function Get-B1TideThreatClass { <# .SYNOPSIS Queries a list of threat classes .DESCRIPTION This function will query a list of threat classes .PARAMETER id Filter the results by class ID .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1TideThreatClass link id name updated ---- -- ---- ------- {@{href=/data/threat_classes/APT; rel=self}} APT APT 3/2/2016 6:57:24PM {@{href=/data/threat_classes/Bot; rel=self}} Bot Bot 3/2/2016 6:57:24PM {@{href=/data/threat_classes/CompromisedDomain; rel=self}} CompromisedDomain Compromised Domain {@{href=/data/threat_classes/CompromisedHost; rel=self}} CompromisedHost Compromised Host ... .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOne Threat Defense #> param( [string]$id ) if ($id) { $Results = Invoke-CSP -Uri "$(Get-B1CspUrl)/tide/api/data/threat_classes/$($id)?detail=true" -Method GET -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } else { $Results = Invoke-CSP -Uri "$(Get-B1CspUrl)/tide/api/data/threat_classes?detail=true" -Method GET | Select-Object -ExpandProperty threat_class -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } if ($Results) { return $Results } } |