function Start-B1Export { <# .SYNOPSIS Initiates a BloxOneDDI Export/Backup .DESCRIPTION This function is used to initiate a BloxOneDDI Export/Backup .PARAMETER Name The name to give the export/backup .PARAMETER Description The description to give the export/backup .PARAMETER DNSConfig Use this switch to enable DNS Configuration to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER DNSData Use this switch to enable DNS Data to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER NTPData Use this switch to enable NTP Data to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER IPAMData Use this switch to enable IPAM Data to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER KeyData Use this switch to enable Key Data to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER ThreatDefense Use this switch to enable Threat Defense Configuration to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER Bootstrap Use this switch to enable BloxOne Host Bootstrap Configuration to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER B1Hosts Use this switch to enable BloxOne Host Configuration to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER Redirects Use this switch to enable Custom Redirects to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER Tags Use this switch to enable Tag Configuration to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER BackupAll Use this switch to enable all configuration & data types to be included in the export/backup .PARAMETER Force Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Low. .EXAMPLE PS> Start-B1Export -Name "Backup" -Description "Backup of all CSP data" -DNSConfig -DNSData -IPAMData -KeyData -ThreatDefense -Bootstrap -B1Hosts -Redirects -Tags .EXAMPLE PS> Start-B1Export -Name "Backup" -Description "Backup of all CSP data" -BackupAll .EXAMPLE PS> $ExportName = "B1-Export-$((Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yy hh-mm-ss'))" PS> Start-B1Export -Name $ExportName -BackupAll PS> while (($BulkOp = Get-B1BulkOperation -Name $ExportName -Strict).overall_status -ne "Completed") { Write-Host "Waiting for export to complete.." Wait-Event -Timeout 5 } PS> $BulkOp | Get-B1Export -filePath "/tmp/$($ExportName)" .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Backup #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Low' )] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Description, [Switch]$DNSConfig, [Switch]$DNSData, [Switch]$NTPData, [Switch]$IPAMData, [Switch]$KeyData, [Switch]$ThreatDefense, [Switch]$Bootstrap, [Alias('OnPremHosts')] [Switch]$B1Hosts, [Switch]$Redirects, [Switch]$Tags, [Switch]$BackupAll, [Switch]$Force ) $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters $splat = @{ "name" = $Name "description" = $Description "export_format" = "json" "error_handling_id" = "1" } $dataTypes = @() if ($DNSConfig -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'dnsconfig').DataType ## Authoritative Zones / Forward Zones / DNS Config Profiles / DNS Views } if ($DNSData -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'dnsdata').DataType ## DNS Records } if ($NTPData -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'ntpserviceconfigs').DataType ## NTP Configuration } if ($IPAMData -or $BackupAll) { ### Includes; ## IPAM Address Blocks ## Addresses ## Fixed Addresses ## Hardware Filters ## HA Groups ## IP Spaces ## DHCP Option Codes ## DHCP Option Filters ## DHCP Option Groups ## DHCP Option Spaces ## DHCP Ranges ## IPAM Subnets ## DHCP Hosts ## DHCP Config Profiles $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'ipamdhcp').DataType } if ($KeyData -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'tsigkeys').DataType ## TSIG Keys } if ($ThreatDefense -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'atcapi').DataType ## Threat Defense Types } if ($Bootstrap -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'bootstrap').DataType ## Bootstrap / Host Config } if ($B1Hosts -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'hosts').DataType ## B1 Host Config / Host Config } if ($Redirects -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'customredirects').DataType ## Custom Redirects } if ($Tags -or $BackupAll) { $dataTypes += (Build-BulkExportTypes -Types 'tagging').DataType ## Tagging } if ($dataTypes) { $splat | Add-Member -Name "data_types" -Value $dataTypes -MemberType NoteProperty } $splat = $splat | ConvertTo-Json if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Start BloxOne Data Export`n$(JSONPretty($splat))","Start BloxOne Data Export",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Export = Invoke-CSP -Method "POST" -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/bulk/v1/export" -Data $splat if ($Export.success.message -eq "Export pending") { Write-Host "Data Export initalised successfully." -ForegroundColor Green $Export } else { Write-Host "Data Export failed to initialise." -ForegroundColor Red } } } |