function Invoke-CSP { <# .SYNOPSIS Queries the BloxOneDDI Cloud Services Portal .DESCRIPTION This is a core function used by all cmdlets when querying the CSP (Cloud Services Portal), required when interacting with the BloxOne APIs. .PARAMETER Method Specify the HTTP Method to use .PARAMETER Uri Specify the Uri, such as "ipam/record", you can also use the full URL and http parameters must be appended here. .PARAMETER Data Data/Body to be submitted on POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests .PARAMETER InFile File path of data to submit as part of POST request .PARAMETER AdditionalHeaders This parameter can be used to pass additional headers, or override the Content-Type header (defaults to application/json). .PARAMETER APIKey Optionally provide a specific API Key for this request. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CSP -Method GET -Uri "ipam/subnet?_filter=address==`"`"" .EXAMPLE Invoke-CSP -Method DELETE -Uri "dns/record/abc16def-a125-423a-3a42-dcv6f6c4dj8x" .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Core #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("GET","POST","PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE")] [String]$Method, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Uri, [Alias("Body")] $Data, [String]$InFile, [System.Object]$AdditionalHeaders, [String]$APIKey, [String]$ProfileName ) if ($APIKey) { $B1ApiKey = "Token $($APIKey)" } elseif ($ENV:B1APIKey) { ## Get Stored API Key (Legacy) $B1ApiKey = "Token $(Get-B1CSPAPIKey)" } elseif ($ProfileName) { ## Get API Key from Selected Connection Profile $ProfileKey = Get-B1CSPAPIKey -ProfileName $ProfileName $B1ApiKey = "Token $($ProfileKey)" } elseif ($ProfileKey = Get-B1CSPAPIKey -DefaultProfile) { ## Get API Key from Default Connection Profile $B1ApiKey = "Token $($ProfileKey)" } $B1CSPUrl = Get-B1CSPUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName if ($AdditionalHeaders) { $CSPHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "$B1ApiKey" } $CSPHeaders += $AdditionalHeaders if (!($CSPHeaders.'Content-Type')) { $CSPHeaders += @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } } } else { $CSPHeaders = @{ 'Authorization' = "$B1ApiKey" 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } } $ErrorOnEmpty = $true ## Allow full API or only endpoint to be specified. ## Default to DDI endpoint if ($Uri -notlike "$B1CSPUrl/*") { $Uri = "$B1CSPUrl/api/ddi/v1/"+$Uri } $Uri = $Uri -replace "\*","``*" $splat = @{ "Method" = $Method "Uri" = $Uri "Headers" = $CSPHeaders } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt "7.0.0") { $splat += @{ "SkipHttpErrorCheck" = $true "StatusCodeVariable" = 'StatusCode' } } #try { Write-DebugMsg -URI "$($Method): $Uri" -Body $Data switch ($Method) { 'GET' { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat } 'POST' { if ($Data -and $InFile) { Write-Error "Error. -Data and -InFile are mutually exclusive parameters." break } if ($InFile) { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat -InFile $InFile } else { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat -Body $Data } } 'PUT' { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat -Body $Data } 'PATCH' { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat -Body $Data } 'DELETE' { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @splat -Body $Data $ErrorOnEmpty = $false } default { Write-Error "Error. Invalid Method: $Method. Accepted request types are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH & DELETE" } } New-ibPSTelemetry -Method $Method if ($Result) { if ($Result.error -ne $null) { switch ($StatusCode) { 401 { Write-Error "Authorization required, please store/update your BloxOne API Key using Set-B1CSPAPIKey" } 429 { Write-Error "API Request Limit Reached. Use the -Limit and -Offset parameters or make your search more specific." } 501 { Write-Error "API Endpoint and/or Method are not supported. Please check syntax and try again." } default { Write-Error $($Result.error | ConvertTo-Json) } } } else { return $Result } } elseif ($ErrorOnEmpty) { Write-Host "Error. No results from API." } #} catch { # Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ # Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription # if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "7.0.0") { # $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result) # $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 # $reader.DiscardBufferedData() # $reader.ReadToEnd(); # } #} } |