function New-B1DTCTopologyRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new DTC Toplogy rule .DESCRIPTION This function is used to creates a new DTC Toplogy rule to be used with DTC Policies .PARAMETER Name The name of the DTC Topology Rule to create .PARAMETER Type The Topology Rule Type (Default / Subnet) If Default is selected, the -Name parameter will be set to 'Default' .PARAMETER Destination The type of response to send based on the rule criteria (Pool / NOERROR / NXDOMAIN) .PARAMETER Subnets The list of subnets in CIDR format to use when selecting -Type Subnet. .PARAMETER Pool The Pool name when selecting -Destination Pool .EXAMPLE PS> New-B1DTCTopologyRule -Name 'Subnet Rule' -Type 'Subnet' -Destination NXDOMAIN -Subnets '','' code : nxdomain destination : code name : Subnet Rule source : subnet subnets : {,} .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Default','Subnet')] [String]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Pool','NOERROR','NXDOMAIN')] [String]$Destination, [String]$Pool, [System.Object]$Subnets ) $MethodArr = @{ 'RoundRobin' = 'round_robin' 'Ratio' = 'ratio' 'GlobalAvailability' = 'global_availability' 'Topology' = 'topology' } $TypeArr = @{ "NOERROR" = "nodata" "NXDOMAIN" = "nxdomain" } $rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ "code" = $(if ($Destination -ne 'Pool') { $TypeArr[$Destination] } else { $null }) "destination" = $(if ($Destination -eq 'Pool') { "pool" } else { "code" }) "name" = $(if ($Type -eq "Default") { "Default" } else { $($Name) }) "source" = $($Type.ToLower()) } if ($Type -eq "Subnet" -and $Subnets) { $rule | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'subnets' -Value @($Subnets) } if ($Destination -eq 'Pool' -and $Pool) { $DTCPool = (Get-B1DTCPool -Name $Pool -Strict).id if (!($DTCPool)) { Write-Error "DTC Pool not found: $($Pool)" return $null } else { $rule | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'pool_id' -Value $DTCPool } } return $rule } |