function Set-B1DTCHealthCheck { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a health check object within BloxOne DTC .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update a health check object within BloxOne DTC .PARAMETER Name The name of the DTC health check object to update .PARAMETER NewName Use -NewName to update the name of the DTC health check object .PARAMETER Description The new description for the health check object .PARAMETER Interval Update the frequency in seconds in which the health check is performed. .PARAMETER Timeout Update the number of seconds before the health check times out. .PARAMETER RetryUp Update how many retry attempts before reporting a Healthy status. .PARAMETER RetryDown Update how many retry attempts before reporting a Down status. .PARAMETER State Update the state of the health check to enabled or disabled. .PARAMETER Port The -Port parameter is used only when updating the port on TCP or HTTP Health Checks. .PARAMETER UseHTTPS The -UseHTTPS parameter is used when selecting Use HTTPS in a HTTP Health Check .PARAMETER HTTPRequest The -HTTPRequest parameter is the HTTP Request that a HTTP Health Check will make when checking status. This accepts multi-line strings if separated by `n .PARAMETER ResponseBody The -ResponseBody parameter is used to indicate if to check the body response content. This should be used in combination with -ResponseBodyRegex .PARAMETER ResponseBodyRegex The -ResponseBodyRegex parameter is used to specify the regex used when checking the body of the response .PARAMETER ResponseHeader The -ResponseHeader parameter is used to indicate if to check the header response content. This should be used in combination with -ResponseHeaderRegex .PARAMETER ResponseHeaderRegexes The -ResponseHeaderRegex parameter is used to provide a list of regular expressions when checking specific response headers. See examples for usage. .PARAMETER StatusCodes The -StatusCodes parameter is used to specify which status codes are accepted to report a healthy status when using HTTP Health Checks. Use a zero ( 0 ) to select Status Codes 'any' .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the DTC health check .PARAMETER Object The DTC Health Check Object(s) to update. Accepts pipeline input. .PARAMETER Force Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium. .EXAMPLE $HeaderRegexes = @( @{ 'header' = 'X-A-Header' 'regex' = '(/w/s/w+)' } @{ 'header' = 'X-Hello-Header' 'regex' = '(.*)' } ) Get-B1DTCHealthCheck -Name 'Exchange HTTPS Check' | Set-B1DTCHealthCheck -ResponseBody Found -ResponseBodyRegex '(.*)' ` -ResponseHeader NotFound -ResponseHeaderRegexes $HeaderRegexes id : dtc/health_check_http/0fsdfef-34fg-dfvr-9dxf-svev4vgv21d9 name : Exchange HTTPS Check comment : disabled : False interval : 15 timeout : 10 retry_up : 1 retry_down : 1 tags : port : 443 https : True request : GET /owa/auth/logon.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: codes : metadata : check_response_body : True check_response_body_regex : (.*) check_response_body_negative : False check_response_header : True check_response_header_regexes : {@{header=X-A-Header; regex=(/w/s/w+)}, @{header=X-Hello-Header; regex=(.*)}} check_response_header_negative : True .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default', SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium' )] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$NewName, [String]$Description, [Int]$Interval, [Int]$Timeout, [Int]$RetryUp, [Int]$RetryDown, [ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [String]$State, [Int]$Port, [ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [String]$UseHTTPS, [String]$HTTPRequest, [ValidateSet('Found','NotFound','None')] [String]$ResponseBody, [String]$ResponseBodyRegex, [ValidateSet('Found','NotFound','None')] [String]$ResponseHeader, [System.Object]$ResponseHeaderRegexes, [AllowNull()] [Nullable[System.Int32][]]$StatusCodes, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="With ID", Mandatory=$true )] [System.Object]$Object, [Switch]$Force ) process { $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters if ($Object) { $SplitID = $'/') $PermittedInputs = @('dtc/health_check_icmp','dtc/health_check_tcp','dtc/health_check_http') if (("$($SplitID[0])/$($SplitID[1])") -notin $PermittedInputs) { Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'dtc/health_check_icmp', 'dtc/health_check_tcp' & 'dtc/health_check_http' objects as input" return $null } elseif ($($SplitID[1]) -eq 'health_check_http') { ## Grab additional fields from HTTP Health Check $Object = Get-B1DTCHealthCheck -id $ } } else { $Object = Get-B1DTCHealthCheck -Name $Name -Strict if (!($Object)) { Write-Error "Unable to find DTC Health Check: $($Name)" return $null } } $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id,type,metadata $ObjectType = ($'/')[1]).Split('_')[2] if ($NewName) { $ = $NewName } if ($Description) { $NewObj.comment = $Description } if ($Interval) { $NewObj.interval = $Interval } if ($Timeout) { $NewObj.timeout = $Timeout } if ($RetryUp) { $NewObj.retry_up = $RetryUp } if ($RetryDown) { $NewObj.retry_down = $RetryDown } if ($State) { $NewObj.disabled = $(if ($State -eq 'Enabled') { $false } else { $true }) } if ($Tags) { $NewObj.tags = $Tags } if ($Port) { if ($ObjectType -in @('tcp','http')) { $NewObj.port = $Port } else { Write-Error "The -Port parameter is only supported with TCP and HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } if ($UseHTTPS) { if ($ObjectType -eq 'http') { $NewObj.https = $(if ($UseHTTPS -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) } else { Write-Error "The -UseHTTPS parameter is only supported with HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } if ($HTTPRequest) { if ($ObjectType -eq 'http') { $NewObj.request = $HTTPRequest } else { Write-Error "The -HTTPRequest parameter is only supported with HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } if ($ResponseBody) { if ($ObjectType -eq 'http') { Switch ($ResponseBody) { "Found" { $NewObj.check_response_body = $true $NewObj.check_response_body_negative = $false } "NotFound" { $NewObj.check_response_body = $true $NewObj.check_response_body_negative = $true } "None" { $NewObj.check_response_body = $false $NewObj.check_response_body_negative = $false $NewObj.check_response_body_regex = $null } default { $null } } } else { Write-Error "The -ResponseBody parameter is only supported with HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } if ($ResponseHeader) { if ($ObjectType -eq 'http') { Switch ($ResponseHeader) { "Found" { $NewObj.check_response_header = $true $NewObj.check_response_header_negative = $false } "NotFound" { $NewObj.check_response_header = $true $NewObj.check_response_header_negative = $true } "None" { $NewObj.check_response_header = $false $NewObj.check_response_header_negative = $false $NewObj.check_response_header_regexes = @{} } default { $null } } } else { Write-Error "The -ResponseBody parameter is only supported with HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } if ($ResponseBodyRegex -and (!$($NewObj.check_response_body))) { Write-Error 'Error. -ResponseBodyRegex requires -ResponseBody to be set to Found or Not Found' return $null } if ($ResponseHeaderRegexes -and (!$($NewObj.check_response_header))) { Write-Error 'Error. -ResponseHeaderRegexes requires -ResponseHeader to be set to Found or Not Found' return $null } if ($ResponseBodyRegex) { $NewObj.check_response_body_regex = $ResponseBodyRegex } if ($ResponseHeaderRegexes) { $NewObj.check_response_header_regexes = $ResponseHeaderRegexes } if (0 -in $StatusCodes) { $ = $null } if ($StatusCodes) { if ($ObjectType -eq 'http') { $ = $($StatusCodes -join ',') } else { Write-Error "The -StatusCodes parameter is only supported with HTTP Health Checks." return $null } } $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update DTC Health Check:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Update DTC Health Check: $($ ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){ $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/$($" -Data $JSON if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) { $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result } else { $Results } } } } |