#requires -version 4 Function Get-ImageColor{ <# .SYNOPSIS Analyse and extract the predominant colors from one or several images. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ImageColor function is part of Imagga module. It analyses and extract the predominant colors from one or several images. .PARAMETER url The url of the image to be tagged. It has to be accessible from imagga server, so make sure it's a public url. .PARAMETER apikey Your imagga API key. If you don't have one follow the doc: .PARAMETER secret Your imagga API secret. .PARAMETER noOverallColors Exclude the overall image colors from extraction. .PARAMETER noObjectColors Force the service not to extract object and non-object (a.k.a. foreground and background) colors separately. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS A JSON containing suggested tags. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Marco Torello Creation Date: 10/10/2016 Purpose/Change: Initial script development .EXAMPLE Get-ImageColor -url '' -apikey '1111111111' -apisecret '1dsa23dasd234dfg354' .EXAMPLE Get-ImageColor -url '' -imaggaObj $credential #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $url, [parameter(ParameterSetName="ApiKey",Mandatory=$true)] [String] $apikey, [parameter(ParameterSetName="ApiKey",Mandatory=$true)] [String] $secret, [parameter(ParameterSetName="ConnectionObject",Mandatory=$true)] [pscredential] $imaggaObj, [switch] $noOverallColors, [switch] $noObjectColors ) Begin{ Write-debug "Starting execution of Get-ImageColor. Url is: $url" } Process{ if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ApiKey"){ $mycreds = new-imaggaConnection -apikey $apikey -secret $secret } if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObject"){ $mycreds = $imaggaObj } _CheckValidImage -url $url $urlOptions = "url=$url" if ($noOverallColors){ $urlOptions += "&extract_overall_colors=0" } if ($noObjectColors){ $urlOptions += "&extract_object_colors=0" } Try{ $json = _InvokeImaggaApi -credential $mycreds -parameters $urlOptions -function 'colors' } Catch{ Write-debug $_.Exception Throw "Problem contacting imagga API" $json = $null } return $json } End{ If($?){ Write-debug "Completed Successfully." } } } |