function Set-B1SecurityPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates an existing Security Policy in BloxOne Threat Defense .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update an existing Security Policy in BloxOne Threat Defense. .PARAMETER Name The name of the new Security Policy. .PARAMETER NewName The new name to set the Security Policy to. .PARAMETER Description The new description for the Security Policy .PARAMETER Precedence The new precedence for the new Security Policy. .PARAMETER GeoLocation Enable or Disable the Geolocation option. .PARAMETER SafeSearch Enable or Disable the Safe Search option. .PARAMETER DoHPerPolicy Enable or Disable the DoH Per Policy option. .PARAMETER BlockDNSRebinding Enable or Disable the Block DNS Rebinding Attacks option. .PARAMETER LocalOnPremResolution Enable or Disable the Local On-Prem Resolution option. .PARAMETER DFPs A list of DNS Forwarding Proxy names to apply to the network scope. You can get a list of DFPs using Get-B1Service -Type DFP. .PARAMETER ExternalNetworks A list of External Network names to apply to the network scope. You can get a list of External Networks using Get-B1NetworkList. .PARAMETER IPAMNetworks A list of Address Blocks / Subnets / Ranges to apply to the network scope. You can build this list of networks using New-B1SecurityPolicyIPAMNetwork, see the examples. .PARAMETER Rules A list of Policy Rules to apply to the new Security Policy. You can build this list of rules using New-B1SecurityPolicyRule, see the examples. .PARAMETER Tags A list of tags to apply to the Security Policy .PARAMETER Object The Security Policy Object(s) to update. Accepts pipeline input. .EXAMPLE ## Example of copying rules from one Security Policy to another. $PolicyRules = (Get-B1SecurityPolicy -Name 'Main Policy').rules Get-B1SecurityPolicy -Name 'Child Policy' | Set-B1SecurityPolicy -Rules $PolicyRules .EXAMPLE Get-B1SecurityPolicy -Name 'My Policy' | Set-B1SecurityPolicy -Precedence 5 -LocalOnPremResolution Enabled access_codes : {} block_dns_rebind_attack : True created_time : 6/3/2024 10:24:47 AM default_action : action_allow default_redirect_name : description : My Policy dfp_services : {cv4g9f4jg98jg854jt5g,v4m38jg983egjh9cff} dfps : {123456,654321} doh_enabled : True doh_fqdn : ecs : True id : 123456 is_default : False name : My Policy net_address_dfps : {@{addr_net=; dfp_ids=System.Object[]; dfp_service_ids=System.Object[]; end=; external_scope_id=vsdvreg-bdrv-regb-g455-g5h5dhy54g5h; host_id=; ip_space_id=cdafsffc-fgfg-1fff-gh6v-j7iiku8idssdswzx; scope_type=SUBNET; start=}, @{addr_net=; dfp_ids=System.Object[]; dfp_service_ids=System.Object[]; end=; external_scope_id=gr8g5455-g45t-rg5r-g4g4-g4g4tdrehg; host_id=; ip_space_id=cdafsffc-fgfg-1fff-gh6v-j7iiku8idssdswzx; scope_type=SUBNET; start=}} network_lists : {789456} onprem_resolve : True precedence : 5 roaming_device_groups : {} rules : {@{action=action_allow; data=All-Categories; type=category_filter}, @{action=action_block; data=Threat Insight - Zero Day DNS; description=Auto-generated; type=custom_list}, @{action=action_block; data=antimalware; description=Suspicious/malicious as destinations: Enables protection against known malicious hostname threats that can take action on or control of your systems, such as Malware Command & Control, Malware Download, and active Phishing sites.; type=named_feed}} safe_search : False scope_expr : scope_tags : {} tags : updated_time : 6/3/2024 10:24:47 AM user_groups : {} .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Threat Defense #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$NewName, [String]$Description, [Int]$Precedence, [ValidateSet('Enabled','Disabled')] [String]$GeoLocation, [ValidateSet('Enabled','Disabled')] [String]$SafeSearch, [ValidateSet('Enabled','Disabled')] [String]$DoHPerPolicy, [ValidateSet('Enabled','Disabled')] [String]$BlockDNSRebinding, [ValidateSet('Enabled','Disabled')] [String]$LocalOnPremResolution, [String[]]$DFPs, [String[]]$ExternalNetworks, [System.Object]$IPAMNetworks, [System.Object]$Rules, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="Pipeline", Mandatory=$true )] [System.Object]$Object ) process { if ($Object) { if ('onprem_resolve' -notin $Object.PSObject.Properties.Name) { Write-Error "Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports Security Policy objects as input. (Get-B1SecurityPolicy)" return $null } } else { $Object = Get-B1SecurityPolicy -Name $Name -Strict if (!($Object)) { Write-Error "Unable to find Security Policy with name: $($Name)" } } $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id,created_time,updated_time if ($NewName) { $ = $Name } if ($Description) { $NewObj.description = $Description } if ($Precedence) { $NewObj.precedence = $Precedence } if ($GeoLocation) { $NewObj.ecs = $(if ($GeoLocation -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) } if ($SafeSearch) { $NewObj.safe_search = $(if ($SafeSearch -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) } if ($BlockDNSRebinding) { $NewObj.block_dns_rebind_attack = $(if ($BlockDNSRebinding -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) } if ($LocalOnPremResolution) { $NewObj.onprem_resolve = $(if ($LocalOnPremResolution -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) } if ($Tags) { $NewObj.tags = $Tags } if ($DoHPerPolicy) { $NewObj.doh_enabled = $(if ($DoHPerPolicy -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false }) if ($NewObj.doh_enabled) { if ($NewObj.doh_fqdn -eq '') { $NewObj.doh_fqdn = (New-B1DoHFQDN).doh_fqdn } } } if ($DFPs) { $DFPs | %{ $DFPService = Get-B1Service -Type dfp -Name $_ -Detailed -Strict if ($DFPService) { $NewObj.dfp_services += $ } else { Write-Error "Unable to find DNS Forwarding Proxy: $($_)" return $null } } } if ($ExternalNetworks) { $ExternalNetworks | %{ $ExternalNetwork = Get-B1NetworkList -Name $_ -Strict if ($ExternalNetwork) { $NewObj.network_lists += $ } else { Write-Error "Unable to find External Network: $($_)" return $null } } } if ($IPAMNetworks) { $NewObj.net_address_dfps = @($IPAMNetworks) } if ($Rules) { $NewObj.rules = $Rules } $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 $Result = Invoke-CSP -Method PUT -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/atcfw/v1/security_policies/$($" -Data $JSON | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue if ($ -eq $ { return $Result } else { Write-Host "Failed to update Security Policy: $Name." -ForegroundColor Red break } } } |