function Get-NIOSDelegatedZone { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to retrieve a list of Delegated Zones from NIOS .DESCRIPTION This function is used to retrieve a list of Delegated Zones from NIOS .PARAMETER Server The NIOS Grid Master FQDN .PARAMETER FQDN The FQDN of the subzone to filter by .PARAMETER View The DNS View within NIOS where the subzone is located .PARAMETER Limit Use this parameter to limit the quantity of results returned. The default number of results is 1000. .PARAMETER Creds Used when specifying NIOS credentials explicitly, if they have not been pre-defined using Set-NIOSCredentials .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck If this parameter is set, SSL Certificates Checks will be ignored .EXAMPLE Get-NIOSDelegatedZone -Server gridmaster.domain.corp -View External -FQDN .FUNCTIONALITY NIOS .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> param( [String]$Server, [String]$FQDN, [String]$View, [Int]$Limit = 1000, [PSCredential]$Creds, [Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck ) $Filters = @() if ($FQDN) { $Filters += "fqdn=$FQDN" } if ($View) { $Filters += "view=$View" } $Filters += "_return_as_object=1" $Filters += "_max_results=$Limit" if ($Filters) { $Filter = ConvertTo-QueryString($Filters) } if ($Filter) { Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Server $Server -Uri "zone_delegated$Filter" -Creds $Creds -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Server $Server -Uri "zone_delegated$Filter" -Creds $Creds -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |