<# .SYNOPSIS Exports command as JSON for icinga director .DESCRIPTION Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig returns a JSON-file of one or all 'Invoke-IcingaCheck'-Commands, which can be imported via Icinga-Director When no single command is specified all commands will be exported, and vice versa. More Information on .FUNCTIONALITY This module is intended to be used to export one or all PowerShell-Modules with the namespace 'Invoke-IcingaCheck'. The JSON-Export, which will be generated through this module is structured like an Icinga-Director-JSON-Export, so it can be imported via the Icinga-Director the same way. .EXAMPLE PS>Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig Check Command JSON for the following commands: - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckBiosSerial' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckProcessCount' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckService' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUpdates' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUptime' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUsedPartitionSpace' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUsers' ############################################################ .EXAMPLE Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig -OutDirectory 'C:\Users\icinga\config-exports' The following commands have been exported: - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckBiosSerial' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckProcessCount' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckService' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUpdates' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUptime' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUsedPartitionSpace' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckUsers' JSON export created in 'C:\Users\icinga\config-exports\PowerShell_CheckCommands_09-13-2019-10-55-1989.json' .EXAMPLE Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig Invoke-IcingaCheckBiosSerial, Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU -OutDirectory 'C:\Users\icinga\config-exports' The following commands have been exported: - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckBiosSerial' - 'Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU' JSON export created in 'C:\Users\icinga\config-exports\PowerShell_CheckCommands_09-13-2019-10-58-5342.json' .PARAMETER CheckName Used to specify an array of commands which should be exported. Separated with ',' .PARAMETER FileName Define a custom file name for the exported `.json`/`.conf` file .PARAMETER IcingaConfig Will switch the configuration generator to write plain Icinga 2 `.conf` files instead of Icinga Director Basket `.json` files .INPUTS System.Array .OUTPUTS System.String .LINK .NOTES #> function Get-IcingaCheckCommandConfig() { param( [array]$CheckName, [string]$OutDirectory = '', [string]$Filename, [switch]$IcingaConfig ); [array]$BlacklistedArguments = @( 'ThresholdInterval' ); # Check whether all Checks will be exported or just the ones specified if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CheckName) -eq $true) { $CheckName = (Get-Command Invoke-IcingaCheck*).Name } [int]$FieldID = 2; # Starts at '2', because '0' and '1' are reserved for 'Verbose' and 'NoPerfData' [hashtable]$Basket = @{ }; # Define basic hashtable structure by adding fields: "Datafield", "DataList", "Command" $Basket.Add('Datafield', @{ }); $Basket.Add('DataList', @{ }); $Basket.Add('Command', @{ }); # At first generate a base Check-Command we can use as import source for all other commands $Basket.Command.Add( 'PowerShell Base', @{ 'arguments' = @{ }; 'command' = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'; 'disabled' = $FALSE; 'fields' = @(); 'imports' = @(); 'is_string' = $NULL; 'methods_execute' = 'PluginCheck'; 'object_name' = 'PowerShell Base'; 'object_type' = 'object'; 'timeout' = '180'; 'vars' = @{ }; 'zone' = $NULL; } ); $ThresholdIntervalArg = New-Object -TypeName PSObject; $ThresholdIntervalArg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'type' -Value (New-Object -TypeName PSObject); $ThresholdIntervalArg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Description' -Value (New-Object -TypeName PSObject); $ThresholdIntervalArg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'position' -Value 99; $ThresholdIntervalArg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value 'ThresholdInterval'; $ThresholdIntervalArg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'required' -Value $FALSE; $ThresholdIntervalArg.type | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'name' -Value 'String'; $ThresholdIntervalArg.Description | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Text' -Value 'Change the value your defined threshold checks against from the current value to a collected time threshold of the Icinga for Windows daemon, as described here: An example for this argument would be 1m or 15m which will use the average of 1m or 15m for monitoring.'; # Loop through ${CheckName}, to get information on every command specified/all commands. foreach ($check in $CheckName) { # Get necessary syntax-information and more through cmdlet "Get-Help" $Data = (Get-Help $check); $ParameterList = (Get-Command -Name $check).Parameters; $CheckParamList = @( $ThresholdIntervalArg ); $PluginNameSpace = $Data.Name.Replace('Invoke-', ''); foreach ($entry in $Data.parameters.parameter) { foreach ($BlackListArg in $BlacklistedArguments) { if ($BlackListArg.ToLower() -eq $entry.Name.ToLower()) { Write-IcingaConsoleError -Message 'The argument "{0}" for check command "{1}" is not allowed, as this is reserved as Framework constant argument and can not be used.' -Objects $BlackListArg, $check; return; } } $CheckParamList += (Convert-IcingaCheckArgumentToPSObject -Parameter $entry); } foreach ($arg in $ParameterList.Keys) { foreach ($entry in $CheckParamList) { if ($entry.Name -eq $arg) { $entry.Attributes.ValidValues = $ParameterList[$arg].Attributes.ValidValues; break; } } } # Add command Structure $Basket.Command.Add( $Data.Name, @{ 'arguments' = @{ # Set the Command handling for every check command '-C' = @{ 'value' = [string]::Format('try {{ Use-Icinga -Minimal; }} catch {{ Write-Output {1}The Icinga PowerShell Framework is either not installed on the system or not configured properly. Please check for further details{1}; Write-Output "Error: $$($$_.Exception.Message)Components:`r`n$$( Get-Module -ListAvailable "icinga-powershell-*" )`r`nModule-Path:`r`n$$($$Env:PSModulePath)"; exit 3; }}; Exit-IcingaExecutePlugin -Command {1}{0}{1} ', $Data.Name, "'"); 'order' = '0'; } } 'fields' = @(); 'imports' = @( 'PowerShell Base' ); 'object_name' = $Data.Name; 'object_type' = 'object'; 'vars' = @{}; } ); # Loop through parameters of a given command foreach ($parameter in $CheckParamList) { $IsDataList = $FALSE; # IsNumeric-Check on position to determine the order-value If (Test-Numeric($parameter.position) -eq $TRUE) { [string]$Order = [int]$parameter.position + 1; } else { [string]$Order = 99 } $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('${0}_{1}_{2}$', $PluginNameSpace, (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($, $parameter.Name); if ($IcingaCustomVariable.Length -gt 66) { Write-IcingaConsoleError 'The argument "{0}" for the plugin "{1}" is too long. The maximum size of generated custom variables is 64 digits. Current argument size: "{2}", Name: "{3}"' -Objects $parameter.Name, $check, ($IcingaCustomVariable.Length - 2), $IcingaCustomVariable.Replace('$', ''); return; } # Todo: Should we improve this? Actually the handling would be identical, we just need to assign # the proper field for this if ($IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int32_Verbose$' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int_Verbose$' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Object_Verbose$') { $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('${0}_Int_Verbose$', $PluginNameSpace); } # Add arguments to a given command if ($ -eq 'SwitchParameter') { $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].arguments.Add( [string]::Format('-{0}', $parameter.Name), @{ 'set_if' = $IcingaCustomVariable; 'set_if_format' = 'string'; 'order' = $Order; } ); $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].vars.Add($IcingaCustomVariable.Replace('$', ''), $FALSE); } elseif ($ -eq 'Array') { # Conditional whether