function Start-B1DossierLookup { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs a single lookup against the BloxOne Threat Defense Dossier .DESCRIPTION This function is used to perform a single lookup against the BloxOne Threat Defense Dossier .PARAMETER Type The indicator type to search on .PARAMETER Value The indicator value to search on .PARAMETER Source The sources to query. Multiple sources can be specified, if no source is specified, the call will search on all available sources. A list of supported sources can be obtained by using the Get-B1DossierSupportedSources cmdlet .PARAMETER Wait If this switch is set, the API call will wait for job completion before returning .EXAMPLE PS> Start-B1DossierLookup -Type ip -Value .EXAMPLE PS> Start-B1DossierLookup -Type host -Value status job_id job ------ ------ --- pending 123456788-123d-4565-6452-05fgdgv54t4fvswe @{id=123456788-123d-4565-6452-05fgdgv54t4fvswe; state=created; status=pending; create_ts=1709744367885; create_time=2024-03-06T16:59:27.88511568Z; start_ts=1709744367885; start_time=2024-03-06T16:59:27.88511568Z; request_ttl=0; result_ttl=3600; p… .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Threat Defense #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("host", "ip", "url", "hash", "email")] [String]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Value, [String[]]$Source, [Switch]$Wait ) $Filters = @() $Filters += "value=$Value" if ($Source) { $Filters += "source=$Source" } if ($Wait) { $Filters += "wait=true" } $CombinedFilters = ConvertTo-QueryString $Filters if ($CombinedFilters) { $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method GET -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/tide/api/services/intel/lookup/indicator/$Type$CombinedFilters" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } if ($Results) { return $Results } } |