
function New-B1DTCPool {
        Creates a new pool object within BloxOne DTC

        This function is used to create a new pool object within BloxOne DTC

        The name of the DTC pool object to create

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description for the new pool object

    .PARAMETER LoadBalancingType
        The Load Balancing Type to use (Round Robin / Ratio / Global Availability)

        If Ratio is selected, the -Servers parameter must include both the Server Name and Weight separated by a colon. ( -Servers "SERVER-PRIMARY:1","SERVER-BACKUP:2" )

    .PARAMETER Servers
        The list of DTC Servers to assign to the pool. This supports tab-completion to list available DTC servers.

    .PARAMETER HealthChecks
        The list of DTC Health Checks to assign to the pool. This supports tab-completion to list available DTC Health Checks.

    .PARAMETER PoolHealthyWhen
        Report the Pool Health Status as Healthy when (Any/All/AtLeast) Servers are healthy

        If At Least is selected, this must be used in conjunction with -PoolHealthyCount to set the number of required healthy servers

    .PARAMETER PoolHealthyCount
        The number of DTC Servers within the pool that are required for the pool to be reported as healthy. This is used in conjunction with: -PoolHealthyWhen AtLeast

    .PARAMETER ServersHealthyWhen
        Report the Server Health Status as Healthy when (Any/All/At Least) Health Checks are healthy

        If At Least is selected, this must be used in conjunction with -ServerHealthyCount to set the number of required health checks

    .PARAMETER ServersHealthyCount
        The number of DTC Health Checks assigned to the server that are required for the server to be reported as healthy. This is used in conjunction with: -ServerHealthyWhen AtLeast

        The TTL to use for the DTC pool. This will override inheritance.

    .PARAMETER State
        Whether or not the new pool is created as enabled or disabled. Defaults to enabled

        Any tags you want to apply to the DTC Pool

    .PARAMETER Force
        Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium.

       PS> New-B1DTCPool -Name 'Exchange Pool' -Description 'Pool of Exchange Servers' -LoadBalancingType Ratio -Servers MAILSERVER-01:10,MAILSERVER-02:20 -HealthChecks 'ICMP health check','Exchange HTTPS Check' -TTL 10

        id : dtc/pool/0gt45t5t-g5g5-h5hg-5h5f-8vd89dr39f
        name : Exchange Pool
        comment : Pool of Exchange Servers
        tags :
        disabled : False
        method : ratio
        servers : {@{server_id=dtc/server/23404tg-gt54-g4vg-c442-cw4vw3v4f; name=MAILSERVER-01; weight=10}, @{server_id=dtc/server/8vdsrnv8-vnnu-777g-gdvd-sdrghjj3b2; name=MAILSERVER-02; weight=20}}
        ttl : 10
        inheritance_sources :
        pool_availability : any
        pool_servers_quorum : 0
        server_availability : any
        server_health_checks_quorum : 0
        health_checks : {@{health_check_id=dtc/health_check_icmp/vdsg4g4-vdg4-4g43-b3d8-c55xseve5b; name=ICMP health check}, @{health_check_id=dtc/health_check_icmp/fset4g4fg-h6hg-878f-ssw3-cdfu894d32; name=Exchange HTTPS Check}}



        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
      [String]$PoolHealthyWhen = 'Any',
      [Int]$PoolHealthyCount = 0,
      [String]$ServersHealthyWhen = 'Any',
      [Int]$ServersHealthyCount = 0,
      [String]$State = 'Enabled',
    $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters
    $ChecksArr = @{
        'Any' = 'any'
        'All' = 'all'
        'AtLeast' = 'quorum'
    $MethodArr = @{
        'RoundRobin' = 'round_robin'
        'Ratio' = 'ratio'
        'GlobalAvailability' = 'global_availability'

    $splat = @{
        "name" = $Name
        "comment" = $Description
        "method" = $MethodArr[$LoadBalancingType]
        "disabled" = $(if ($State -eq 'Enabled') { $false } else { $true })
        "pool_availability" = $ChecksArr[$PoolHealthyWhen]
        "pool_servers_quorum" = $PoolHealthyCount
        "server_availability" = $ChecksArr[$ServersHealthyWhen]
        "server_health_checks_quorum" = $ServersHealthyCount
        "servers" = @()
        "health_checks" = @()
        "tags" = $Tags
    if ($Servers) {
        $ServerIDs = @()
        foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
            if ($LoadBalancingType -eq "Ratio") {
                $ServerObj = $Server -Split ':'
                $Server = $ServerObj[0]
                $Weight = $ServerObj[1]
                if (!($Server -and $Weight)) {
                    Write-Error 'Invalid Server format. You must specify the Server and Weight in colon separated format (SERVER-PRIMARY:1,SERVER-BACKUP:2) when using -LoadBalancingType Ratio'
                    return $null
            $DTCServer = Get-B1DTCServer -Name $Server -Strict
            if (!$DTCServer) {
                Write-Error "DTC Server Not Found: $($Server)"
                return $null
            $DTCServerObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "server_id" = $
            if ($LoadBalancingType -eq "Ratio") {
                $DTCServerObj | Add-Member -Name 'weight' -Value $Weight -MemberType NoteProperty
            $ServerIDs += $DTCServerObj
        $splat.servers = $ServerIDs
    if ($HealthChecks) {
        $HealthCheckIDs = @()
        foreach ($HealthCheck in $HealthChecks) {
            $DTCHealthCheck = Get-B1DTCHealthCheck -Name $HealthCheck -Strict
            if (!$DTCHealthCheck) {
                Write-Error "DTC Health Check Not Found: $($HealthCheck)"
                return $null
            $HealthCheckIDs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                "health_check_id" = $
        $splat.health_checks = $HealthCheckIDs
    if ($TTL) {
        $splat += @{
            "ttl" = $TTL
            "inheritance_sources" = @{
                "ttl" = @{
                    "action" = "override"

    $JSON = $splat | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create new DTC Pool:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Create new DTC Pool: $($Name)",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){
        $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method POST -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/dtc/pool" -Data $JSON
        if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) {
            $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result
        } else {