type of parameter is array $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].arguments.Add( [string]::Format('-{0}', $parameter.Name), @{ 'value' = @{ 'type' = 'Function'; 'body' = [string]::Format( 'var arr = macro("{0}");{1} if (len(arr) == 0) {2}{1} return "@()";{1} {3}{1} return{1} x => if (typeof(x) == String) {2}{1} var argLen = len(x);{1} if (argLen != 0 && x.substr(0,1) == "{4}" && x.substr(argLen - 1, argLen) == "{4}") {2}{1} x;{1} {3} else {2}{1} "{4}" + x + "{4}";{1} {3}{1} {3} else {2}{1} x;{1} {3}{1} ).join(",");', $IcingaCustomVariable, "`r`n", '{', '}', "'" ); } 'order' = $Order; } ); } elseif ($ -eq 'SecureString') { # Convert out input string as SecureString $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].arguments.Add( [string]::Format('-{0}', $parameter.Name), @{ 'value' = ( [string]::Format( "(ConvertTo-IcingaSecureString '{0}')", $IcingaCustomVariable ) ) 'order' = $Order; } ); } else { # Default to Object $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].arguments.Add( [string]::Format('-{0}', $parameter.Name), @{ 'value' = $IcingaCustomVariable; 'order' = $Order; } ); } # Determine wether a parameter is required based on given syntax-information if ($parameter.required -eq $TRUE) { $Required = 'y'; } else { $Required = 'n'; } $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('{0}_{1}_{2}', $PluginNameSpace, (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($, $parameter.Name); # Todo: Should we improve this? Actually the handling would be identical, we just need to assign # the proper field for this if ($IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int32_Verbose' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int_Verbose' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Object_Verbose') { $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('{0}_Int_Verbose', $PluginNameSpace); } [bool]$ArgumentKnown = $FALSE; foreach ($argument in $Basket.Datafield.Keys) { if ($Basket.Datafield[$argument].varname -eq $IcingaCustomVariable) { $ArgumentKnown = $TRUE; break; } } if ($ArgumentKnown) { continue; } $DataListName = [string]::Format('{0} {1}', $PluginNameSpace, $parameter.Name); if ($null -ne $parameter.Attributes.ValidValues) { $IcingaDataType = 'Datalist'; Add-PowerShellDataList -Name $DataListName -Basket $Basket -Arguments $parameter.Attributes.ValidValues; $IsDataList = $TRUE; } elseif ($ -eq 'SwitchParameter') { $IcingaDataType = 'Boolean'; } elseif ($ -eq 'Object') { $IcingaDataType = 'String'; } elseif ($ -eq 'Array') { $IcingaDataType = 'Array'; } elseif ($ -eq 'Int' -Or $ -eq 'Int32') { $IcingaDataType = 'Number'; } else { $IcingaDataType = 'String'; } $IcingaDataType = [string]::Format('Icinga\Module\Director\DataType\DataType{0}', $IcingaDataType) if ($Basket.Datafield.Values.varname -ne $IcingaCustomVariable) { $Basket.Datafield.Add( [string]$FieldID, @{ 'varname' = $IcingaCustomVariable; 'caption' = $parameter.Name; 'description' = $parameter.Description.Text; 'datatype' = $IcingaDataType; 'format' = $NULL; 'originalId' = [string]$FieldID; } ); if ($IsDataList) { [string]$DataListDataType = 'string'; if ($ -eq 'Array') { $DataListDataType = 'array'; } $Basket.Datafield[[string]$FieldID].Add( 'settings', @{ 'datalist' = $DataListName; 'data_type' = $DataListDataType; 'behavior' = 'strict'; } ); } else { $CustomVarVisibility = 'visible'; if ($ -eq 'SecureString') { $CustomVarVisibility = 'hidden'; } $Basket.Datafield[[string]$FieldID].Add( 'settings', @{ 'visibility' = $CustomVarVisibility; } ); } # Increment FieldID, so unique datafields are added. [int]$FieldID = [int]$FieldID + 1; } # Increment FieldNumeration, so unique fields for a given command are added. [int]$FieldNumeration = [int]$FieldNumeration + 1; } } foreach ($check in $CheckName) { [int]$FieldNumeration = 0; $Data = (Get-Help $check) $PluginNameSpace = $Data.Name.Replace('Invoke-', ''); $CheckParamList = @( $ThresholdIntervalArg ); foreach ($entry in $Data.parameters.parameter) { $CheckParamList += (Convert-IcingaCheckArgumentToPSObject -Parameter $entry);; } foreach ($parameter in $CheckParamList) { $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('{0}_{1}_{2}', $PluginNameSpace, (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($, $parameter.Name); # Todo: