function Set-B1CustomList { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a custom list object .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update a custom list object within BloxOne Threat Defense .PARAMETER Name The name of the Custom List to update. Whilst this is here, the API does not currently support filtering by name. (01/04/24) For now, you should instead use pipeline to update objects as shown in the examples. .PARAMETER NewName Use -NewName to update the name of the Custom List .PARAMETER Description The new description for the Custom List object .PARAMETER Items Enter a key-value hashtable of domains/IP addresses and their description or a list of objects with headers 'item' & 'description'. See examples for usage This will overwrite the current list of domains/addresses. If you only want to add or remove items then you should use the corresponding -AddItems or -RemoveItems parameters. .PARAMETER AddItems Enter a key-value hashtable of domains/IP addresses and their description or a list of objects with headers 'item' & 'description'. Duplicate items will be silently skipped, only new items are appended to the custom list. .PARAMETER RemoveItems Enter a list of domains/IP addresses, or a hashtable/object the same format as -Items & -AddItems These items will be removed from the custom list, if the item does not exist it will be silently skipped. .PARAMETER ThreatLevel Set the threat level for the custom list (info/low/medium/high) .PARAMETER ConfidenceLevel Set the confidence level for the custom list (low/medium/high) .PARAMETER Tags The list of tags to apply to the custom list. This will overwrite the current list of tags. .PARAMETER Object The Custom List object to update. Accepts pipeline input from Get-B1CustomList. .PARAMETER Force Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium. .EXAMPLE $Items = @{ "" = "Description 1" "" = "Description 2" "" = "Some IP Address" } Get-B1CustomList | Where-Object {$ -eq "My Custom List"} | Set-B1CustomList -AddItems $Items confidence_level : HIGH created_time : 5/3/2024 4:43:02 PM description : New Description id : 123456 item_count : 4 items : {,,,} items_described : {@{description=Some IP Address; item=}, @{description=A Domain!;}, @{description=Description 2;}, @{description=Description 1;}} name : My Custom List policies : {} tags : @{Owner=Me} threat_level : MEDIUM type : custom_list updated_time : 5/3/2024 6:10:44 PM .EXAMPLE $Items = @("","","") Get-B1CustomList | Where-Object {$ -eq "My Custom List"} | Set-B1CustomList -RemoveItems $Items confidence_level : HIGH created_time : 5/3/2024 4:43:02 PM description : New Description id : 123456 item_count : 1 items : {} items_described : {@{description=A Domain!;}} name : My Custom List policies : {} tags : @{Owner=Me} threat_level : MEDIUM type : custom_list updated_time : 5/3/2024 6:11:32 PM .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Threat Defense #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName='Default', SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium' )] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$NewName, [String]$Description, [System.Object]$Items, [System.Object]$AddItems, [System.Object]$RemoveItems, [ValidateSet('INFO','LOW','MEDIUM','HIGH')] [String]$ThreatLevel, [ValidateSet('LOW','MEDIUM','HIGH')] [String]$ConfidenceLevel, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="Pipeline", Mandatory=$true )] [System.Object]$Object, [Switch]$Force ) process { $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters if ($Object) { if ($Object.type -ne "custom_list") { Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'custom_list' objects as input" return $null } else { if (!($Object.items_described)) { $Object = Get-B1CustomList -id $($ } } } else { $Object = Get-B1CustomList -Name $($Name) -Strict if (!($Object)) { Write-Error "Unable to find Custom List: $($Name)" return $null } } if (($Items -and $AddItems) -or ($Items -and $RemoveItems)) { if ($AddItems) { Write-Error '-Items and -AddItems are mutually exclusive parameters. See documentation for help.' return $null } if ($RemoveItems) { Write-Error '-Items and -RemoveItems are mutually exclusive parameters. See documentation for help.' return $null } } $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty created_time,updated_time,items,item_count,policies if ($NewName) { $ = $NewName } if ($Description) { $NewObj.description = $Description } if ($ThreatLevel) { $NewObj.threat_level = $ThreatLevel } if ($ConfidenceLevel) { $NewObj.confidence_level = $ConfidenceLevel } if ($Tags) { $NewObj.tags = $Tags } $NewItems = @() if ($Items -or $AddItems) { if ($Items) { $Objects = $($Items) } else { $Objects = $($AddItems) } Switch ($Objects.GetType().Name) { "Hashtable" { foreach ($O in $Objects.GetEnumerator()) { $NewItems += @{ "item" = $O.Name "description" = $O.Value } } } "Object[]" { if ($Objects.item -and $Objects.description) { $NewItems = $Objects } else { Write-Error "Unsupported format. Ensure the object headers are 'item' and 'description' for each entry, see examples for details." } } } } if ($Items) { $NewObj.items_described = $NewItems } if ($NewName -or $Description -or $ThreatLevel -or $ConfidenceLevel -or $Tags -or $Items) { $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update Custom List:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Update Custom List: $($ ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method PUT -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/atcfw/v1/named_lists/$($" -Data $JSON $ShouldProcess = $true } } if ($AddItems) { $NewItemsToAdd = @{ "items_described" = $NewItems } $JSON = $NewItemsToAdd | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add Custom List Items:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Add Custom List Items: $($ ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method POST -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/atcfw/v1/named_lists/$($" -Data $JSON $ShouldProcess = $true } } if ($RemoveItems) { if ($RemoveItems.item) { $ItemsToRemove = @{ "items_described" = $RemoveItems } } else { $ItemsToRemove = @{ "items" = @($RemoveItems) } } $JSON = $ItemsToRemove | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Custom List Items:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Remove Custom List Items: $($ ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method DELETE -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/atcfw/v1/named_lists/$($" -Data $JSON $ShouldProcess = $true } } if ($ShouldProcess) { if ($AddItems -or $RemoveItems) { if (($AddItems -and $Results.ToString() -eq "") -or ($RemoveItems -and -not $Results)) { return Get-B1CustomList -id $($ } else { Write-Error "Failed to update items for Custom List: $($" return $Results } } else { if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) { $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results } else { $Results } } } } } |