
function Get-B1ThreatActor {
        Queries Threat Actor information by Actor ID or IOC

        This function will query Threat Actor information by Actor ID or IOC, with the option to return all associated IOCs.

        A comma separated list of IDs for the threat actors to get details for. This accepts pipeline from "Get-B1ThreatIntel -ThreatActors"

    .PARAMETER Indicator
        A comma separated list of IPs, Hostnames or URLs to search related threat actor details for.

        The Page number for related indicators. These will be returned in batches of 10K for each page.

    .PARAMETER Summary
        Return the threat actor summary, including only those IOCs which have been identified within the customer environment.
            A full list of threat actors observed within your environment can be found using "Get-B1ThreatIntel -ThreatActors"

    .PARAMETER ReturnAllIndicators
        Return all related indicators. This will enable automatic pagination.

        Return results from threat enrichment API instead of tide-ng-threat-actor.

        ## Get Threat Actor by Indicator
        Get-B1ThreatActor -Indicator

        actor_id : 365173e1-b679-4267-bdee-fa6b5ba2ba7e
        actor_name : Decoy Dog
        actor_description : Decoy Dog is a DNS C2 malware toolkit discovered by Infoblox in April 2023. It is a variant of the open source remote
                                        access trojan (RAT) known as Pupy. There are several versions of the toolkit and is considerably advanced over Pupy.
                                        Infoblox was able to detect and describe the features of the toolkit based on DNS and domain registration data alone.
                                        Russian intel companies have subsequently reported that Decoy Dog was used by Ukrainian nation state actors against
                                        Russian critical infrastructure and government entities. It reportedly disrupted the Rosetelecom ISP for Russian users
                                        for over 24 hours and the actors deleted a substantial amount of proprietary data before exiting. Some of these domains
                                        are lookalikes. Because the IP resolution addresses for Decoy Dog are encrypted communication it is possible to have
                                        Decoy Dog domains falsely associated to other actors.
        infoblox_references : {, htt
        external_references : {,
        purpose : {malware}
        ttp : {dns_c2, dns_abuse, dns_tunneling, exfiltration…}
        display_name : Decoy Dog
        customer_first_dns_query : 5/11/2022 12:00:00 AM
        customer_last_dns_query : 7/22/2024 12:00:00 AM
        ikb_submitted : 4/15/2023 3:46:29 PM
        ikb_first_classified_malicious : 3/17/2023 7:07:17 PM
        related_count : 49
        page : 1
        related_indicators : {,,,…}

        ## Get Threat Actor by Actor ID
        Get-B1ThreatActor -actor_id '131388ee-71fd-48bd-93cb-922fafb105f1'

        actor_id : 131388ee-71fd-48bd-93cb-922fafb105f1
        actor_name : Prolific Puma
        actor_description : Underground link shortening service used for criminal activities, including phishing and malware distribution. The service
                                        has been active since at least January 2020 and includes more than 40k active domains. The service is hosted on anonymous
                                        hosting providers with dedicated IP address. The actor is known to use SMS as a distribution method. They successfully
                                        averted the transparency guardrails of the usTLD nexus requirements at NameSilo in October 2023. Their identity and location
                                        are unknown, although they appear to have some tie to Ukraine and have chosen hosting at times in Estonia. Prolific Puma
                                        occasionally abandons both domain names and IP addresses. Some of their dropped domain names have been registered by Chinese
                                        phishing actors in the past.
        infoblox_references : {}
        external_references : {,
        purpose : {phishing, malware, adware, scam}
        ttp : {rdga, url_shortener, redirect, sms…}
        display_name : Prolific Puma
        customer_first_dns_query : 7/1/2021 12:00:00 AM
        customer_last_dns_query : 7/22/2024 12:00:00 AM
        ikb_first_submitted : 6/17/2022 2:16:52 AM
        ikb_last_submitted : 7/8/2024 5:13:27 PM
        ikb_first_classified_malicious : 3/16/2023 10:13:27 PM
        related_count : 39114
        page : 1
        related_indicators : {,,,…}

        ## Pipeline usage from Get-B1ThreatIntel to find all related IOCs for Prolific Puma
        $Results = Get-B1ThreatIntel -ThreatActors | ? actor_name -eq 'Prolific Puma' | Get-B1ThreatActor -ReturnAllIndicators

        ## Return list of pages
        $Results | ft actor_name,page

        actor_name page
        ---------- ----
        Prolific Puma 1
        Prolific Puma 2
        Prolific Puma 3
        Prolific Puma 4

        ## Return Count of IOCs


        ## Return last 15 IOCs
        $Results.related_indicators | Select -Last 15

        ## Get List of related indicators for particular threat actor by id
        (Get-B1ThreatActor -actor_id '131388ee-71fd-48bd-93cb-922fafb105f1').related_indicators


        BloxOne Threat Defense

            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
        [Int]$Page = 1,

    process {
        if ($Summary) {
            $Uri = "/tide-ng-threat-actor/v1/actor_summary?_filter=id==`"$($ActorID)`" and page==$($Page)"
        } else {
            Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                "ByActorID" {
                    if ($CF) {
                        $Uri = "/tide/threat-enrichment/clusterfox/actor/search?actor_id=$($ActorID)&page=$($Page)"
                    } else {
                        $Uri = "/tide-ng-threat-actor/v1/actor?_filter=id==`"$($ActorID)`" and page==$($Page)"
                "ByIOC" {
                    if ($CF) {
                        $Uri = "/tide/threat-enrichment/clusterfox/search?indicator=$($Indicator)&page=$($Page)"
                    } else {
                        $Uri = "/tide-ng-threat-actor/v1/indicator?_filter=name==`"$($Indicator)`" and page==$($Page)"
        $Results = @()
        $Results += Invoke-CSP -Method GET -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)$($Uri)"
        if ($ReturnAllIndicators -and -not $Summary) {
            if ($Results.related_count -gt 10000) {
                $Pages = ([Math]::Ceiling($Results.related_count/10000))
                2..$($Pages) | ForEach-Object {
                    $PSB = $PSBoundParameters
                    $null = $PSB.Page = $_
                    $null = $PSB.Remove('ReturnAllIndicators')
                    $Results += Get-B1ThreatActor @PSB
        return $Results