function New-B1DTCServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new server object within BloxOne DTC .DESCRIPTION This function is used to create a new server object within BloxOne DTC .PARAMETER Name The name of the DTC server object to create .PARAMETER Description The description for the new DTC server .PARAMETER FQDN The FQDN of the server to associate the DTC object with. The -FQDN and -IP option are mutually exclusive. .PARAMETER IP The IP of the server to associate the DTC object with. The -IP and -FQDN option are mutually exclusive. .PARAMETER AutoCreateResponses If enabled, DTC response will contain an auto-created A (IPv4), AAAA (IPv6), CNAME(FQDN) record with endpoint defined using -IP or -FQDN. .PARAMETER SynthesizedCNAME The Synthesized CNAME record to add to the DTC Server. This cannot be used in conjunction with -AutoCreateResponses .PARAMETER SynthesizedA The Synthesized A record(s) to add to the DTC Server. .PARAMETER State Whether or not the new server is created as enabled or disabled. Defaults to enabled .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the DTC Server. .PARAMETER Force Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium. .EXAMPLE PS> New-B1DTCServer -Name 'Exchange Server A' -Description 'Exchange Server - Active Node' -FQDN '' -AutoCreateResponses id : dtc/server/fsfsef8f3-3532-643h-jhjr-sdgfrgrg51349 name : Exchange Server A comment : Exchange Server - Active Node tags : disabled : False address : records : {@{type=CNAME; rdata=;}} fqdn : endpoint_type : fqdn auto_create_response_records : False metadata : .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium' )] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Description, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FQDN",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$FQDN, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="IP",Mandatory=$true)] [IPAddress]$IP, [ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [String]$AutoCreateResponses, [IPAddress[]]$SynthesizedA, [String]$SynthesizedCNAME, [ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [String]$State = 'Enabled', [System.Object]$Tags, [Switch]$Force ) $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters $splat = @{ "name" = $Name "comment" = $Description "disabled" = $(if ($State -eq 'Enabled') { $false } else { $true }) "endpoint_type" = $(if ($FQDN) { "fqdn" } elseif ($IP) { "address" }) "auto_create_response_records" = $(if ($AutoCreateResponses -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) "records" = @() "tags" = $Tags } if ($FQDN) { $splat += @{ "fqdn" = $FQDN } } if ($IP) { $splat += @{ "address" = $IP.IPAddressToString } } $Records = @() if ($SynthesizedA -and $SynthesizedCNAME) { Write-Error 'You cannot specify both A and CNAME records for synthesized responses.' break } if ($SynthesizedA) { foreach ($SynthesizedARecord in $SynthesizedA) { $Records += @{ "type" = "A" "rdata" = @{ "address" = $SynthesizedARecord.IPAddressToString } } } } if ($SynthesizedCNAME) { if ($AutoCreateResponses) { Write-Error 'You cannot specify both -AutoCreateResponses and -SynthesizedCNAME parameters as they are mutually exclusive.' break } $Records += @{ "type" = "CNAME" "rdata" = @{ "cname" = $SynthesizedCNAME } } } $splat.records = $Records $JSON = $splat | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create new DTC Server:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Create new DTC Server: $($Name)",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method POST -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/dtc/server" -Data $JSON if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) { $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result } else { $Results } } } |