
function Get-B1DossierLookup {
        Retrieves details about a BloxOne Threat Defense Dossier Lookup

        This function is used to retrieve details about a BloxOne Threat Defense Dossier Lookup

    .PARAMETER job_id
        The job ID given when starting the lookup using Start-B1DossierLookup. Accepts pipeline input from Start-B1DossierLookup cmdlet

    .PARAMETER Status
        Using this switch will return whether the job has completed or is still pending

    .PARAMETER Results
        Using this switch will return the results for the lookup job

    .PARAMETER TaskResults
        Using this switch will return the results for the tasks associated with the lookup job

    .PARAMETER task_id
        Used to filter the results by individual task ID

        PS> Get-B1DossierLookup -job_id 01234567-c123-4567-8912a-123456abcdef -Results

        PS> Get-B1DossierLookup -job_id 01234567-c123-4567-8912a-123456abcdef -Status

        PS> Get-B1DossierLookup -job_id 01234567-c123-4567-8912a-123456abcdef -task_id b1234567-0012-456a-98da-4a3323dds3

        PS> $Lookup = Start-B1DossierLookup -Type ip
        PS> ($Lookup | Get-B1DossierLookup -Results).results

        task_id : 86655f48-944b-4871-9483-de1f0f0f820f
        params : @{type=ip; target=; source=whois}
        status : success
        time : 47
        v : 3.0.0
        data : @{response=}

        task_id : fa7b0d3e-68a5-4d15-a2e1-42e791fc76d1
        params : @{type=ip; target=; source=atp}
        status : success
        time : 230
        v : 3.0.0
        data : @{record_count=2771; threat=System.Object[]}

        Threat Defense

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')]
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,

    begin {
        $WebResponse = @()
    process {
        if ($job_id) {
            $AppendToURI = ""
            if ($Status) {
                $AppendToURI += "/pending"
            if ($task_id) {
                $AppendToURI += "/tasks/$task_id"
            if ($Results) {
                $AppendToURI += "/results"
            $WebResponse = Invoke-CSP -Method GET -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/tide/api/services/intel/lookup/jobs/$job_id$AppendToURI" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($WebResponse.GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                try {
                    Write-Debug 'Invoke response failed to convert JSON. Attempting alternative conversion..'
                    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
                        $WebResponse = ConvertFrom-ComplexJSON $WebResponse
                    } else {
                        $WebResponse = $WebResponse | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable | ConvertFrom-HashTable
                } catch {
                    Write-Error "Failed to convert JSON response."
                    Write-Error $_
                    return $null
            if ($TaskResults) {
                $Tasks = @()
                $WebResponse.tasks.PSObject.Properties.Name | %{
                    $Tasks += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'task_id' = $_
                $ReturnData = $Tasks | Get-B1DossierLookup -job_id $WebResponse.job_id -Results
            } else {
                $ReturnData = $WebResponse
        if ($ReturnData) {