function Start-IcingaAgentDirectorWizard() { param( [string]$DirectorUrl, [string]$SelfServiceAPIKey = $null, $OverrideDirectorVars = $null, [bool]$RunInstaller = $FALSE, [switch]$ForceTemplateKey ); [hashtable]$DirectorOverrideArgs = @{} if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DirectorUrl)) { $DirectorUrl = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt 'Please specify the Url pointing to your Icinga Director' -Default 'v').answer; } [bool]$HostKnown = $FALSE; [string]$TemplateKey = $SelfServiceAPIKey; if ($null -eq $OverrideDirectorVars -And $RunInstaller -eq $FALSE) { if ((Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt 'Do you want to manually override arguments provided by the Director API?' -Default 'n').result -eq 0) { $OverrideDirectorVars = $TRUE; } else{ $OverrideDirectorVars = $FALSE; } } $LocalAPIKey = Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'IcingaDirector.SelfService.ApiKey'; if ($ForceTemplateKey) { if ($SelfServiceAPIKey -eq $LocalAPIKey) { $ForceTemplateKey = $FALSE; } } if ($ForceTemplateKey -eq $FALSE) { $SelfServiceAPIKey = $LocalAPIKey; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SelfServiceAPIKey)) { $LegacyTokenPath = Join-Path -Path Get-IcingaAgentConfigDirectory -ChildPath 'icingadirector.token'; if (Test-Path $LegacyTokenPath) { $SelfServiceAPIKey = Get-Content -Path $LegacyTokenPath; Set-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'IcingaDirector.SelfService.ApiKey' -Value $SelfServiceAPIKey; } } } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SelfServiceAPIKey)) { $SelfServiceAPIKey = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt 'Please enter your Self-Service API key' -Default 'v').answer; } else { if ($ForceTemplateKey -eq $FALSE) { $HostKnown = $TRUE; } } try { $Arguments = Get-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceConfig -DirectorUrl $DirectorUrl -ApiKey $SelfServiceAPIKey; } catch { Write-Host ([string]::Format('Failed to connect to your Icinga Director at "{0}". Please try again', $DirectorUrl)); return Start-IcingaAgentDirectorWizard ` -SelfServiceAPIKey ((Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt 'Please re-enter your SelfService API Key for the Host-Template in case the key is no longer assigned to your host' -Default 'v' -DefaultInput $SelfServiceAPIKey).answer) ` -OverrideDirectorVars $OverrideDirectorVars ` -ForceTemplateKey; } $Arguments = Convert-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceArguments -JsonInput $Arguments; if ($OverrideDirectorVars -eq $TRUE -And -Not $RunInstaller) { $DirectorOverrideArgs = Start-IcingaDirectorAPIArgumentOverride -Arguments $Arguments; foreach ($entry in $DirectorOverrideArgs.Keys) { if ($Arguments.ContainsKey($entry)) { $Arguments[$entry] = $DirectorOverrideArgs[$entry]; } } } if ($HostKnown -eq $FALSE) { while ($TRUE) { try { $SelfServiceAPIKey = Register-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceHost -DirectorUrl $DirectorUrl -ApiKey $SelfServiceAPIKey -Hostname (Get-IcingaHostname @Arguments) -Endpoint $Arguments.IcingaMaster; break; } catch { $SelfServiceAPIKey = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Failed to register host within Icinga Director. Full error: "{0}". Please re-enter your SelfService API Key. If this prompt continues ensure you are using an Agent template or drop your host key at "Hosts -> {1} -> Agent"', $_.Exception.Message, (Get-IcingaHostname @Arguments))) -Default 'v' -DefaultInput $SelfServiceAPIKey).answer; } } # Host is already registered if ($null -eq $SelfServiceAPIKey) { Write-Host 'The wizard is unable to complete as this host is already registered but the local API key is not stored within the config' return; } $Arguments = Get-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceConfig -DirectorUrl $DirectorUrl -ApiKey $SelfServiceAPIKey; $Arguments = Convert-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceArguments -JsonInput $Arguments; if ($OverrideDirectorVars -eq $TRUE -And -Not $RunInstaller) { $DirectorOverrideArgs = Start-IcingaDirectorAPIArgumentOverride -Arguments $Arguments; foreach ($entry in $DirectorOverrideArgs.Keys) { if ($Arguments.ContainsKey($entry)) { $Arguments[$entry] = $DirectorOverrideArgs[$entry]; } } } } $IcingaTicket = Get-IcingaDirectorSelfServiceTicket -DirectorUrl $DirectorUrl -ApiKey $SelfServiceAPIKey; $DirectorOverrideArgs.Add( 'DirectorUrl', $DirectorUrl ); $DirectorOverrideArgs.Add( 'Ticket', $IcingaTicket ); if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TemplateKey) -eq $FALSE) { $DirectorOverrideArgs.Add( 'SelfServiceAPIKey', $TemplateKey ); } return @{ 'Arguments' = $Arguments; 'Overrides' = $DirectorOverrideArgs; }; } function Start-IcingaDirectorAPIArgumentOverride() { param( $Arguments ); $NewArguments = @{}; Write-Host 'Please follow the wizard and manually override all entries you intend to'; Write-Host '===='; foreach ($entry in $Arguments.Keys) { $value = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Please enter the new value for the argument "{0}"', $entry)) -Default 'v' -DefaultInput $Arguments[$entry]).answer; if ($Arguments[$entry] -is [array]) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value) -eq $FALSE) { [array]$tmpArray = $value.Split(','); if ($null -ne (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Arguments[$entry] -DifferenceObject $tmpArray)) { $NewArguments.Add( $entry, ([string]::Join(',', $tmpArray)) ); } } continue; } elseif ($Arguments[$entry] -is [bool]) { if ($value -eq 'true' -or $value -eq 'y' -or $value -eq '1' -or $value -eq 'yes' -or $value -eq 1) { $value = 1; } else { $value = 0; } } if ($Arguments[$entry] -ne $value) { $NewArguments.Add($entry, $value); } } return $NewArguments; } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Start-IcingaAgentDirectorWizard' ); |