function Compare-IcingaPluginThresholds() { param ( [string]$Threshold = $null, $InputValue = $null, $BaseValue = $null, [switch]$Matches = $FALSE, [switch]$NotMatches = $FALSE, [string]$Unit = '', $ThresholdCache = $null, [string]$CheckName = '', [hashtable]$Translation = @{ }, $Minium = $null, $Maximum = $null, [switch]$IsBetween = $FALSE, [switch]$IsLowerEqual = $FALSE, [switch]$IsGreaterEqual = $FALSE, [string]$TimeInterval = $null ); $IcingaThresholds = New-Object -TypeName PSObject; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Value' -Value $InputValue; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'BaseValue' -Value $BaseValue; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RawValue' -Value $InputValue; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Unit' -Value $Unit; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OriginalUnit' -Value $Unit; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PerfUnit' -Value $Unit; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IcingaThreshold' -Value $Threshold; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RawThreshold' -Value $Threshold; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'CompareValue' -Value $null; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MinRangeValue' -Value $null; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MaxRangeValue' -Value $null; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'PercentValue' -Value ''; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TimeSpan' -Value ''; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'InRange' -Value $TRUE; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Message' -Value ''; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Range' -Value ''; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullMessage' -Value ( [string]::Format('{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $InputValue))) ); $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'HeaderValue' -Value $IcingaThresholds.FullMessage; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ErrorMessage' -Value ''; $IcingaThresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'HasError' -Value $FALSE; # In case we are using % values, we should set the BaseValue always to 100 if ($Unit -eq '%' -And $null -eq $BaseValue) { $BaseValue = 100; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TimeInterval) -eq $FALSE -And $null -ne $ThresholdCache) { $TimeSeconds = ConvertTo-Seconds $TimeInterval; $MinuteInterval = ([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($TimeSeconds)).Minutes; $CheckPerfDataLabel = [string]::Format('{0}_{1}', (Format-IcingaPerfDataLabel $CheckName), $MinuteInterval); if ($null -ne $ThresholdCache.$CheckPerfDataLabel) { $InputValue = $ThresholdCache.$CheckPerfDataLabel; $InputValue = [math]::round([decimal]$InputValue, 6); $IcingaThresholds.TimeSpan = $MinuteInterval; } else { $IcingaThresholds.HasError = $TRUE; $IcingaThresholds.ErrorMessage = [string]::Format( 'The provided time interval "{0}" which translates to "{1}m" in your "-ThresholdInterval" argument does not exist', $TimeInterval, $MinuteInterval ); return $IcingaThresholds; } } <#else { # The symbol splitting our threshold from the time index value # Examples: # @20:40#15m # ~:40#15m # 40#15m $TimeIndexSeparator = '#'; # In case we found a ~ not starting at the beginning, we should load the # time index values created by our background daemon # Allows us to specify something like "40:50#15" if ($Threshold.Contains($TimeIndexSeparator) -And $null -ne $ThresholdCache) { [int]$LastIndex = $Threshold.LastIndexOf($TimeIndexSeparator); if ($LastIndex -ne 0) { $TmpValue = $Threshold; $Threshold = $TmpValue.Substring(0, $LastIndex); $TimeIndex = $TmpValue.Substring($LastIndex + 1, $TmpValue.Length - $LastIndex - 1); $TimeSeconds = ConvertTo-Seconds $TimeIndex; $MinuteInterval = ([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($TimeSeconds)).Minutes; $CheckPerfDataLabel = [string]::Format('{0}_{1}', (Format-IcingaPerfDataLabel $CheckName), $MinuteInterval); if ($null -ne $ThresholdCache.$CheckPerfDataLabel) { $InputValue = $ThresholdCache.$CheckPerfDataLabel; $InputValue = [math]::round([decimal]$InputValue, 6); $IcingaThresholds.TimeSpan = $MinuteInterval; } else { $IcingaThresholds.HasError = $TRUE; $IcingaThresholds.ErrorMessage = [string]::Format( 'The provided time interval "{0}{1}" which translates to "{2}m" in your "-ThresholdInterval" argument does not exist', $TimeIndexSeparator, $TimeIndex, $MinuteInterval ); } } } }#> [bool]$UseDynamicPercentage = $FALSE; [hashtable]$ConvertedThreshold = Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds -Threshold $Threshold; $Minimum = (Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds -Threshold $Minimum).Value; $Maximum = (Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds -Threshold $Maximum).Value; [string]$ThresholdValue = $ConvertedThreshold.Value; $IcingaThresholds.Unit = $ConvertedThreshold.Unit; $IcingaThresholds.IcingaThreshold = $ThresholdValue; $TempValue = (Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds -Threshold ([string]::Format('{0}{1}', $InputValue, $Unit))); $InputValue = $TempValue.Value; $TmpUnit = $TempValue.Unit; if (Test-Numeric $InputValue) { [decimal]$InputValue = [decimal]$InputValue; } $IcingaThresholds.RawValue = $InputValue; $TempValue = (Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds -Threshold ([string]::Format('{0}{1}', $BaseValue, $Unit))); $BaseValue = $TempValue.Value; $Unit = $TmpUnit; $IcingaThresholds.PerfUnit = $Unit; $IcingaThresholds.BaseValue = $BaseValue; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IcingaThresholds.Unit)) { $IcingaThresholds.Unit = $Unit; } # Calculate % value from base value of set if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BaseValue) -eq $FALSE -And $BaseValue -ne 0 -And $IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $InputValue = $InputValue / $BaseValue * 100; $UseDynamicPercentage = $TRUE; } elseif (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BaseValue) -eq $TRUE -Or $BaseValue -eq 0) -And $IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.HasError = $TRUE; $IcingaThresholds.ErrorMessage = 'This argument does not support the % unit'; return $IcingaThresholds; } # Always override our InputValue, case we might have change it $IcingaThresholds.Value = $InputValue; # If we simply provide a numeric number, we always check Value > Threshold or Value < 0 if ($Matches) { # Checks if the InputValue Matches the Threshold if ($InputValue -Like $ThresholdValue) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is matching threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } } elseif ($NotMatches) { # Checks if the InputValue not Matches the Threshold if ($InputValue -NotLike $ThresholdValue) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is not matching threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } } elseif ($IsBetween) { if ($InputValue -gt $Minium -And $InputValue -lt $Maximum) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is inside range'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0} and {1}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $Minium -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)), (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $Maximum -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({2}) {1}% ({3})', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $Minium), (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $Maximum), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $Minium -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $Maximum -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '@{0}:{1}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $Minium), (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $Maximum) ); } } elseif ($IsLowerEqual) { if ($InputValue -le $ThresholdValue) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is lower equal than threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({1})', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '{0}:', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue) ); } } elseif ($IsGreaterEqual) { if ($InputValue -ge $ThresholdValue) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is greater equal than threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({1})', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '~:{0}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue) ); } } else { if ((Test-Numeric $ThresholdValue)) { if ($InputValue -gt $ThresholdValue -Or $InputValue -lt 0) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is greater than threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format('{0}', (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $ThresholdValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)); } $IcingaThresholds.CompareValue = [decimal]$ThresholdValue; if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format('{0}% ({1})', $ThresholdValue, (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue) -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $ThresholdValue) ); } } else { # Transform our provided thresholds to split everything into single objects [array]$thresholds = $ThresholdValue.Split(':'); [string]$rangeMin = $thresholds[0]; [string]$rangeMax = $thresholds[1]; [bool]$IsNegating = $rangeMin.Contains('@'); [string]$rangeMin = $rangeMin.Replace('@', ''); if ((Test-Numeric ($rangeMin.Replace('@', '').Replace('~', '')))) { $IcingaThresholds.MinRangeValue = [decimal]($rangeMin.Replace('@', '').Replace('~', '')); [decimal]$rangeMin = [decimal]$rangeMin; } if ((Test-Numeric $rangeMax)) { $IcingaThresholds.MaxRangeValue = [decimal]$rangeMax; [decimal]$rangeMax = [decimal]$rangeMax; } if ($IsNegating -eq $FALSE -And (Test-Numeric $rangeMin) -And (Test-Numeric $rangeMax)) { # Handles: 30:40 # Error on: < 30 or > 40 # Ok on: between {30 .. 