
Function IIf
  The IIF function returns the True or False expression depending on the result of the boolean statement.
.GUID 1a169007-9a5d-4933-b8e9-0c2fcfb443de
.AUTHOR edgenl

  Inline If statement
  IIF <Condition> [Return Expression if True] [Return Expression if False]
  $X = 1
  $Result = IIF ($X -eq 1) "Answer=1" "Answer<>1"
  Will result in --> $Result = "Answer=1"

      # The Condition

      # The expression that will be returned if True

      # The expression that will be returned if True

    If ($If -IsNot "Boolean") {$_ = $If}
    If ($If) {If ($IfTrue -is "ScriptBlock") {&$IfTrue} Else {$IfTrue}}
    Else {If ($IfFalse -is "ScriptBlock") {&$IfFalse} Else {$IfFalse}}