
function Get-B1TideThreatCounts {
        Queries the threats count from TIDE API

        This function will query the threat counts TIDE API which returns threat counts organized by type over time.

    .PARAMETER Historical
        Specify this switch to retrieve historical threat counts

        PS> Get-B1TideThreatCounts

        Get-B1TideThreatCounts | Select-Object -ExpandProperty class_counts | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ip | Select-Object -ExpandProperty iid

        APT : 1010
        Cryptocurrency : 6
        InternetInfrastructure : 209
        MalwareC2 : 61
        MalwareDownload : 5
        Phishing : 5
        Proxy : 4113
        Suspicious : 192
        UnwantedContent : 8

        BloxOne Threat Defense


    if ($Historical) {
      $Results = Query-CSP -Uri "$(Get-B1CspUrl)/tide/api/data/threat/counts/historical" -Method GET
      if ($Results) {
        $NewResults = @()
        foreach ($r in $ {
          $ObjName = $r[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
          $NewResult = $r | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $ObjName
          $NewResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Date" -Value $ObjName
          $NewResults += $NewResult
        return $NewResults
    } else {
        $Results = Query-CSP -Uri "$(Get-B1CspUrl)/tide/api/data/threat/counts" -Method GET | Select-Object -ExpandProperty counts
        if ($Results) {
            return $Results