40} if ($InputValue -lt $rangeMin -Or $InputValue -gt $rangeMax) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is outside range'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0} and {1}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)), (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({2}) and {1}% ({3})', $rangeMin, $rangeMax, (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '{0}:{1}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin), (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax) ); } } elseif ((Test-Numeric $rangeMin) -And [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rangeMax) -eq $TRUE) { # Handles: 20: # Error on: 20: # Ok on: between 20 .. ∞ if ($InputValue -lt $rangeMin) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is lower than threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({1})', $rangeMin, (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '{0}:', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin) ); } } elseif ($rangeMin -eq '~' -And (Test-Numeric $rangeMax)) { # Handles: ~:20 # Error on: > 20 # Ok on: between -∞ .. 20 if ($InputValue -gt $rangeMax) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is greater than threshold'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({1})', $rangeMax, (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '~:{0}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax) ); } } elseif ($IsNegating -And (Test-Numeric $rangeMin) -And (Test-Numeric $rangeMax)) { # Handles: @30:40 # Error on: ≥ 30 and ≤ 40 # Ok on: -∞ .. 29 and 41 .. ∞ if ($InputValue -ge $rangeMin -And $InputValue -le $rangeMax) { $IcingaThresholds.InRange = $FALSE; $IcingaThresholds.Message = 'is inside range'; $IcingaThresholds.Range = [string]::Format( '{0} and {1}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)), (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); } if ($IcingaThresholds.Unit -eq '%') { $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold = [string]::Format( '{0}% ({2}) {1}% ({3})', $rangeMin, $rangeMax, (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue = [string]::Format( '@{0}:{1}', (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMin), (ConvertFrom-Percent -Value $BaseValue -Percent $rangeMax) ); } } else { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Threshold) -eq $FALSE) { # Unhandled $IcingaThresholds.ErrorMessage = [string]::Format( 'Invalid range specified for threshold: InputValue "{0}" and Threshold {1}', $InputValue, $Threshold ); $IcingaThresholds.HasError = $TRUE; return $IcingaThresholds; } } } } $PluginOutputMessage = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New(); [string]$PluginCurrentValue = [string]::Format( '{0}', (ConvertTo-IcingaPluginOutputTranslation -Translation $Translation -Value (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $IcingaThresholds.Unit -Value $IcingaThresholds.Value -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)) ); [string]$PluginThresholdValue = $IcingaThresholds.Range; if ($UseDynamicPercentage -And $Unit -ne '%') { $IcingaThresholds.IcingaThreshold = $IcingaThresholds.PercentValue; $PluginCurrentValue = [string]::Format('{0}% ({1})', ([string]([math]::Round($IcingaThresholds.Value, 2))).Replace(',', '.'), (Convert-IcingaPluginValueToString -Unit $Unit -Value $IcingaThresholds.RawValue -OriginalUnit $IcingaThresholds.OriginalUnit)); $PluginThresholdValue = $IcingaThresholds.RawThreshold; } $IcingaThresholds.HeaderValue = $PluginCurrentValue; $PluginOutputMessage.Append($PluginCurrentValue) | Out-Null; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IcingaThresholds.Message) -eq $FALSE) { $PluginOutputMessage.Append(' ') | Out-Null; $PluginOutputMessage.Append($IcingaThresholds.Message.Replace(',', '.')) | Out-Null; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PluginThresholdValue) -eq $FALSE) { $PluginOutputMessage.Append(' ') | Out-Null; $PluginOutputMessage.Append(([string]$PluginThresholdValue).Replace(',', '.')) | Out-Null; } } # Lets build our full message for adding on the value $IcingaThresholds.FullMessage = $PluginOutputMessage.ToString(); return $IcingaThresholds; } |