function Set-B1SOCInsight { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the status of an Insight from SOC Insights .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update the status of an Insight from SOC Insights .PARAMETER Status Which status the Insight should be updated to (Active/Closed) .PARAMETER Comment Optionally add a comment to be added to the Insight .PARAMETER insightId The insightId of the Insight to update. Accepts pipeline input (See examples) .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1SOCInsight -ThreatType 'Lookalike Threat' -Priority LOW | Set-B1SOCInsight -Status Closed .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOne Threat Defense .FUNCTIONALITY SOC Insights #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Active','Closed')] [String]$Status, [String]$Comment, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory=$true )] [String[]]$insightId ) process { $Body = @{ "insight_ids" = @() } foreach ($ID in $insightId) { $Body.insight_ids += $ID } if ($Status) { $Body.status = $Status } if ($Comment) { $Body.comment = $Comment } $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 $Results = Query-CSP -Uri "$(Get-B1CspUrl)/api/v1/insights/status" -Method PUT -Data $JSONBody if ($Results) { return $Results } } } |