
function Set-ibPSConfiguration {
        Used to set ibPS specific configuration

        This function is used to set ibPS specific configuration, such as the BloxOne CSP API Key, Region/URL and enabling/disabling development or debug mode

        This is the BloxOneDDI API Key retrieves from the Cloud Services Portal

        Optionally configure the the CSP Region to use (i.e EU for the EMEA instance). The region defaults to US if not defined. You only need to use -CSPRegion OR -CSPUrl.

        Optionally configure the the CSP URL to use manually. The CSP URL defaults to if not defined. You only need to use -CSPUrl OR -CSPRegion.

    .PARAMETER DoHServer
        Optionally configure the DNS over HTTPS Server to use when calling Resolve-DoHQuery

    .PARAMETER Persist
        Setting the -Persist parameter will save the configuration permanently for your user on this device. Without using this switch, the settings will only be saved for the duration of the PowerShell session.

    .PARAMETER DevelopmentMode
        Enabling development mode will expose additional functions to allow development of new cmdlets. Enabling development mode will always apply as a persistent setting until it is disabled. This is because in some cases it may require a restart of the PowerShell session to fully enable.

    .PARAMETER DebugMode
        Enabling Debug Mode will return additional debug data when using the module. Enabling debug mode will always apply as a persistent setting until it is disabled. This is because in some cases it may require a restart of the PowerShell session to fully enable.

    .PARAMETER Telemetry
        Disabling Telemetry will prevent the module sending diagnostic information to Google Analytics. None of the diagnostic information sent contains any sensitive information, only the name of the executed function, any error associated error categories and source platform information (OS/Version).

    .PARAMETER Force
        Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Low.

        PS> Set-ibPSConfiguration -CSPAPIKey 'longapikeygoeshere' -Persist

        BloxOne API key has been stored permanently for user on MAC-DSD984HG

        PS> Set-ibPSConfiguration -CSPRegion EU

        BloxOne CSP URL ( has been stored for this session.
        You can make the CSP URL persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter.

        PS> Set-ibPSConfiguration -DebugMode Enabled -DevelopmentMode Enabled


  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Justification='Required to obtain API Key')]
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases', 'echo', Justification = 'echo required for Mac/Unix')]
    ConfirmImpact = 'Low'
  param (
  $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters
  if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update the ibPS Configuration:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json)","Update the ibPS Configuration",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){
    if ($CSPRegion -and $CSPUrl) {
      Write-Error "-CSPRegion and -CSPUrl are mutually exclusive and will overwrite one another. You must use only one of these parameters."
    } else {
      if ($CSPRegion -or $CSPUrl) {
        switch ($CSPRegion) {
          "US" {
              $CSPUrl = ""
          "EU" {
              $CSPUrl = ""
        if ($Persist) {
          $Platform = Detect-OS
          if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
            $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $CSPUrl
            Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($CSPUrl) has been stored permanently for $env:USERNAME on $env:COMPUTERNAME." -ForegroundColor Green
          } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
            $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $CSPUrl
            if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
              touch ~/.zshenv
            sed -i '' -e '/B1CSPUrl/d' ~/.zshenv
            echo "export B1CSPUrl=$CSPUrl" >> ~/.zshenv
            Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($CSPUrl) has been stored permanently for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green
        } else {
            $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $CSPUrl
            Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($CSPUrl) has been stored for this session." -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "You can make the CSP URL persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray

    if ($CSPAPIKey) {
      $B1APIKey = $CSPAPIKey | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString
      $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($B1APIKey)
      $Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
      if ($Persist) {
        $Platform = Detect-OS
        if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
          $ENV:B1APIKey = $Base64
          Write-Host "BloxOne API key has been stored permanently for $env:USERNAME on $env:COMPUTERNAME." -ForegroundColor Green
        } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
          $ENV:B1APIKey = $Base64
          if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
            touch ~/.zshenv
          sed -i '' -e '/B1APIKey/d' ~/.zshenv
          echo "export B1APIKey=$Base64" >> ~/.zshenv
          Write-Host "BloxOne API key has been stored permanently for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green
      } else {
          $ENV:B1APIKey = $Base64
          Write-Host "BloxOne API key has been stored for this session." -ForegroundColor Green
          Write-Host "You can make the API key persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray

    if ($DoHServer) {
      $Platform = Detect-OS
      if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
      } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
        if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
          touch ~/.zshenv
        sed -i '' -e '/IBPSDoH/d' ~/.zshenv
        echo "export IBPSDoH=$DoHServer" >> ~/.zshenv
      $ENV:IBPSDoH = $DoHServer
      Write-Host "Set DNS over HTTPS Server to: $($DoHServer)." -ForegroundColor Green

    if ($DevelopmentMode) {
    $Platform = Detect-OS
    $ENV:IBPSDevelopment = $DevelopmentMode
    if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
    } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
      if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
        touch ~/.zshenv
      sed -i '' -e '/IBPSDevelopment/d' ~/.zshenv
      echo "export IBPSDevelopment=$DevelopmentMode" >> ~/.zshenv
    if ($DevelopmentMode -eq 'Enabled') {
      Write-Host "Enabling Development Mode.." -ForegroundColor Cyan
      $ModulePath = (Get-Module ibPS -ListAvailable).Path
      $Keys = (Test-ModuleManifest $ModulePath).ExportedCommands.Keys
      $Keys += DevelopmentFunctions
      Update-ModuleManifest $ModulePath -FunctionsToExport $Keys
      Import-Module $ModulePath -Force -DisableNameChecking
      Write-Host "Enabled Development Mode. A restart of the Powershell session is required for this to take effect." -ForegroundColor Green
    } elseif ($DevelopmentMode -eq 'Disabled') {
      Write-Host "Disabling Development Mode.." -ForegroundColor Cyan
      $ModulePath = (Get-Module ibPS -ListAvailable).Path
      $Keys = (Test-ModuleManifest $ModulePath).ExportedCommands.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -notin $(DevelopmentFunctions)}
      Update-ModuleManifest $ModulePath -FunctionsToExport $Keys
      Import-Module $ModulePath -Force -DisableNameChecking
      Write-Host "Disabled Development Mode. A restart of the Powershell session may be required for this to take effect." -ForegroundColor Green

    if ($DebugMode) {
      $Platform = Detect-OS
      if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
      } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
        if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
          touch ~/.zshenv
        sed -i '' -e '/IBPSDebug/d' ~/.zshenv
        echo "export IBPSDebug=$DebugMode" >> ~/.zshenv
      $ENV:IBPSDebug = $DebugMode
      Write-Host "$($DebugMode) Debug Mode." -ForegroundColor Green

    if ($Telemetry) {
      $Platform = Detect-OS
      if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
      } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
        if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
          touch ~/.zshenv
        sed -i '' -e '/IBPSTelemetry/d' ~/.zshenv
        echo "export IBPSTelemetry=$Telemetry" >> ~/.zshenv
      $ENV:IBPSTelemetry = $Telemetry
      Write-Host "$($Telemetry) Telemetry." -ForegroundColor Green