Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass . $PSScriptRoot/Get-EnvironmentVariableNames.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot/Write-FunctionCallLogMessage.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot/Update-SessionEnvironment.ps1 # ============================================================================= # Private # ============================================================================= function _getPort($port) { if ($ESPPORT -eq $null) { $ESPPORT = $env:ESPPORT } if ($port -eq $null) { $port = $ESPPORT } return $port } function _getElf($path) { if (!$path) { $path = Get-Location } else { $path = Resolve-Path $path } $proj = IdfProject-GetName($path) if ($proj) { return [IO.Path]::Combine($path, "build", "$proj.elf") } return $false } function _getBootloaderElf() { if (!$path) { $path = Get-Location } else { $path = Resolve-Path $path } $proj = IdfProject-GetName($path) if ($proj) { return [IO.Path]::Combine($path, "build", "bootloader", "bootloader.elf") } return $false } function _getIdfPaths($idf_path) { if ($IDF_PATH -eq $null) { $IDF_PATH = $env:IDF_PATH } if ($idf_path -eq $null) { $idf_path = $IDF_PATH } # if ($idf_path -eq $null) { throw "The IDF_PATH is not set" } return $idf_path } function _getOpenocdScripts($oscripts) { if ($OPENOCD_SCRIPTS -eq $null) { $OPENOCD_SCRIPTS = $env:OPENOCD_SCRIPTS } if ($oscripts -eq $null) { $oscripts = $OPENOCD_SCRIPTS } # if ($target -eq $null) { throw "The IDF_TARGET is not set" } return $oscripts } function _getIdfPython{ if ($env:IDF_PYTHON -eq $null) { return $($(Get-Command python).Path) } else { return $env:IDF_PYTHON } } function ReadNget { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$LinePattern, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$InlinePattern, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int32]$Match2Return ) $Path = Resolve-Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # if (Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($Path) { if (!$Match2Return) { $Match2Return = 1 } $proj_line = Select-String -Path $Path -Pattern $LinePattern | Select-Object Line if ($proj_line -Match $InlinePattern) { $m = $Matches return $m[$Match2Return] } } } # ============================================================================= # Public # ============================================================================= function Idf { Start-Process -NoNewWindow -FilePath $(_getIdfPython) -Args "`"${env:IDF_PATH}/tools/`" $args" } function Idf-Print { if ($IDF_PATH -eq $null) { $IDF_PATH = $env:IDF_PATH } if ($IDF_BIN_PATHS -eq $null) { $IDF_BIN_PATHS = $env:IDF_BIN_PATHS } if ($IDF_TARGET -eq $null) { $IDF_TARGET = $env:IDF_TARGET } if ($IDF_ELF -eq $null) { $IDF_ELF = $env:IDF_ELF } if ($ESPPORT -eq $null) { $ESPPORT = $env:ESPPORT } if ($IDF_PYTHON -eq $null) { $IDF_PYTHON = Get-Command "python" } if ($OPENOCD_PATH -eq $null) { $OPENOCD_PATH = $env:OPENOCD_PATH } if ($OPENOCD_SCRIPTS -eq $null) { $OPENOCD_SCRIPTS = $env:OPENOCD_SCRIPTS } Write-Output "`$IDF_PATH $IDF_PATH" Write-Output "`$IDF_TARGET $IDF_TARGET" Write-Output "`$IDF_ELF $IDF_ELF" Write-Output "`$ESPPORT $ESPPORT" # Write-Output "`$IDF_PYTHON $IDF_PYTHON" Write-Output "`$OPENOCD_PATH $OPENOCD_PATH" Write-Output "`$OPENOCD_SCRIPTS $OPENOCD_SCRIPTS" # Write-Output "`$Path $env:Path" Write-Output "`$IDF_BIN_PATHS $IDF_BIN_PATHS" } function Idf-SetupEnv { $cmd = "$(_getIdfPython) $(_getIdfPaths)/tools/ export --format key-value" $envars_array = @() $envars_raw = $(Invoke-Expression $cmd) foreach ($line in $envars_raw) { $pair = $line.split("=") # split in name, val $var_name = $pair[0].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the name $var_val = $pair[1].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the val if($var_name -eq "PATH"){ $var_val = $var_val -replace "%PATH%", "" # remove path $var_name = "IDF_BIN_PATHS" } $var_val = $var_val -replace "%(.+)%", "`$env:`$1" # convert var syntax to PS using RegEx $envars_array += (, ($var_name, $var_val)) } foreach ($pair in $envars_array) # setting the values { $var_name = $pair[0].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the name $var_val = $pair[1].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the val if ($var_val -ne ""){ [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($var_name, $var_val, "User") } } Update-SessionEnvironment Idf-Print Write-Output "`n[ DONE ]" } function Idf-Port($Port) { if ($Port -ne $null) { Set-Variable -Name "ESPPORT" -Value $Port -Scope "Global" } else { return _getPort } } function Idf-Target { Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("esp32", "esp32s2")] [String]$Target ) if ($Target) { idf set-target $Target } else { return IdfProject-GetTarget } } function Idf-Elf($Path) { return _getElf($Path) } function Idf-Export { # TODO handling of the default value with ~/esp/esp-idf Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$path, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$port, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$elf, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("esp32", "esp32s2")] [String]$target, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$with_cmd, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$Default ) $counter = 16 if (!$path) { if ($(Test-Path -Path Env:IDF_PATH_DEFAULT)) { Push-Location $Env:IDF_PATH_DEFAULT } } else { Push-Location $path } while ($counter) { $is = Test-Path (Join-Path (Resolve-Path .) "export.ps1") -PathType Leaf if ($is -eq $true) { Write-Output " - Found IDF!"; . ./export.ps1 Pop-Location Idf-Port $port Idf-Elf $elf if ($target) { Idf-Target $target } else { Idf-Target } if ($with_cmd) { Invoke-Expression -Command "$with_cmd" } return } else { Set-Location ..; Write-Output " - Checking : $(Get-Location)"; $counter--; } } Pop-Location Write-Output "No exports.ps1 found" } function Idf-Install { $counter = 16 Push-Location . while ($counter) { $is = Test-Path (Join-Path (Resolve-Path .) "install.ps1") -PathType Leaf if ($is -eq $true) { ./install.ps1 Pop-Location return } else { Set-Location ..; Write-Output (Get-Location); $counter--; } } Pop-Location Write-Output "No esp-idf/install.ps1 found" } function IdfProject-GetName($path) { $val = $false # default value $file_name = "CMakeLists.txt" if (!$path) { $path = Get-Location } ; Push-Location $path $file_path = Join-Path $path $file_name $val = ReadNget -Path $file_path -LinePattern "^project[(]" -InlinePattern "project[(](.+)[)]" Pop-Location return $val } function IdfProject-GetTarget($Path){ $val = "esp32" # default value $file_name = "sdkconfig" if (!$path) { $path = Get-Location } ; Push-Location $path $file_path = Join-Path $path $file_name $val = ReadNget -Path $file_path -LinePattern "^CONFIG_IDF_TARGET=" -InlinePattern "`"(.+)`"" Pop-Location return $val } |