function Set-B1DTCLBDN { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a LBDN object within BloxOne DTC .DESCRIPTION This function is used to updates a LBDN object within BloxOne DTC .PARAMETER Name The name of the DTC LBDN object to update .PARAMETER NewName Use -NewName to update the name of the DTC LBDN object .PARAMETER Description The new description for the DTC LBDN object .PARAMETER DNSView The new DNS View to assign to the DTC LBDN object .PARAMETER Policy The new Load Balancing Policy to assign to the DTC LBDN object .PARAMETER Precedence The new LBDN Precedence value .PARAMETER TTL The TTL to use for the DTC LBDN. This will override inheritance. .PARAMETER State Whether or not the new LBDN is enabled or disabled. .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the DTC LBDN .PARAMETER Object The DTC LBDN Object(s) to update. Accepts pipeline input. .EXAMPLE PS> Set-B1DTCLBDN -Name '' -Description 'Exchange Servers LBDN' -DNSView 'Corporate' -Policy Exchange-Policy -Precedence 10 -TTL 10 id : dtc/lbdn/17fgt5ge-g5v5-5yhh-cvbg-dfcwef9f4h8 name : view : dns/view/cs8f4833-4c44-4c4v-fgvd-jfggdfsta90 dtc_policy : @{policy_id=dtc/policy/vduvr743-vcfr-jh9g-vcr3-fdbsv7bcd7; name=Exchange-Policy} precedence : 10 comment : Exchange Servers LBDN disabled : False ttl : 10 tags : inheritance_sources : .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1DTCLBDN -Name '' | Set-B1DTCLBDN -Description 'NEW LBDN' -DNSView 'Corporate' -Policy Exchange-Policy -Precedence 100 -TTL 60 -State Disabled id : dtc/lbdn/17fgt5ge-g5v5-5yhh-cvbg-dfcwef9f4h8 name : view : dns/view/cs8f4833-4c44-4c4v-fgvd-jfggdfsta90 dtc_policy : @{policy_id=dtc/policy/vduvr743-vcfr-jh9g-vcr3-fdbsv7bcd7; name=Exchange-Policy} precedence : 100 comment : NEW LBDN disabled : True ttl : 60 tags : inheritance_sources : .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default",Mandatory=$true)] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [String]$NewName, [String]$Description, [String]$DNSView, [String]$Policy, [Int]$Precedence, [Int]$TTL, [ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [String]$State, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="With ID", Mandatory=$true )] [System.Object]$Object ) process { if ($Object) { $SplitID = $'/') if (("$($SplitID[0])/$($SplitID[1])") -ne "dtc/lbdn") { Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'dtc/lbdn' objects as input" return $null } } else { $Object = Get-B1DTCLBDN -Name $Name -Strict if (!($Object)) { Write-Error "Unable to find DTC LBDN: $($Name)" return $null } } $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id,metadata if ($NewName) { $ = $NewName } if ($Description) { $NewObj.comment = $Description } if ($Precedence) { $NewObj.precedence = $Precedence } if ($DNSView) { $ViewID = (Get-B1DNSView -Name $DNSView -Strict).id if (!($ViewID)) { Write-Error "DNS View not found: $($DNSView)" return $null } $NewObj.view = $ViewID } else { $NewObj = $NewObj | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty view } if ($Policy) { $DTCPolicy = Get-B1DTCPolicy -Name $Policy -Strict if (!($DTCPolicy)) { Write-Error "DTC Policy not found: $($Policy)" return $null } $NewObj.dtc_policy = @{ "policy_id" = $ } } else { $NewObj = $NewObj | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty dtc_policy } if ($TTL) { $NewObj.ttl = $TTL $NewObj.inheritance_sources = @{ "ttl" = @{ "action" = "override" } } } if ($State) { $NewObj.disabled = $(if ($State -eq 'Enabled') { $false } else { $true }) } if ($Tags) { $NewObj.tags = $Tags } $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/$($" -Data $JSON if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) { $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result } else { $Results } } } |