function Set-B1Range { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates an existing DHCP Range in BloxOneDDI IPAM .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update an existing DHCP Range in BloxOneDDI IPAM .PARAMETER StartAddress The start address of the DHCP Range you want to update .PARAMETER EndAddress The end address of the DHCP Range you want to update .PARAMETER Space The IPAM space where the DHCP Range is located .PARAMETER Name The name of the range. If more than one range object within the selected space has the same name, this will error and you will need to use Pipe as shown in the second example. .PARAMETER NewName Use -NewName to update the name of the range .PARAMETER Description The description to update the DHCP Range to .PARAMETER HAGroup The name of the HA group to apply to this DHCP Range. This will overwrite the existing HA Group. Using the value 'None' will clear the HA Group. .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the DHCP Range. This will overwrite existing tags. .PARAMETER Object The Range Object to update. Accepts pipeline input .PARAMETER Force Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium. .EXAMPLE PS> Set-B1Range -StartAddress -EndAddress -Description "Some Description" -Tags @{"siteCode"="12345"} .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1Range -StartAddress -EndAddress | Set-B1Range -Description "Some Description" -Tags @{"siteCode"="12345"} .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY IPAM .FUNCTIONALITY DHCP #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium' )] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Range",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$StartAddress, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Range",Mandatory=$false)] [String]$EndAddress, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Range",Mandatory=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Name",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Space, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Name",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$NewName, [String]$Description, [String]$HAGroup, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="Object", Mandatory=$true )] [System.Object]$Object, [Switch]$Force ) begin { $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters if ($HAGroup) { $HAGroupID = (Get-B1HAGroup -Name $HAGroup -Strict).id if (!($HAGroupID)) { Write-Error "Unable to find HA Group: $($HAGroup)" return $null } } } process { if ($Object) { $SplitID = $'/') if (("$($SplitID[0])/$($SplitID[1])") -ne "ipam/range") { Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'ipam/range' objects as input" return $null } } else { $Object = Get-B1Range -StartAddress $StartAddress -EndAddress $EndAddress -Space $Space -Name $Name if (!($Object)) { Write-Error "Unable to find DHCP Range: $($StartAddress) - $($EndAddress)" return $null } if ($Object.count -gt 1) { Write-Error "Multiple Subnet were found, to update more than one Subnet you should pass those objects using pipe instead." return $null } } $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty utilization,utilization_v6,id,inheritance_assigned_hosts,inheritance_parent,parent,protocol,space,inheritance_sources if ($Description) { $NewObj.comment = $Description } if ($Tags) { $NewObj.tags = $Tags } if ($NewName) { $ = $NewName } if ($HAGroupID) { $NewObj.dhcp_host = $HAGroupID } $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update DHCP Range:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Update DHCP Range: $($Object.start) - $($Object.end) ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/$($" -Data $JSON if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) { $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result } else { $Results } } } } |