interval values are in minutes, can be entered as decimal. e.g. 0.5 for 30 sec - Delay values are in seconds - Repeat value is an integer, for a negative number the timer repeats intervals indefinitely .NOTES This function is not supported only in windows .EXAMPLE timer -Intervals 25,5,30,4 -Delay 6 -Repeat 2 This will create a timer which will bell at specied intervals of 25 min, 5 min, 30 min and 4 min. The timer will start after a delay of 6 seconds, and whole intervals will be reapeated 2 times. .Example timer 25,5,30,4 -d 6 -r 2 Same as above #> function timer { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Run")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [double[]]$Intervals, # Repeat timer [Parameter()] [Alias('r')] [int]$Repeat = 1, # Delay timer start by seconds [Parameter()] [Alias('d')] [int]$Delay = 0 ) process { $title = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle $hasFinished = $false try { Start-Sleep $Delay $i = $Repeat while ($i -ne 0) { runTimer -Intervals $Intervals $i-- } $hasFinished = $true write-host "`r$((Get-Date).ToString("[HH:mm]")) Timer Elapsed" } finally { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title if (-not $hasFinished) { write-host "`rTimer cancelled" } } } } |