Should we improve this? Actually the handling would be identical, we just need to assign # the proper field for this if ($IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int32_Verbose' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Int_Verbose' -Or $IcingaCustomVariable -like '*_Object_Verbose') { $IcingaCustomVariable = [string]::Format('{0}_Int_Verbose', $PluginNameSpace); } foreach ($DataFieldID in $Basket.Datafield.Keys) { [string]$varname = $Basket.Datafield[$DataFieldID].varname; if ([string]$varname -eq [string]$IcingaCustomVariable) { $Basket.Command[$Data.Name].fields += @{ 'datafield_id' = [int]$DataFieldID; 'is_required' = $Required; 'var_filter' = $NULL; }; } } } } [string]$FileType = '.json'; if ($IcingaConfig) { $FileType = '.conf'; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filename)) { $TimeStamp = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-ffff"); $FileName = [string]::Format("PowerShell_CheckCommands_{0}{1}", $TimeStamp, $FileType); } else { if ($Filename.Contains($FileType) -eq $FALSE) { $Filename = [string]::Format('{0}{1}', $Filename, $FileType); } } # Generate JSON Output from Hashtable $output = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $Basket -Compress; # Determine whether json output via powershell or in file (based on param -OutDirectory) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutDirectory) -eq $false) { $ConfigDirectory = $OutDirectory; $OutDirectory = (Join-Path -Path $OutDirectory -ChildPath $FileName); if ((Test-Path($OutDirectory)) -eq $false) { New-Item -Path $OutDirectory -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null; } if ((Test-Path($OutDirectory)) -eq $false) { throw 'Failed to create specified directory. Please try again or use a different target location.'; } if ($IcingaConfig) { Write-IcingaPlainConfigurationFiles -Content $Basket -OutDirectory $ConfigDirectory -FileName $FileName; } else { Set-Content -Path $OutDirectory -Value $output; } # Output-Text Write-IcingaConsoleNotice "The following commands have been exported:" foreach ($check in $CheckName) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice "- '$check'"; } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice "JSON export created in '${OutDirectory}'" Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'By using this generated check command configuration you will require the Icinga PowerShell Framework 1.4.0 or later to be installed on ALL monitored machines!'; return; } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice "Check Command JSON for the following commands:" foreach ($check in $CheckName) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice "- '$check'" } Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'By using this generated check command configuration you will require the Icinga PowerShell Framework 1.4.0 or later to be installed on ALL monitored machines!'; Write-IcingaConsoleNotice '############################################################'; return $output; } function Write-IcingaPlainConfigurationFiles() { param ( $Content, $OutDirectory, $FileName ); $ConfigDirectory = $OutDirectory; $OutDirectory = (Join-Path -Path $OutDirectory -ChildPath $FileName); $IcingaConfig = ''; foreach ($entry in $Content.Command.Keys) { $CheckCommand = $Content.Command[$entry]; # Skip PowerShell base, this is written at the end in a separate file if ($CheckCommand.object_name -eq 'PowerShell Base') { continue; } # Create the CheckCommand object $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format('object CheckCommand "{0}" {{{1}', $CheckCommand.object_name, (New-IcingaNewLine)); # Import all defined import templates foreach ($import in $CheckCommand.imports) { $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format(' import "{0}"{1}', $import, (New-IcingaNewLine)); } $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; if ($CheckCommand.arguments.Count -ne 0) { # Arguments for the configuration $IcingaConfig += ' arguments += {' $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; foreach ($argument in $CheckCommand.arguments.Keys) { $CheckArgument = $CheckCommand.arguments[$argument]; # Each single argument, like "-Verbosity" = { $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format(' "{0}" = {{{1}', $argument, (New-IcingaNewLine)); foreach ($argconfig in $CheckArgument.Keys) { $Value = ''; if ($argconfig -eq 'set_if_format') { continue; } # Order is numeric -> no "" required if ($argconfig -eq 'order') { $StringFormater = ' {0} = {1}{2}'; } else { # All other entries should be handled as strings and contain "" $StringFormater =' {0} = "{1}"{2}' } # In case it is a hashtable, this is most likely a DSL function # We have to render it differently to also match the intends if ($CheckArgument[$argconfig] -is [Hashtable]) { $Value = $CheckArgument[$argconfig].body; $DSLArray = $Value.Split("`r`n"); $Value = ''; foreach ($item in $DSLArray) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item)) { continue; } $Value += [string]::Format(' {0}{1}', $item, (New-IcingaNewLine)); } $Value = $Value.Substring(0, $Value.Length - 2); $StringFormater =' {0} = {{{{{2}{1}{2} }}}}{2}' } else { # All other values besides DSL $Value = $CheckArgument[$argconfig]; } # Read description from our variables if ($argconfig -eq 'value') { foreach ($item in $Content.DataField.Keys) { $DataField = $Content.DataField[$item]; if ($Value.Contains($DataField.varname)) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataField.description)) { break; } $Description = $DataField.description.Replace("`r`n", ' '); $Description = $Description.Replace("\", '\\'); $Description = $Description.Replace("`n", ' '); $Description = $Description.Replace("`r", ' '); $Description = $Description.Replace('"', "'"); $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format(' description = "{0}"{1}', $Description, (New-IcingaNewLine)); break; } } } # Write the argument to your CheckCommand $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format($StringFormater, $argconfig, $Value, (New-IcingaNewLine)); } # Close this specific argument $IcingaConfig += ' }' $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; } $IcingaConfig = $IcingaConfig.Substring(0, $IcingaConfig.Length - 2); # Close all arguments content $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; $IcingaConfig += ' }' } # In case we pre-define custom variables, we should add them here if ($CheckCommand.vars.Count -ne 0) { $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; foreach ($var in $CheckCommand.vars.Keys) { [string]$Value = $CheckCommand.vars[$var]; $IcingaConfig += [string]::Format(' vars.{0} = {1}{2}', $var, $Value.ToLower(), (New-IcingaNewLine)); } } else { $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; } # Close the CheckCommand object $IcingaConfig += '}'; if ($Content.Command.Count -gt 2) { $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; $IcingaConfig += New-IcingaNewLine; } } # Write the PowerShell Base command to a separate file for Icinga 2 configuration [string]$PowerShellBase = [string]::Format('object CheckCommand "PowerShell Base" {{{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += [string]::Format(' import "plugin-check-command"{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += [string]::Format(' command = [{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += [string]::Format(' "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += [string]::Format(' ]{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += [string]::Format(' timeout = 3m{0}', (New-IcingaNewLine)); $PowerShellBase += '}'; Set-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $ConfigDirectory -ChildPath 'PowerShell_Base.conf') -Value $PowerShellBase; Set-Content -Path $OutDirectory -Value $IcingaConfig; } function Add-PowerShellDataList() { param( $Name, $Basket, $Arguments ); $Basket.DataList.Add( $Name, @{ 'list_name' = $Name; 'owner' = $env:username; 'originalId' = '2'; 'entries' = @(); } ); foreach ($entry in $Arguments) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($entry)) { Write-IcingaConsoleWarning ` -Message 'The plugin argument "{0}" contains the illegal ValidateSet $null which will not be rendered. Please remove it from the arguments list of "{1}"' ` -Objects $Name, $Arguments; continue; } $Basket.DataList[$Name]['entries'] += @{ 'entry_name' = $entry; 'entry_value' = $entry; 'format' = 'string'; 'allowed_roles' = $NULL; }; } } |