# Send automated key strokes function Send-Key { Param( [String] $WindowTitle, [String[]]$Key ) Begin { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms, Microsoft.VisualBasic } Process { $procId = (Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -Match $WindowTitle }).Id If ($procId) { [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate($procId) ForEach ($Press in $Key) { [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($Press) } } } } # Graphical countdown timer function Start-Countdown { Param( [Int32]$Seconds, [string]$Message ) ForEach ($Count in (1..$Seconds)) { Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message -Status "Waiting for $Seconds seconds, $($Seconds - $Count) left" -PercentComplete (($Count / $Seconds) * 100) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message -Status "Completed" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } # Get available Java information function getAvailableJava { $latestReleases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" $latestReleases = $latestReleases | Where-Object { $_.prerelease -eq $False } | Sort-Object -Property published_at | Select-Object -Last 1 $availableJavaVersion = $ -replace "jdk-", "" -replace "\+", "." $latestRelease = $latestReleases.assets | Where-Object { $_.browser_download_url -like '*jre_x64*msi' } $javaURL = $latestRelease.browser_download_url $javaInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ availableJavaVersion = $availableJavaVersion javaURL = $javaURL } return $javaInfo } # Get available Unifi information function getAvailableUnifi { $latestReleases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" $latestReleases = $latestReleases.downloads | Where-Object { $_.platform -eq "windows" -and $ -like "UniFi Network Application*"} | Sort-Object -Property date_published | Select-Object -Last 1 $availableUnifiVersion = $latestReleases.version $unifiURL = $latestReleases.file_url $unifiInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ availableUnifiVersion = $availableUnifiVersion unifiURL = $unifiURL } return $unifiInfo } # Download and Install Java function installJava { param ( [string]$javaURL ) Start-BitsTransfer -Source $javaURL -Destination "$PSScriptRoot\java_installer.msi" Start-Process msiexec.exe "/i `"$PSScriptRoot\java_installer.msi`" ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureOracleJavaSoft INSTALLDIR=`"C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\`" /quiet" -Wait Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\java_installer.msi" -Force Write-Warning "Java had to be installed or upgaded. A reboot will be required to start the contoller." } # Uninstall Java function uninstallJava{ $installedJavaApp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -like "Eclipse Temurin*"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IdentifyingNumber Start-Process msiexec.exe "/x $installedJavaApp /norestart /qn" -Wait } # Remove Java (No longer needed for v7.5 and above) function removeJava{ if (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Eclipse Adoptium\JRE\"){ Write-Host "Java installed. Uninstalling Java... (Not needed for v7.5 and above)" uninstallJava } else { Write-Host "Java not installed. (Not needed for v7.5 and above)" } } # Check if Java is installed and up to date, if not, install or upgrade function getJava { $javaInfo = getAvailableJava $availableJavaVersion = $javaInfo.availableJavaVersion $javaURL = $javaInfo.javaURL if (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Eclipse Adoptium\JRE\"){ $installedJavaVersion = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Eclipse Adoptium\JRE\" | Split-Path -Leaf if ($installedJavaVersion -ne $availableJavaVersion) { Write-Host "Java out of date. Upgrading Java..." uninstallJava installJava -javaURL $javaURL } else { Write-Host "Java up to date." } } else { Write-Host "Java not installed. Installing Java..." InstallJava -javaURL $javaURL } } # Download and Install Unifi Controller function installUnifi { param ( [string]$unifiURL, [boolean]$isUpgrade ) # Install or upgrade Java removeJava # Download Unifi Controller Start-BitsTransfer -Source $unifiURL -Destination $PSScriptRoot # If Unifi is installed, stop and uninstall service before upgrading if ($isUpgrade) { unifiService -action stop unifiService -action uninstall } # Install Unifi Controller Write-Host "Installing Unifi Contoller..." Start-Process -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\UniFi-installer.exe" -ArgumentList "/S", "/D=$unifiDirectory" -Wait Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\UniFi-installer.exe" -Force # Remove shortcut $desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') Remove-Item -Path "$desktopPath\UniFi.lnk" -Force # Open Unifi Controller (Java App) #Write-Host "Starting Unifi Controller with Java app to initialize database..." #. "$unifiDirectory\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "$unifiDirectory\lib\ace.jar" ui # Wait for controller to load #Start-Countdown -Seconds 100 -Message "Awaiting completion of UniFi Controller loading" # Close Unifi Controller (Java App) #Send-Key -WindowTitle "UniFi Network Server" -Key '%{F4}' #Send-Key -WindowTitle "UniFi Network Server" -Key '{ENTER}' # Install and start Unifi Service unifiService -action install unifiService -action start } # Check if Unifi Controller is installed and up to date, if not, install or upgrade function getUnifi { $unifiInfo = getAvailableUnifi $unifiURL = $unifiInfo.unifiURL $availableUnifiVersion = $unifiInfo.availableUnifiVersion if (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ubiquiti UniFi"){ $installedVersionNumber = Get-ItemPropertyValue "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ubiquiti UniFi" -Name Version if ($installedVersionNumber -ne $availableUnifiVersion){ Write-Host "Unifi installed but not up to date." Write-Host "Upgrading Unifi..." installUnifi -unifiURL $unifiURL -isUpgrade $true } else { Write-Host "Unifi installed and up to date." } } else { Write-Host "Unifi not installed." installUnifi -unifiURL $unifiURL -isUpgrade $false } } # Unifi service control function unifiService { param ( [string]$action ) switch ($action) { "install" { Write-Host "Installing Unifi Service..." . "$unifiDirectory\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "$unifiDirectory\lib\ace.jar" installsvc | Out-Null } "uninstall" { Write-Host "Uninstalling Unifi Service..." . "$unifiDirectory\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "$unifiDirectory\lib\ace.jar" uninstallsvc | Out-Null } "start" { Write-Host "Starting Unifi Service..." . "$unifiDirectory\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "$unifiDirectory\lib\ace.jar" startsvc | Out-Null } "stop" { Write-Host "Stopping Unifi Service..." . "$unifiDirectory\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "$unifiDirectory\lib\ace.jar" stopsvc | Out-Null } Default {} } } |