function Set-NIOSConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Stores NIOS Server Address & API Version to the local user/machine .DESCRIPTION This function will store NIOS Server Address & API Version for the current user on the local machine. If previous configuration exists, it will be overwritten. .PARAMETER Server The FQDN of the Grid Master .PARAMETER APIVersion The WAPI API Version. Defaults to v2.12 .PARAMETER Persist Using the -Persist switch will save the NIOS Credentials across powershell sessions. Without using this switch, they will only be stored for the current powershell session. .EXAMPLE Set-NIOSConfiguration -Server gm.mydomain.corp -APIVersion 2.13 -Persist .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Authentication #> param( [String]$Server, [String]$APIVersion, [switch]$Persist ) $NIOSConfig = "$Server`:$APIVersion" $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($NIOSConfig) $Base64 =[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes) if ($Persist) { $Platform = Detect-OS if ($Platform -eq "Windows") { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('NIOSConfig',$Base64,[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) $ENV:NIOSConfig = $Base64 Write-Host "Configuration has been stored permenantly for $env:USERNAME on $env:COMPUTERNAME." -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('NIOSConfig',$Base64,[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) $ENV:NIOSConfig = $Base64 if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) { touch ~/.zshenv } sed -i '' -e '/NIOSConfig/d' ~/.zshenv echo "export NIOSConfig=$Base64" >> ~/.zshenv Write-Host "NIOS configuration has been stored permenantly for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green } } else { $ENV:NIOSConfig = $Base64 Write-Host "NIOS configuration has been stored for this session." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "You can make this configuration persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray } } |